Watch? How about ignore?

Started by Yang, April 08, 2006, 03:32:20 AM

It would be interesting to have a command wherby you could ignore extraneous events in the room such as the unlistened-to talks at other tables, the coming and goings of people walking through, shouts from outside... whatever, because you're so focused on your current activities (conversation, crafting)...

A purely optional command that would be broken if attacked (perhaps penalties can be applied here) or unsuccessfully stolen from (more pentalties) or once you typed the command again. With watch and scan and listen and everyone always so alert, it would be nice to have the option to be in your own little world, as well.

I give this idea the Fuck Oh My God That's Kickass award.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

I love it.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

I think it's a little vague, so let me ask a few questions, although I'll say now that I dig the concept, I think.

What would be ignored? Everything but what happens at your table? I love that. Can we target ignores, like, say, that loud guy in the corner who keeps yelling and spewing emotes like mad that don't include you?

Maybe everything but what includes you when you're standing up?

Fill me in a little.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I don't know. What if something very important happenes? You are ignoring eveything but what goes on on your table and a Red Robe comes in or a halfling runs to the table waving his weapons or your best friend is attacked on the other corner of the tavern or someone simply approaches you with urgent message?  It does not have to be something coded what would make your character to pay attention.

I would say you would miss people entering and leaving, speak emotes from other tables, the words of standing says and tells (kind of like tables you're not at) unless the tell target was you, purchases of those who aren't at your table, sits, stands, getting, dropping, and junking of things (Good lord, it would be nice to be able to ignore card games that strike up in the main room of a tavern), etc. I would have to say emotes would not be ignored. As much as it would be nice to ignore a target, you never know what someone is going to do that would be blazingly unrealistic for a character to ignore, even if they aren't targetting you, your table, or anyone at your table.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Use the #gag command on your client.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]


I think you might end up ignoring things that in reality your PC should notice.  Such things are highly context-sensitive, though, and there's no good way the code can know which is which.

Also, if you're in a crowded tavern and things are scrolling by too quickly for you as a player to concentrate, it may also be too loud and noisy for your character to concentrate.

I don't see the value.  *shrug*

I don't think emotes would count, and I don't think moab saying use #gag is useful, as #gag doesn't impose the actual penalties you'd get on detecting sneak, backstab, attacks, steal etc.

If someone's emoting at a table, there's not much you can do but the actual TALK with emote included would vanish. People entering the room would vanish. If the person you were with saw them, or they emoted coming your way or waving at you, then you'd see that and chose if you actually saw. It would give everyone a max 'sneak' basically coming and going.

Personally, I don't want to hear about #gag again. This is not a discussion about #gag. It is a discussion about implementing an in game command!

Obviously it needs development, the idea just came to me last night while I was noticing how much was going on around me, yet my char was ignoring like 99% of it.

PS. Too loud for my character to concentrate, or too spammy for ME to concentrate? I think there should be a difference.

Quote from: "Yang"PS. Too loud for my character to concentrate, or too spammy for ME to concentrate? I think there should be a difference.

The latter, of course. A tavern gets spammy when there's 10 PCs in it, but virtually there are probably always 30-100 people in it depending on the size and time of day.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Another solution, of course, would be to GO TO A DIFFERENT TAVERN.

Spread out a little.

I did not mean this to be an idea based on interactions in taverns alone, so please take that into account. This is not just another 'taverns are too spammy' thread. This is a response to the increasing ability of players, through skills or whatnot, to notice things, and an idea that would allow a character to optionally, for a time, actuall have a weakened position, anywhere, in favor of RPing distraction, daydreaming, ignorance with coded effects: be it a tavern, a street, your bedroom, or in the forest or desert.

Quote from: "Yang"Obviously it needs development, the idea just came to me last night while I was noticing how much was going on around me, yet my char was ignoring like 99% of it.

You can already roleplay ignoring things.

I have a question: If your character was ignoring 99% of it, why do you need a coded command to help out with this?

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Because the point of ignoring isn't to ignore.  It's to focus.  Why shouldn't we be able to codedly ignore a bunch of text that's spam and is only distracting us from what we want to actually pay attention to?  This is easily doable in real life.  I say...let's  do it here too!
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

QuoteYou can already roleplay ignoring things.

Thank you Yokunama, in all my years of playing, I was not aware that I could already roleplay ignoring things.

QuoteI have a question: If your character was ignoring 99% of it, why do you need a coded command to help out with this?

Why do we need a coded way to create kindling and fire? Why do we need a coded way to use emotes as we stand up from a bar? Why do we... etc etc etc.