New Command: "stop"

Started by Tiernan, August 26, 2006, 05:23:17 PM

I've implemented a new command: "stop".  This command purges all the queued up commands that have yet to be executed.  

Examples of when it can be handy:

* You queued up a few commands while in a delay and decided that you don't want to execute them after all.  (I can see this for when someone's experiencing an adrenaline rush and entered "flee" about 50 times).

* If someone were to be powerwalking, then they could "stop" en route if something caught their eye.  (Not that any of our fine roleplayers would powerwalk).

* Your little brother took control of your computer and PC while you're off on a bio break and after you came back you're not sure if there's a lingering "kill templar" in the buffer waiting to execute.  (It's happened before).