RE: Can you play magickers?

Started by Lavalamps, July 05, 2006, 12:33:10 PM

Hey all.
I was looking over the poll and the posts under 'Can you play magickers'
and many many people said 'Yes, but I don't like playing them'
As a new character (maybe that's the reason :roll: ) magick of all kinds fascinates me!
So, I'm just wondering... why does noone like magick?
I'm guess it's mainly because they're outcasts?

It's because they can't handle the heat.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

To put it frankly, it's a lot of staying in a 1x1 room casting your spells and they become more powerful insanely slow.. But since no one enjoys staying in a room and casting spells, because, well, it could be considered twinking up your skills, you either have to be gemmed, or decide to be an outcast and live in the wild, where socializing is pretty much nil.

It's not as bad if you pick up another role to go with it, but you have to be extremely careful to keep your identity a secret. So you have to juggle playing a fake class while trying to play your real class, because, honestly, no one would play a magicker if they didn't want to be able to cast spells in the long run..

So.. I would say that most players that don't like playing magickers don't like it because they don't get to socialize as much and it's a -lot- of solo rping.
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

In all seriousness, it's a difficult role.  Most people play this game to roleplay with other people.  They like to have friends, to chat in the local tavern, and just do things in general with other people.  Being a known magicker greatly reduces the number of people who are willing to be your friend, or even talk to you.  Pretty much your only potential friends are now your fellow gemmed mages (if in Allanak).

Now, you can be a hidden magicker and still have regular friends (who you don't tell, of course).  Many people prefer this to being a gemmed magicker in Allanak for this reason, though being a hidden and alone magicker makes advancement difficult.  You won't likely have a teacher and you'll probably have fewer opportunities to practice.  It's a tradeoff.

When I first started playing this game, I read all about how magickers were rare and powerful and to be feared.

Then I created my first character, and saw that a good portion of the 'nakki playerbase at the time consisted of gemmers sitting around talking about what silks they'd recently bought.

It kind of soured me on the whole magicker thing. I wouldn't want to play a loner character, and I don't particularly want to play a gemmer in Allanak, either.

So I'll wait until I have the option to play something extra-exciting.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

It's a challenge, and not everyone is up to that challenge.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".


- Many people do not want magickers around. It drives magickers to be lonely. (more solo-RP)

-There are almost no clans for magickers. So, no free cake for RP chances.

- They are nothing at the beginning, and requires good time to survive. Especially if non-gemmer.

- Magickers become powerful, but if player could not find a goal, or motivation.. they simply turn out to be killing machines... then die.

- Because of lack of interaction (social reasons.. even non-gemmers usually can not speak of their nature), magicker-PCs earn deepness harder then mundane ones.

- Playing magickers makes me feel like a twink, since as it may be guessed -serious- solo training required for improve of skills.

- There are many magickers around, and I can not feel the importance of running a magicker.

- Most Zalanthian hunters attack a magicker if they believe they have a chance to kill.

- Most magickers on Zalanthas are ruthless, because people are ruthless to them. Also many would not want any rival in power.. So, magickers tend to kill each other.

-Spells are poweful, dying with magick is not fun. (As far as I experienced)

- Most houses do not use magickers. So, even a gemmer (if not plaied by a good self-motivated, creative and knowledable player) can find little then bar chat and training spells.

It is like having a Scud-missile at home. Powerful, but useless.

For me, magicker roles tend to be less rewarding then mundane ones. It is entertaining to try a new one in a while, but nothing more.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Actually, you can be sociable and play a magicker, it's just that it requires a level of caution most Arm players are either unable or unwilling to exhibit.

Hide your identity, do not take up the gem, only cast in private and generally have some mundane skills to fall back on.  Also, as Gaare said, a lot of people have difficulty making a pc that is something besides just a magicker.  Remember, your character is a person first and their class second.  If you don't have something else to do, you will bore yourself to the case of your character, literally.

For all those people stubbornly unable to try something at least once: I accept your decision, but you've only cheated yourself out of a worthwhile experience; and that leaves more opportunities for the rest of us, so I'm not complaining. ;)
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Gaare"- Most magickers on Zalanthas are ruthless, because people are ruthless to them. Also many would not want any rival in power.. So, magickers tend to kill each other.

I have to agree with this, especially the last part.  The person a magicker trusts less than a mundane is another magicker.

As usual I tend to go against the grain. I really enjoy playing the beginning, trying to look normal but having a hell of a time just surviving magicker.  I tend to play loners anyway, so it fits my style.  Everything is a challenge and it takes being ooc as well as IC aware at all times and suspicious of everyone.   I don't find that you have to stay isolated in order to advance your skills, but you do need to be creative to get there.

I try hard to -not- look like a magicker. I wish more people would, too many people IMHO telegraph oocly that they are a magicker, even what kind.   I like being surprised by what someone is, not having it so screamingly obvious but having to IC'ly RP like I don't know. It takes much of the fun away.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "Intrepid"Actually, you can be sociable and play a magicker, it's just that it requires a level of caution most Arm players are either unable or unwilling to exhibit.

You can play a magicker that is very social. I had one that managed to create a lot of business with a with a certain merchant house and others as well. Also, the character was a merchant of sorts and managed to sell to a lot of PCs. I can only recall selling a handful of items to NPC merchants with this character.

All of this done with a gemmed magicker.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.