Silt Sea

Started by Lavalamps, June 23, 2006, 01:58:29 AM

Hey, I didnt know if this should go in code, or world discussion, so sorry in advance if it should have!

But anyways.

The silt sea, to me, is so mysterious, and so full of intrigue, not to mention danger and excitement.
But, it doesn't seem to be even a little prominent in the game world.
Why not?
I mean, wouldnt it be cool if there was silt-pirates, and newly discovered islands, and huge silt-horrors that fought your ships... and mysterious kids who just washed up on the shore near Red Storm...treasure, messages in bottles, etc... (okay, maybe messages in bottles is a little too cheesy)

What I'm trying to say is, in my humble opinion, the Silt Sea is so full of potential, yet it isn't really being used...

What do you guys think?

It seems like most people feel it's so dangerous as to be best avoided. However, there are some interesting legends buried deep around in places. Good luck with your curiousity and many happy lives to you.

Well, you have to really consider just what the silt sea is.  Sea is -really- misleading.  It's basically a huge area filled with lightning quick quick sand like from the Princess Bride.  But imagine it on a huge scale, and with that much loose sand the sandstorms that constantly churn there are things of legend.

Because of this, it's quite possibly the most unhospitiable place imagineable apart from the surface of the Sun.  I can't imagine anything like pirates or people washing up from the shores.

The only people who would dare venture into what most would consider to be certain death would be only the most brave or foolhearty.  And even the best prepared of those are more than likely never going to return from their journey.


1.   A biped, ungrateful.

Quote from: "Lavalamps"
The silt sea, to me, is so mysterious, and so full of intrigue, not to mention danger and excitement.
It has a lot of all those things.  Especially danger.  Especially danger.
Quote from: "Lavalamps"
But, it doesn't seem to be even a little prominent in the game world.
Why not?
Because most people that go there don't live to tell the tale, and the few who do survive don't like telling stories.  That doesn't mean it doesn't have its uses, both more plotwise and in actual IC interaction with characters.
Quote from: "Lavalamps"
I mean, wouldnt it be cool if there was silt-pirates, and newly discovered islands, and huge silt-horrors that fought your ships... and mysterious kids who just washed up on the shore near Red Storm...treasure, messages in bottles, etc... (okay, maybe messages in bottles is a little too cheesy)
There are silt skimmers, which are sort of like boats that can pass through the Sea of Silt, but those are rare and I don't believe they're coded at the moment.  I don't really think there would be silt pirates because it's just not practical, especially with those giant silt horrors.  And some of those silt horrors are humongous.  I'm talking about silt horrors the size of whales and larger - these things don't fight your ship, these things destroy your skimmer in two seconds flat.
And remember the silt isn't water - not only can you not swim in it, silt in the air makes it hard to see, hard to breathe, can cause hallucinations and who knows what else.

About the treasure, though...well, find out IC. :)
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Hmmmm... 'project'... veeery interesting.

I hate you Vanth.  Now I am curious and itchy.  And its your fault.

I had no idea it was like that!
Sorry all! :oops:
'Sea' did kinda mislead me.

But... hm, now that 'project' is exciting me.
I'm excited for when it will be done!

Damn you people.  Like I don't have enough ideas for making characters enough as is!  Now I'm going to have to make a character who wants to explore the Silt Sea.

I'm never going to get to it, and it's just going to haunt me.  Are you all happy?
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"