World's Funniest Short Player Logs

Started by Vessol, May 07, 2006, 08:17:52 PM

With Bill Sagat Hosting(the other unfunny twin brother)

First up is what happens when you forget to check your stun points before you use Psionic powers.

Welcome to the world of Zalanthas.

"The Sun King's Sanctuary" - Sleeping Commons [D]
  This is a large hallway that ends in an even larger, open room.  Along
the dark-wood walls are several doors that lead to private rooms for the
higher-paying individuals.  In the open room at the end of the hall are a
number of comfortable-looking cots sprawled out to provide sleeping areas
for the less-wealthy guests.  Each cot is made from a grey, wooden frame
with a cotton-lined mattress and a thin, simple cotton cover.  A few random
personal items lie next to individual cots and various low-burning lanterns
line the walls to provide enough light to see by, but not enough to hamper
A few small piles of sawdust are here.

The Sun King's Sanctuary [NESWUD]
  A polished, white marble floor covers the ground of this expansive
room, gleaming under the light of a large glass chandelier that hangs
overhead.  A semi-circular bar, made of hard-grained wood painted a deep
black, extends from the eastern wall, several high-backed barstools sitting
around it.  The walls of this room are brightly decorated, with several
elaborate paintings placed carefully for unobstructed view, and shelves
holding many exotic potted plants, blooming with bright red and white
flowers.  Two large stained-glass windows, decorated with elaborate sun
symbols, adorn the northwest and southeast corners of the room.  
  Several decoratively carved tables fill this room, while a polished
leather couch nearly ten cords in length sprawls along the northern wall.  A
stately spiral staircase sits in the center of the room, winding upwards
toward the common rooms of the second floor.  The sounds of laughter and
music can be heard from a doorway along the western wall, while the scents
of cooked meat waft in from the east.  A small, straight stairway sits along
the northern wall, ending at a slightly raised loft and a large carven
baobab door sits in the southern wall, leading out onto the North Road
The Tuluk bulletin board is here propped up on a stand.
[censored] stands near the black leather couch.
[censored] is sitting on a supple, black leather couch.
[censored] stands near the couch, gaze downcast.
[censored] is sitting on a supple, black leather couch.
[censored] is standing here.
[censored] is sitting at a black-painted bar.
[censored] sits on a stool, strumming on her mandolin.
[censored] stands here mug in-hand.
[censored]sits here on a plush couch.
[censored] is here, leaning on the bar.
[censored] stands behind the counter.

((94/94|121/121|29/95)):rubbing his eyes looks around wearily
[Censored] rubbing his eyes looks around wearily.

((94/94|121/121|30/95))contact [censored]
You suffer from use of the Way.
Your vision goes black.
You are unable to reach their mind.

Someone blinks and snaps his attention to you.

Someone hears a thud and turns quickly frowning.

Someone grunts a moment.

Someone glances around and shakes his head at you.

Someone nods to someone, then turns his gaze back to someone.

Someone settles back against the wall near the doorway, his eyes searching the crowds.


Please lock and delete this thread. I don't want to know who the current players in Tuluk are, including everyone else knowing who I am.


You should probably remove the sdescs from this post.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Totally.  Sorry, nice thought with the thread but the sdescs or the thread itself need to go.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I second the motion to delete, or at least edit all the sdescs.

Beyond that... it isn't even that funny. You passed out from using the Way. Ha..?
subdue thread
release thread pit

Sorry about that, I compleatly forgot about that. I censored all names and sdescs. Please forgive me...

That wasn't really funny...... And if you do stuff like this, make it several years old.

Play nice... actually, to a new player the knockout 'someone' might very well be hilarious.  I loved it the first time I was in a similar circumstance and realized I could 'see' people poking me with sticks.  Good advice, though, if you do have a recent event, pass it through one of the imms or (if it's something not too ic, like this) helpers to make sure you won't offend anyone.  Recent for players is usually within the last 6months to a year.  Players get testy when their characters appear in public without their permission.

Lord Templar Hard Nose gets testy when elves appear in public without his permission.

Do not post logs of any kind without consent from the staff.  Please do not post sensitive IC information.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev