Ranger party quit out

Started by daedroug, June 29, 2006, 12:48:13 AM

ok Just an idea but wouldn't it enhance the abilities and usefulness of a ranger in a party if they could not only use there skills to make camp (quit-out) for themselves but for their entire party as well?
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

I think that's a good idea.
b]YB <3[/b]

I always wondered why it WASN'T that way. Probably a code problem.


Not taking sides on this one, but a few reasons why it -could- be a problem.

1. What if the other character just fought would it stop the ranger from logging out.

2. What about if you need to logout should he log out and back in again, that just
borderlines on an ooc action. Especially since logging out can have instant ic effects on
you because of certain things.

3. You would see a rise in uber warriors in all reaches of the wastes, that trully would
make them to easy to get to (some of you will understand this one)?

It could be argued that expert rangers could make a camp for the entire party. If your
ranger has been around long enough and lived in the wild long
enough to be considered an -expert- then he should know a safe place to logout anyways.
My last scout knew several around allanak alone so he could always guide his group to a
safe campsite. This I feel is an important part of scouting. If a squad of men consisting of
whatever needs to travel a route that will give the ranger something to do since they can
send him out an ooc week ahead f time to move around and scout campsites for the
group. That is currently done by a certain group I know of and I would hate
to see that area of rp closed. I know everyone complains about rangers and think they are
boosted beyond belief, but their large array of skills are for the wild. So they will never
be the leet in a city, put them in a warzone and they are not that dangerous either. Their
main advantage is the ability to survive on their own and I would hate to see that diminish.
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

I don't like the idea mainly 'cause while everyone would quit out together they don't log in together.  So, if you have a party of five and everyone quits.

Four hours later one returns to the game and now what?  Where do they quit out?

Six hours another returns to the game.  Well the other one has wandered off and died.  So this one is all alone....

Twelve hours later the next logs in to find the bodies of the first two.

See where this is going? :)

To counter this what if the ranger makes the spot quit-safe with a camp?  Well, we'd soon have the entire game quit-safe with camps everywhere that everyone would be using making the wildnerness a lot easier than it already is.

So, I think this should be left to the realm of "in theory" it's a nice thought but for playability and praticality reasons I don't think it will be implemented.  'course, I've been wrong before.  :)

I think it would be cool if rangers could create temporary (maybe limited) camps that last perhaps a few ingame days. Now if there was code to add food and water to the camp, it could be 'restocked' and the time it lasts for would be extended, to say, a RL day or three max. If some VNPC or NPC support was taken along, maybe the camp-builder could also decide to restrict access to clan members.

have it be syntaxed so that the ranger has to specify who he camps with - that way the ranger can specifically exclude someone who isn't able to quit if necessary.

the ranger types: quit foo bar baz
foo types: quit
foo quits the game
bar types: quit
bar quits the game
baz types: quit
baz is too excited to leave yet! (echoed to baz and the ranger)
the ranger types quit (because he's an evil bastard)
the ranger quits the game.

And yes, since people don't all play at the same time, there's a risk of someone getting stranded in the middle of nowhere.

But, you know what? They chose to quit at the camp, the party moved on at dawn. That's the breaks when you opt not to go back to the outpost as a group.

Quote from: "Cyrian20"
It could be argued that expert rangers could make a camp for the entire party. If your
ranger has been around long enough and lived in the wild long
enough to be considered an -expert- then he should know a safe place to logout anyways.
My last scout knew several around allanak alone so he could always guide his group to a
safe campsite. This I feel is an important part of scouting. If a squad of men consisting of
whatever needs to travel a route that will give the ranger something to do since they can
send him out an ooc week ahead f time to move around and scout campsites for the
group. That is currently done by a certain group I know of and I would hate
to see that area of rp closed. I know everyone complains about rangers and think they are
boosted beyond belief, but their large array of skills are for the wild. So they will never
be the leet in a city, put them in a warzone and they are not that dangerous either. Their
main advantage is the ability to survive on their own and I would hate to see that diminish.

I think Cyrian brings up an excellent point.  A competent ranger could lead the party to a safe room.   That raises the question though -- can a ranger tell code-wise if a room is quitsafe for non-rangers?   To my knowledge, they cannot.   As much as I hate to suggest another perk for rangers, I think they should be able to do this.  That way, they can scout out the safe camps to which they can lead people.  

IMHO, the original suggestion would lead to too many potential problems with logins/logouts.   In particular, even if everyone is quitting out at the same time, they presumably won't be logging back in as a group, and what happens if a non-ranger comes back and none of his/her party is around?   And now he/she can't quit out again?
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "flurry"
That raises the question though -- can a ranger tell code-wise if a room is quitsafe for non-rangers?   To my knowledge, they cannot.  

Isn't the message different?

Quote from: "flurry"

I think Cyrian brings up an excellent point.  A competent ranger could lead the party to a safe room.   That raises the question though -- can a ranger tell code-wise if a room is quitsafe for non-rangers?   To my knowledge, they cannot.   As much as I hate to suggest another perk for rangers, I think they should be able to do this.  That way, they can scout out the safe camps to which they can lead people.  

they already can - the echoes are different. For a wilderness quit it is 'This looks like a good place to make camp', for general quit-save rooms the message is the usual 'Yep, you can quit here' - even if you're a ranger.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Okay, cool.  I couldn't remember if they were different.  Nevermind then.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon