New skill suggestion:

Started by JRB, April 03, 2006, 07:37:29 PM

New skill idea:  Lipread

Used in conjunction with:  Watch

Must be able to see someone, and can tell possibly what the person is saying from a distance further than listen would work.
he two-page description man has arrived from the west.

Ixnay on that.

I mean, being able to listen from a full room away is already a somewhat unrealistic ability - standing in the Bazaar and listening into a tavern, for example.  If this lipread skill let people listen what others were saying from over two rooms away...  Honestly, two rooms away is a pretty large distance.  I doubt anyone would be able to even see their lip movements with any accuracy.

If you want to be able to hear THAT much, seek magickal aid.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Yeah, thumbs down, sorry.  IRL lipreading works maybe 20-30 feet.  Most rooms in the game are supposed to be larger than that.  Also yeah... listen is powerful enough.  Classes with perception skills really don't need to be able to eavesdrop from any farther away.

I agree with Larrath on this whole heartedly.  I'd lke to take his points and go even further.

First off, city rooms are some of the smallest in game.  If you're in one room to the next in the bardic barrel, it's literally a room, but that could be a big room, as I understand desert rooms are supposed to be HUGE, but city rooms in compare are also filled with many many many more vnpcs.  You'd have to be able to see someone from that distance, around any number of people and they'd have to be facing you enough for you to read their lips.  From the same room I could call ths feasible and would give it a name, the skill called listen.  Two rooms, or even one room away I think this is well beyond the realm of possible.  

Keep up the ideas though.

Strongly disagree here.

Watch doesn't even show emotes or when someone speaks. If information like this is already left out, I don't think it's realistic to be able to see movements of a small feature like lips. And if you're far enough away that you can't hear somebody, how (without binoculars or other means of visual magnification) could you possibly expect to be able to see them closely enough to even pick out facial features with much clarity?

I'd like to see the watch command expanded to show emotes to somebody watching towards that room, and maybe even tell that somebody is speaking to somebody else, but as far as actually telling what they're saying, no way.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I thought listen incorporated lip-reading already, which is why you could do it in a tavern, at the bazaar, from a mile away.... etc....