Halfling Apps

Started by Sanvean, May 29, 2006, 11:30:33 AM

I'm not able to access the sanvean e-mail until Saturday night, but if you're someone interested in running a halfling, please feel free to go ahead and send in an app.  Include the description, the background, and enough info that we have a feel for your character concept and can tell you whether or not it works.  Send the app to Nusku, Olgaris and myself and remember to cc mud.  Be aware that replies may take a couple of weeks.

The (somewhat tentative) plan is to keep halflings open and make them a karma required role as well as a not completely isolated clan.  However, we'd like to make sure that everyone's first halfling character is one where the staff get a chance to work with the player on the concept to make sure it works with the halfling culture.

Wow, we got a lot of apps for these. Thanks to everyone who sent in apps; for now, we have enough. We'll be notifying players in the next couple of days about the next steps to take. If you missed this round, fear not, we'll be taking apps again as soon as we have space for people.
Welcome all to curtain call
At the opera
Raging voices in my mind
Rise above the orchestra
Like a crescendo of gratitude