
Started by Hymwen, February 21, 2006, 06:42:19 AM

Hi! I have a suggestion, and if it's all whack and crazy, go ahead and tell me.

How about allowing players to submit a second character while their first one is still alive, so that a staff member can approve of it and it can sit there until your character dies or retires or whatever happens? I don't see how it would cause a problem, as it wouldn't be any different from just creating the character after your main one dies, only this way you don't have to wait for the quite lengthy period of time that it can sometimes take to get reviewed and approved. I'd dread having to wait for possibly up to several days without being able to play, and I already have an idea of what my next character should be. It would be a lot more convenient if I could just write up what character, send it in, get it approved and have it sit there inactive until the time comes when I'm ready to play it. It would help a lot of people, especially those who are new and are both prone to dying because they don't know the game, and are easily discouraged if they have to wait a day without playing each time they start over. Would also be very convenient for people who want to send in a special application that can take a long time to review and correct and such.
b]YB <3[/b]

I believe the staff prefers the current "enforced cooldown" period between characters, which can help to prevent any number of OOC issues caused by being able to pop into the game immediately after dying.

You can also send in special applications regardless of the state of your current character.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Oh. Yeah, I guess that's true. Heh.  :roll:
b]YB <3[/b]

Also the code doesn't provide the ability for the IMMs to look over the app while you're logged in. So it would still be possible for you to submit an app in advance, log in to the account, play for several hours, and still not have anyone look at the app. If the only time an "approving" IMM is available are the times you are logged in, they'd never have a chance to even see it until your character dies anyway.

Quote from: "Hymwen"Would also be very convenient for people who want to send in a special application that can take a long time to review and correct and such.

Special applications could be sent in while you currently have a living character. They only need to be sent to the Immortal(s) that deal with them and the mud account. Make sure you want your current character to be stored, before you attempt to send in a special application.

Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Hymwen"Would also be very convenient for people who want to send in a special application that can take a long time to review and correct and such.

Special applications could be sent in while you currently have a living character. They only need to be sent to the Immortal(s) that deal with them and the mud account. Make sure you want your current character to be stored, before you attempt to send in a special application.

That was me.  :oops:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

In addition to what was already said (which is true), I also like the idea of someone having to wait on a new PC because it helps you view permadeath more "seriously" if you know you have to wait.  If I know I can rush into a crowd of gith and possibly die, and I'm not worried because "I've got that other character just waiting and ready to go", then I'm less likely to have my character act realistically towards the spectre of death.

Not that the wait time is a punishment, but it's a good negative incentive so that you'll be more realistic in keeping your character alive.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev

If you come up with a new concept, you can always write it up into a text file and save it for when you see the mantis head. Assuming you've spellchecked your mdesc and background beforehand, you can reapply right off if you wanted. That should make your approval time that much faster.
subdue thread
release thread pit

It's also a good way to eat a Saturday while waiting for ginka to open back up.  :-P

- HK
- HK