Enabling scripting submissions

Started by Anonymous kank with wings, July 11, 2006, 08:12:41 AM

At one time, Arm had DMPL. Perhaps it still does? In any case, I imagine that the new java script system is the scripting language of choice now.

Would it be possible to open this up to the players, to allow them to make submissions?

Yes, we use javascript as the scripting language of choice now, but no, sorry, we don't take submissions for the code.

You can submit ideas for scripts if you like, though, and in fact would be welcome.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

Quote from: "Anonymous kank with wings"Would it be possible to open this up to the players, to allow them to make submissions?
I know when I'm coding websites I make all sorts of errors. Now that might just be because I'm a bad programmer :P But I'd be unable to make any scripts without being able to have the ability to test the results in game, which for obvious reasons the staff won't hand out this ability to players. So yeah, even if they wanted to, they wouldn't be able to let us make scripts without giving us way too much power in game ;)

You are welcome to make suggestions for scripts and supply the various needed strings in the Submissions forum, though.  With six new staffers, at least a few will be looking for things to script.