Borsail Noble and Common Openings

Started by Naiona, July 20, 2006, 10:52:47 AM

Once again, the wealthiest and most powerful noble house in the world is accepting applications for PC nobles and one high ranked servant.

Borsail nobility grow up spoiled and accustomed to being served in every fashion possible.  They maintain certain basic attitudes toward the world at large, but can have a wide range of personalities.  However, they are always aware that participating in physical labor is far beneath them.

The servant may be a Borsail-bred slave (and still be high ranked) or a free person or bastard.  Slaves and bastards will generally receive more trust and indepedence then a free servant within the house.  If you would like to app a slave for this position, please do so knowing that the slave model is a romanesque type one and the idea of escape would probably be laughable to you, considering how good you have it in your current life.

These roles require that you be available frequently and make yourself accessible.   You should also not have any recent bad account notes and should be aware that the Borsail family is a turbulent one and often you may find yourself manipulated, abused and misguided if you are not careful.

Please send your character concepts to
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

We've received a bunch of very nice applications for these roles, so I'll be cutting off accepting any more as of Tuesday, July 25th.

For those of you who applied, give us a few days to read through all these backgrounds and ask some questions.  There's a lot of interesting stuff here.  Thanks to everyone!
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Everyone who applied for these roles should have a reply from us now.  If you do not, please email and let us know.

This was the best round of noble applications I've seen in my time on staff and the decisions were excrutiating.  Thanks to everyone who applied!
brainz: it's what's for dinner.