
Started by Moofassa, April 27, 2006, 07:00:11 PM

I dunno what to call it, so I'll stick with defend for now.

Based on the size of your shield, said defend skill would allow you to:

defend n

You begin to defend to the north.

And this, would allow you to block arrows and knives and poop, and possibly even lessen the damage of charge... It'd be neat for huge battles, it would also make those huge shields usefull.
your mother is an elf.

Would "guard south" stop stuff like that? Perhaps a better idea? It forces you to be in the room as the attacker though.

There are already ways to block knives and arrows and such, but other aspects of this post are intriguing.  That said, and before the thread gets too IC, a lot of what you want is already there, so I am going to go ahead and lock the thread.  This is another good example of an idea that should be proposed in-game or to the mud@ginka e-mail box.

(I realize I may seem a little lock-happy, but I am trying to save some surprises for people that, for me, were very pleasant ones)

-- X

ps - I'll try to come up with more quantifiable guidelines for what's a good "here's an idea!" post, versus what should be e-mailed to the staff later.  A good rule of thumb might be to err on the side of e-mailing the staff first, and then let us solicit feedback on your idea if we think it has merit.