Look gets command emotes

Started by Morgenes, April 12, 2006, 09:39:43 AM

Thanks to you guys for the suggestion, we have added command emotes for the look command.  Note that this means that the old syntax for emoting while looking at someone will NOT work anymore.  

Also, please note that the echos for look syntaxes that normally do not echo, will ONLY echo if you provide a pre emote or post emote.

Quote from: "example"> look halaster's neck
<Nothing echoes>

> look halaster's neck [his face full of revulsion]
Morgenes looks at Halaster's long nasty scar, his face full of revulsion.

Mail any questions or comments about this to morgenes@ginka.armageddon.org and cc: mud@ginka.armageddon.org.

Armageddon Staff