
Started by RogueWarrior, April 16, 2006, 11:01:46 PM

Am I the only one that's noticed, what seems to be, anyway, a jump in our peek player numbers? Normally when I played, we would have 30-40-50 players... the past three days, I've noticed 50-60-70 or so. Am I nuts?

It is a holiday.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "RogueWarrior"Am I nuts?

Cashew or peanut?  Take your pick.

Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Peanuts. Or maybe sunflower seeds. Those count, right?

Macadamia. If you have to be a nut, be an expensive one. Just not spanish peanuts, I hate those things.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Spanish peanuts rock. Make me gassy, but rock none the less. Actually... I really like Boston Baked Beans.  :P

Not to be a grinch, but this thread might find itself locked if folks don't start adding to the discussion, rather than derailing about nuts.

To practice what I preach, personally I think the recent string of code changes, added to the upswing of "Things Happening" in game, compounded with the downfall of Saturday Downtime has all helped increase our average numbers in general.

We've had a few really good reviews, and the addition of has really helped us out, I think (particularly since we regularly put the smackdown on all the other Muds there, heh heh). Seriously, though, I think the recent burst of an RPI mud "community" has helped our numbers signifigantly.

Quote from: "Tlaloc"We've had a few really good reviews, and the addition of has really helped us out, I think (particularly since we regularly put the smackdown on all the other Muds there, heh heh). Seriously, though, I think the recent burst of an RPI mud "community" has helped our numbers signifigantly.

Does this mean the staff is noting not just increased numbers of players logged in at any time, but also increased new accounts and participation from those accounts?

ok, I'll have to admit to being one of the "nut" posters. Couldn't resist and I don't derail a lot.

On topic:  I was curious as to what effect the Saturday downtime would have on the existing players playtime distribution.  It has only been two weeks, so it's hard to draw good corelations, but in the past there was a strong surge of those online about 1 hour after uptime.  With Saturday now being an all day thing, I haven't seen that predicatble surge, although the numbers are still good.  I know I have spread my playtime out more over Saturday, logging in here and there.  I wonder if anyone else has noticed their playtimes have adjusted as well as a result of the change?
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Quote from: "amoeba"I wonder if anyone else has noticed their playtimes have adjusted as well as a result of the change?

I don't notice any playtimes changing.

Quote from: "Tlaloc"To practice what I preach, personally I think the recent string of code changes, added to the upswing of "Things Happening" in game, compounded with the downfall of Saturday Downtime has all helped increase our average numbers in general.

I do notice this: There have been more new players lurking around recently.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

It's just my opinion, but I think having no Saturday downtime is probably the biggest factor in the bringing in of new players. As someone stated before on a different thread, that might have thrown potential players off, seeing that when they had alot of free time, the game was down. With that out of the way, all those little addicted mud-heads can play to their heart's content.

Edit: For spelling.
A staff member sends:
     "I hate you. :p"

Last week was Spring Break for a lot of highschools, wasn't it?

One must also take into account that a lot of school districs (high schools, colleges, etc. etc.)  use Easter Weekend to start their spring break.  So a lot of younger players, and college aged players have a lot of free time that is normally taken up by homework/projects and the like.

Also.. I've noticed a lot of new players, which might slack off once the holiday ends, as people are trying something new with their free time.  I remember exploring Arm for the first time on a spring break from college a few years ago..  I drifted off for a bit, and then came back when another game I had enjoyed (GalWeb) .. It was was taken over by an asshat GM, and ruined.

Quote from: "Roach"
Does this mean the staff is noting not just increased numbers of players logged in at any time, but also increased new accounts and participation from those accounts?

This is a good question - I'd like to say I've seen a rise in new players, though I haven't taken any good close looks, either. I did notice at least two brand-spanking newbies online on Saturday in the afternoon (when the game would have been down) this past weekend. It would be cool to hear from some newbies who's first logins were during Saturday afternoon.

At most during Saturday, I noticed between 30-40 players online, which I'd say is a good number. The amount of players online during the weekends (so far) seems to be roughly the same, on either day, with your majority of players logging in on the evenings, American time (this is likely because we all need sunshine once in a while).