Its not what you wear, its how you wear it.

Started by Wykydtronn, April 17, 2006, 03:14:24 AM

I was wondering.
I have no idea if this has been suggested before or if its even possiable.

But I never liked the idea on how clothing was worn.
<worn on face>       a sandcloth bandanna

Thats so generic, and doesn't really explain how the wearer is wearing it.  Is it across his face, or is it collecting sweat above his brow? Or is it around his neck?

maybe there could be a syntax to add to the clothing description
somthing like
wear <item> (place) "extra stuff you wanna add"
Wear belt belt strapped loosely across his waist.

For example,
<worn on face> a sandcloth bandanna, covering his the lower portion of his face
<worn across back>       a leather backpack, a lone strap going across his chest

Something I just had floating around my head.

Scars would work too, so instead of it being
<body> pale faint scar
It be
<body> pale faint scar, stretching across his stomach.

I know it may add to the already insane amount of fluff some PC's wear but I don't see it hurting anything, adds a little flair to the characters clothing.

I like this idea, with a few reservations.

First, the change should be in the <worn> part and not the object sdesc so people don't add freaky things to their objects which in the end would just create confusion.
Second, several wear locations will be unaffected - held, wielded, etwoed, on belt and a number of less commonly seen wear locations come to mind.  (Why on belt?  Because thieves have it hard enough with steal and don't need to start guessing whether something is actually around the waist or on belt).

Third, objects on the skin WILL have an added comma.

> change worndesc head tilted rakishly
Worn description for Head location set.

> look self
This guy has a four-line mdesc. Line, line, line.
This guy is in excellent condition.

<worn in hair> lice
<tilted rakishly> a bitchin' hat
<worn on face> a kank mask
<arms> a pair of jagged scars, zigzagging on the biceps

I think it could be pretty nice, though I also imagine every player would have every single scar and clothing object customized within a week of this being added.

To cut down on that, perhaps a single adjective would be best for objects and scars could keep the verbose form to make them less generic.

> change worndesc head rakishly
<worn rakishly on head> a hat

Good idea, either way.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Only problem I see is that with some long item sdescs, and how wordy some people can be, you might be creating a lot of extra spam when you look at somebody.

However, what you could do is let these descs be attached to the "look <person>'s <location>" feature.

So for example, let's you could do:

>look bob
This is Bob's description.
Bob is in excellent condition.

<worn on head> a black beret
<word on body> a black tunic
<worn on legs> a pair of black pants

>look bob's head
This is a description of a black beret.
Bob is wearing a black beret tilted at a jaunty angle.

>look bob's legs
This is a description of a pair of black pants
Bob is wearing a pair of black pants low around his waist, exposing his buttcrack.

This way the information is there, but only if you care about looking at it.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Eh, whatever.

My whole goal was to keep it simple.  Although I didn't think that far ahead as either of you, which is may be the reason I posted it... I think.  Its very late after many beers.   So its best if some one more capable runs with it.

Still, whatever gets the ball rolling.

I would love the ability to do something like this. It could get out of control, as some people said, so I would suggest a fairly low character limit. I think we all know that it wouldn't be long before we saw <worn in hair, suspended by cascading tendrils of silken tresses, dangling rancorously about pearlescent shoulders> a string

I'd love to be able to  let people know in advance that I'm only wearing one glove or that the bandage on my hand is actually a split for my fingers. I think people (myself included) would have a lot easier time envisioning clothing as part of a character's image with an addition like this. However, I don't think many of us want to deal with the potential scrolling spam that could be encouraged.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

I think this would be a cool addition. It really would need a low character limit though. -Some- people have a tendency to load up their pc with items for the sole purpose of making it OOCly hard to read their main description and those people would take advantage of this for that purpose as well. :roll:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"I think this would be a cool addition. It really would need a low character limit though. -Some- people have a tendency to load up their pc with items for the sole purpose of making it OOCly hard to read their main description and those people would take advantage of this for that purpose as well. :roll:

This might help: Increase your client's scrollback and set pagelength to 50.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "Yokunama"
Quote from: "jhunter"I think this would be a cool addition. It really would need a low character limit though. -Some- people have a tendency to load up their pc with items for the sole purpose of making it OOCly hard to read their main description and those people would take advantage of this for that purpose as well. :roll:

This might help: Increase your client's scrollback and set pagelength to 50.

I don't have any option that I can find to adjust that. I get full room descs and the full desc of -most- pcs. It's just the ones that are loading themselves with enough stuff to fill -every- possible wear location and wear things that don't cover any of them up that get me.

Scrolls their desc right off my screen. I can scroll back enough to get it provided I have to time to stop and do so...
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "jhunter"I think this would be a cool addition. It really would need a low character limit though. -Some- people have a tendency to load up their pc with items for the sole purpose of making it OOCly hard to read their main description and those people would take advantage of this for that purpose as well. :roll:

I honestly thought that was random fluff... that players just sometimes to collect.

I always grabbed it real quick, copy and paste into a word document and read when I get a chance.  Sometimes I'm pretty good on flipping between windows as I converse with somebody.
In combat, I reduce each window to half the screen, so I can read the desc when I need to do some weird emote or if I'm interested on what type of character I'm fighting?

I always took a mininalist approach, all my characters are usually the rough desert type of characters, anyone like that would think twice about loading themselves down with 30 pounds of bone jewelry.

OH GOD, I derailed my own thread.

Um, character limit I thought was a given.  Although I wasn't sure how much, I never was sure what would be too much or too little.  I've sort of adapted to people's insane character descripitons, never liked them but who am I to judge?