WATCH skill/command

Started by , February 20, 2003, 02:09:46 PM

I was role-playing guarding a street the other day, from an expectant trouble coming down the road, and it came to me that I was consistantly 'look s'ing waiting for them to come. So I came up with a skill or command called watch.

It allows you to watch an exit, and tells you of movement on it.

watch s
Far to the South, a tall muscular man has arrived from the east.
Far to the South, a tall muscular man has leaves north.
Nearby to the South, a tall muscular man as arrived from the south.
Nearby to the South, a tall muscular man leaves north.
A tall muscular man has arrived!

It would just show movement, maybe emotes... like 'far to the sout, the tall muscular man flails wildly!'

It would be neat for guard jobs where you actively watching a directly. Or just idly watching the road, and see someone catch your eye.

The watch chain would be broke if you tried to look in another direction, or something like that. I dont really see anything wrong with the idea... so yeah. enjoy.

quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

yeah thats funny, I see his like right above mine... guess I was too slow in my ideaing!