naming that sword

Started by Manhattan, January 20, 2006, 02:00:41 AM

so why can't objects be named? let's say you have this really awesome sword that you carry around you all the time to slay magickers. naturally, you would want to name it "Bane of Wigglers" or something. but unfortunately, you have to resort to your imagination because the code doesn't allow naming.

kanks and mounts can be named, why can't objects? if you can name that inix Johnson, then you damn well should be able to name your precious sword Spike. a sword is just as precious as a mount, and they can both be heirlooms, worthy of names.

this naming idea also concerns all those little songbirds and crickets and snakes and lizards that are objects. you know those pet objects that you wear on your shoulder and stuff? wouldn't "name" come in useful in this situation?

THUS, I propose:

>name sword Doomsinger
>wield doomsinger
>kill obese
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

QuoteThe title command can be used to give your mount a distinct name. To name your mount, use title <mount> <desired name>, as in 'title kank sparky'.

Once the mount has been named, you cannot provide another name, for fear of confusing it. Renting or quitting out on the mount will remove the name from the mount. You can only use names twelve characters or less, and you cannot include numbers or non-alphabetical characters.

Name sounds better than title. Twelve characters?--psshhhhh. No spaces?--psshhhhh.

This sucks balls.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Why not just call it 'Doomsinger' when you are talking to people and make client aliases on your side for 'wield doomsinger'?

I don't think a low fantasy setting with weapons made out of common materials would beget a lot of sword naming, or naming of any object for that matter.

I imagine if you had a sword valuable enough to warrant being named (IE., metal), then you'd be able to swing getting a keyword added to the item.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

It's a fine idea, but staff only have so much time and energy.  I would think something minuscule like this would be rather far down on the to do list.
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|| --- || L D I E L

It'd be easier to code your client to draw your sword "Doomsinger".

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

There could be a serious problem with people using the Name command to give illogical keywords and by that trick other people into doing things they normally wouldn't do.
"name sword waterskin", for example.

People could do the same using mount Titling, but fortunately I've never run into a kank named Figure or Blur.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I distinctly remember an NPC somewhere in the game that offerred to etch my obsidian sword.  Isn't this pretty much what is being disucssed?  Except, maybe he should etch all materials, not just obsidian. Then you could put the name of your sword on it.  If the discussion is about 'coding' the name....why?  What practical value would that serve?  I don't think that was what the original poster was shooting for, so I'll leave it at that.  but, yeah.  There is a guy that will etch obsidian, right?  Just go buy yourself an obsidian sword and call it what you will.

Quote from: "JustThisGuy"I distinctly remember an NPC somewhere in the game that offerred to etch my obsidian sword.  Isn't this pretty much what is being disucssed?  Except, maybe he should etch all materials, not just obsidian. Then you could put the name of your sword on it.  If the discussion is about 'coding' the name....why?  What practical value would that serve?  I don't think that was what the original poster was shooting for, so I'll leave it at that.  but, yeah.  There is a guy that will etch obsidian, right?  Just go buy yourself an obsidian sword and call it what you will.

I am pretty sure that NPC is offering to sharpen your sword, not etch a name on it.

You need to remember that writing is strictly forbidden to all but nobility in most places.  A sure fire way to get executed by a Templar is to have anything in your position with words on it.

Chances are that if you add a keyword to one kind of common weapon, it would be added to all of them.  Would you really want every serrated bone longsword to have the keyword Meatslicer, or whatever you want to name your blade?  (Edit:  Yes, I know the naming thing with mounts works differently.  And you'd probably still have to title the damn thing everytime you log in.)

You can still name your weapons, and call them whatever you want IG.  You can also live without having the extra keyword added to it.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I fail to see the need or purpose of this command.

Mounts are one thing - eight yellow kanks in the room and always mounting the wrong one gets annoying and people sometimes get killed.

Naming a sword, a backpack or something is _silly_.  

Think of it like this.  You have a mighty sword that you name "Kank-sticker."  You die and the sword floats around the known word in the belly of some beast for an eon or two.  Then it shows up in the wastes and I stumble upon it. Now, I've heard legends of "Kank-sticker" but the sword before me might or might not be the sword of legend.

If I can do "get sticker" and pick up the sword - well, that would just blow.  Now I know the sword is indeed the sword of legend and no further thought would be required.  Further, the templar that takes it from me can verify that it is indeed the might sword with a simple keyword check.

Abuse of this type happens all the time with character keywords (which cloaked guy - Fistcuff - kill fistcuff), no reason this would not happen with objects as well.  

Then again, I'm not sure if this is _hardcore_ abuse.  Just seems lame.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cale_Knight"I imagine if you had a sword valuable enough to warrant being named

Even if it's a non-unique blade, if it means something important to your character, I see nothing wrong with naming it.

"Yeah, I call this one 'tregil-tooth'... my brother gave it to me."

Quote from: "Rindan"
Quote from: "JustThisGuy"I distinctly remember an NPC somewhere in the game that offerred to etch my obsidian sword.  Isn't this pretty much what is being disucssed?  Except, maybe he should etch all materials, not just obsidian. Then you could put the name of your sword on it.  If the discussion is about 'coding' the name....why?  What practical value would that serve?  I don't think that was what the original poster was shooting for, so I'll leave it at that.  but, yeah.  There is a guy that will etch obsidian, right?  Just go buy yourself an obsidian sword and call it what you will.

I am pretty sure that NPC is offering to sharpen your sword, not etch a name on it.

You need to remember that writing is strictly forbidden to all but nobility in most places.  A sure fire way to get executed by a Templar is to have anything in your position with words on it.

Actually, that script lets you choose a special design for your sword and changes its desc / sdesc.

I like the idea actually....Though, I think I would always have a weapon named Lucy then...don't know why.

Well, unless I'm playing a Half-giant, then have to name all his weapons George.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

An interesting note:

Lucille was the name of a young woman that two men were fighting over in a club that BB King was playing in.  The fight turned into a brawl, and the brawl turned into a fire, and BB went back into the blazing building to get his guitar.

He named the guitar Lucille as a reminder to never...ever do something so stupid ever again.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I think ICly naming a weapon is perfectly fine, but I don't think it would ever come up that often to warrant it being coded into the game.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

You don't know many people with weapons in real life do you Bogre?

All my guns/knives/swords/bows IRL are named.

Come to think of it, most people I know who like weapons and actually use them name them.

Why would anybodies chars be any different?
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job