Creating Desert Elves

Started by Lavalamps, July 14, 2006, 05:33:55 PM

How does one go about creating a desert elf, and then joining a tribe?
I have the option to play a desert elf...
So in my char's background do I just say (s)he's in such and such tribe (for instance, let's say ATV). And then, once I finish chargen, do I get to pick ATV from the Hall of Kings and then get whisked away to the tribe?

Yep... as long as it's a tribe that is open to play without needing specific imm approval, just write your background accordingly, and pick the tribe from the Hall of Kings. I think the available are Soh Lanah Kah, ATV-whatever, Sild Wind and Dune Runners. Don't quote me on that, it's just an AFAIK. Then you'll begin in the tribal camp, and you can go on your merry way.

If you want to create your own tribe, you have to write very detailed information about it. I don't know if the imms need to approve it, but since it obviously won't have a coded camp, you just pick the Desert Elf Outpost as a starting point.
b]YB <3[/b]

Okay thanks.
Another question, though...
Which of those tribes have active PCs in them?

I think all but SLK have none, one, or maybe two in them. SLK has like 6-8 now, many of them new but promising 'kore-huggers.. I can recommend it, it's a great tribe (can't compare to the other ones, but it's been great so far :P) and you're guaranteed to have people to play around. It's a good starting point for a first-time d-elf, which I'm assuming that you are.

For the future, threads like these should probably go to Ask the Players. :)
b]YB <3[/b]

You know, the above post in 'Staff Announcements' is a good read for anyone wanting to play a desert elf.

Note that in that post it is stated that you have to pick one of the coded tribes listed, of which there are 7.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

The ATV and SLK have coded camps you can point to in the hall of kinds to be immediately tribes.  At least one other tribe, the Sun Runners, has a coded camp as well but I don't think you can point to it yet.  To get the full scoop go here:

Also remember to email the desert elf clan Imms for the documents on the tribe you're interested in, usually I'd do this before applying.  The tribes have various cultures that can differ greatly and having that info makes it easier to write a good background.

As for which tribes are active, I'd say there is a good bet the ATV and the SLK both have active PCs.  They almost always have a few but I'd caution that many desert elves tend to die fast if they aren't played carefully.

And for fun, a few general tips you may not find in documentation:

Most desert elves have several names, at the least usually two.  One tribe name and one name for outsiders.  They also might have several names for different outsiders: one for desert tribes, one for Tulukis, one for Kuracis in Luir's, etc.

Cities are confusing.  Most desert elves would rarely spend their time in them except for the needs of trade.  This is partly reflected in the language barrier.

Desert elves waste little to nothing.  Take all you can from a kill, if there are some useless parts to it that you can't sell then perhaps make a ritual to dispose of them by fire, burial, etc. as an offering.  Humans are wasteful and destructive, most desert elves are striving to be the exact opposite because they know they depend on the land to live.

You're still an elf, read all the great elven documentation here:

Ha!  I'm a faster linker than SpyGuy. ;)

His tips were pretty good, though.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.