RPI mud website.

Started by RunningMountain, February 13, 2006, 11:03:19 PM

People might want to check this out, and get Armageddon on the site. Since it's one of the leading RPI's around.

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

I think this is a cool and much needed site. I find sites like Mudconnector and Top Mud Sites convoluted and hard to sift through.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


I've just signed up for the site and I must say, its made it apparent that the whole concept of the 'RPI' mud is picking up a lot of steam.  This means that we're going to see some serious competition in the future.  Competition is good and fine, but we should definitely be competitors.  We need to get Arm up on that page and start voting for it.  

This should be a top priority in terms of marketing our awesome mud.  This site is guaranteed to pull the kind of players that we want, the kind who are looking for precisely this type of game.  Lets do it!

We would own if we had a vote button for that site.. the top mud has like.. 4 votes.

We definetly need to get on that site, I see it as a big opportunity for this Mud.
your mother is an elf.

I kind of have a different take on it. Rather than seeing each other as nothing more than competitors that have to be beaten somehow, I'd prefer it if we could all pool together our creativity and energy into an RPI community as a whole. This is what I'm hoping this website will turn out to be, instead of just another rankings list (which if it were just that would be kind of silly, really, with what, ten or so games total?).

There's a lot of untapped potential in the collective playerbase of these MUDs, and we could really see a boom for the RPI scene in general in terms of players checking out new games and becoming staff, or staff from old games becoming players where they can take a break and have some fun away from the call of duty.

I too would love to see Armageddon affiliated with the site, and hope that being so will bring a flood of some of the MUDding world's best roleplayers there... not to "own" the community, but to be an active part of it. :)

I don't see other RPIs as competition, just alternatives.  Sometimes you want a change of pace or a change of setting, it is great to have other games out there to try.  I like Monopoly, but I also like Clue, Life, Snakes and Ladders, Parchisi, Gin Rummy, Crazy Eights, Pictionary, et cetra.  The Parker Brothers don't come beat me up if I decide to play windows Solitare instead of a PB game.

Having more RPIs around doesn't necessarily diminish the playerbase on any of them, it actually has the potential to increase the playerbase on all of them.  The more RPI MUDs there are, the greater chance that a would-be roleplayer will find one of them and like it.  Once you find one RPI, finding the others is easier, because the biggest barrier is finding out that they exist at all.   You don't know exactly what you are looking for until you find the first one.  So I wish them well.

If someone finds the community of RPI MUDs because they were looking for information on Tolkien, Harn, Darksun, etc., that is fantastic.  If they enjoy playing a RP MUD, there is a good chance that they will eventually try some of the others too.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Moofassa"We would own if we had a vote button for that site.. the top mud has like.. 4 votes.

Yeah, and the top mud isn't even up yet :)

Quote from: "Wade RPIMUD.com Staff"Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:43 am    Post subject: Armageddon  

I have e-mailed Armageddon's staff via their general staff e-mail. They are welcome to join us here at any time. There is, of course, the chance that the invitation e-mail will be thrown out before it gets to the right people, so any of you who play are are encouraged to mention the RPIMUD Network site to their staff members. I agree, they should be here. But ultimately, it's their choice.

This is from their Open Podium forum, the "Other RPIMUDs?" thread. Neat site.

I was tempted to submit it myself, but as I'm not one of the ever powerful immortals, I restrained myself. :)

But I would like to see Armageddon on there.

your mother is an elf.

Not very many of the others open to players.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

yea, everyone is pre-alpha.. where's the voting link?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Armageddon is now in our database, and we are pleased to have you with us. I'd like to address a few points brought up about the site in some of the above posts...

The site has only been active since February 1st, just two weeks ago, when our member login system was put in place allowing for unweighted weekly voting. In this short time we've had several projects listed in our database, gathered a small, but growing userbase, and seen a lot of traffic coming our way. As you know, we have done no advertising. I think all of this shows that the site does have a great potential.

