Damn. x.x

Started by Vesperas, January 20, 2006, 10:24:38 PM

A little while ago (a very little while ago) I was having the time of my life with a character, but then it died.

I remade a new char, and it died within hours, even though I had put a lot effort into its detail.  Oh well, lost cause. :P

I then made a third character, and everything was going great... and now I'm bored with it.  It isn't even a day old.  And it -wont- die.  x.x  Nor do I have any IC reason to homocidally do something very stupid to ensure that it does. Uhg.  Pathetic, ne?

Sometimes I wish I could fudge that line just a little and hope the other players don't get too annoyed.  I guess I'm just really bored. :(  SSDD, as the other thread would put it.

So, I've taken a week-long break and now intensely bored and wanting to play again.. but I still.. don't.  Ye know?  :P  Just can't get into the character I made.

I'm just not into looking for another hunter/indie role, or into one where I'll be sitting around by myself for a long time.  But at the same time, I don't want one of those roles where there are so many IC restrictions that I can't RP with people around me because it wouldn't be IC to do so (a problem I had with a character in the past), even if they are the only people ever on in my area. O.O;

Edited to add:  And the biggest pet-peeve of all is the 'spar cycles' that some clans go through that are utterly rediculous.

Anyway, any suggestions?

One of my favourite chars tried every job -except- the one they had coded skills for.

It was great. Ineptly hacking up bodies, loosing every sparring match brutally, unable to sell anything, buy anything.

I think the reason they were so profound for me was the fact that for the first time I really focused on RP, and not the skills, or how they matter.

Once you get into the mindset of enjoying your char, and not enjoying what your char might be able to do when he gets all these skills, the game -really- opens up.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Quote from: "Dakkon Black"Once you get into the mindset of enjoying your char, and not enjoying what your char might be able to do when he gets all these skills, the game -really- opens up.

Extremely well said.
Quote from: IntuitiveApathy on June 30, 2007, 05:39:36 AM
>necksnap amos

You try and snap the tall, muscular man's neck but fumble and snap your own!

Welcome to Armageddon!  '(mantishead)

I have been through that a lot. For me it just takes awhile to like the character.  Basicly my feeling is that if you stick with a character long enough, it will grow on you.

One of the suggestions I hear a lot  is taking a break.  This can be good advice, but the problem I have with this, is that when you pick up the character again, you are still at that stage where you haven't invested much time in them.  I've found that easing slowly into my character helps a lot.  At first I don't like him, so I'll play maybe an hour or less a night, and slowly get used to him.  I give myself no expectations of anything, and as time goes on, my playtimes increase and people start to get used to him being around.

The other thing you should ask is -why- you loved your other character so much.  I think you will find it was what happened around her that you enjoyed most.  You live long enough, that will happen again.  The hard part is sticking through that lull stage.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

Join the rinth.  No restrictions.  Everyone is indie unless they work hard to get clanned.  You can do anything, just that nobody likes you.  I mean, nobody in the city likes you.

Oh..  Though there is one rule in the rinth:  NO FAKE SEX ADVERTISEMENT!
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Ghost"Join the rinth.  No restrictions.  Everyone is indie unless they work hard to get clanned.  You can do anything, just that nobody likes you.  I mean, nobody in the city likes you.

Oh..  Though there is one rule in the rinth:  NO FAKE SEX ADVERTISEMENT!

I've run a character who was southern accented, who did just fine in the rinth.


Quote from: "Jarod550"
Quote from: "Ghost"Join the rinth.  No restrictions.  Everyone is indie unless they work hard to get clanned.  You can do anything, just that nobody likes you.  I mean, nobody in the city likes you.

Oh..  Though there is one rule in the rinth:  NO FAKE SEX ADVERTISEMENT!

I've run a character who was southern accented, who did just fine in the rinth.


Yep, its possible, though definitely a lot harder than running a rinthi-background character. But know with the introduction of learning accents, I'm sure it could be a lot easier to fit in.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: "Ghost"Join the rinth.  No restrictions.  Everyone is indie unless they work hard to get clanned.  You can do anything, just that nobody likes you.  I mean, nobody in the city likes you.

Oh..  Though there is one rule in the rinth:  NO FAKE SEX ADVERTISEMENT!

But..but... that's how I'll lure my victims in..