There are many things that seperate what I am trying to do from established sites such as Mud Connector and Top Mud Sites. Most notably, it is targetted only at players, administrators and developers of role-play intensive games. It is also there as a way to bring the very small (comparitively) niche of people together in a common community that exists outside of the bounds of any single game. The site is not there as a means for me to make money. Unlike MC and TMS, there is no charge for running your advertising banners and they are not weighted - in fact they rotate continuously through all of the banners I have during one page load rather than just cycling the same banner for an entire visit. (And they are not linked to any games or pay per click). And unlike your typical game forums where it is taboo to mention another RPI, the network forums are there to share resources and promote your game to the players of other RPIMUDs.

Upon speaking with the heads of several top ranked Hack and Slash games in the past few months, the mere fact that the players of RPIMUDs are so vastly different than the players of H/S games has been emphasized again and again. Believe me, in a world where H/S games fight against each other in an effort to attract and keep new players, RPI players are envied for their loyalty not just to one game, but to the niche of games as a whole. They WISH that they're players, were like our players!

As was said above, the point isn't for the site to be "Owned" by any one game, but yeah, the best of the 'open' games should be at the top of our list. A friendly rivalry between the best of the games in operation is strongly encouraged. I've already seen this in action during the busier weeks when Harshlands and Shadows of Isildur kept vying for the top rank. Now that Armageddon is involved, we'll see more members from HL and SoI coming to the site in an effort to outrank you guys - and those players will (as was also said above) ultimately go give Armageddon a try, or a second try as the case may be, just as Armageddon players will likely head to HL and SoI at some point.

We are also allowing games that are still in development to be a part of the ranking system. We want people to support those projects, because those are the RPIMUDs of tomorrow! Even though they may only receive votes from the development staff while in pre-alpha, or from a very small group of players during alpha/beta testing, it shows that the developers are actively working toward opening a new RPIMUD. Why should they be kept out of sight? Hopefully seeing their icon listed right up there with the top ranked RPIMUDs will encourage them to bring their products into an open state... and when they do, they'll have a wave of new players ready to go give them a try. We will all gain players, not lose them, by maintaining a friendly brotherhood.

With regard to the voting system, the fact that one game has 4 votes, or 32 votes (as the highest ranked game last week had), cannot really be compared to seeing 2,000 votes on Top Mud Sites where people can vote anonymously every 12 hours, from as many PCs as they have access to, or seeing a game ranked in the top ten of Mud Connect when they compile votes with telnet votes with homepage votes to determine their rankings. This is letting at minimum, three votes be cast per anonymous user.

We've tried to make things fair. One member gets one vote per week. Since I'm not making money off pay-per-click, why force everyone to hit the site every 12 hours and tally the rankings on a different timescale? And make no mistake, that IS WHY the other sites work their rankings the way that they do. They're making money off the visitors and their making money off of the advertising games. In some cases, a lot of money. (I've heard numerous complaints about games being told that there is no more available advertising space in a given month, unless they want to outbid the highest bidder).

New features will continue to be added to the site. The next is the integration of the forum login system with your member account. After that, we're looking at a comment and review system, after that, who knows, perhaps you all can offer some good suggestions in our suggestion box. :)

The RPIMUD Network will become whatever we make of it. Let's make it good!


"Hell is closed. All the devils are here." - William Shakespear

I like you, Wade. I'd musexxx you anytime.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Maybe someone could write up a more descriptive description of the mud..
The one used for TMS seems to be lacking on the RPInetwork.
your mother is an elf.

Quote from: "Nao"where's the voting link?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Click on the top right navigation button on their site that says "Vote" to reach the voting page. Alternatively, here is the direct link:

Once you've created an account and logged in, click on Arm's icon to cast your vote.

It is that time again.  Right now we have only one vote, and that makes me sad.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

We're number 1! Woo.

I like how this website doesn't have an option to vote against another MUD.  That has always bothered me about some of the other connectors.
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