Jarod blinks in surprise

Started by Jarod550, January 12, 2006, 05:07:48 PM

I just read from someone in ask the help, asking about making a group of people he's recruited, an actual clan... :shock:

Is that possible?  I had no idea they even entertained it, I thought all clans were run by immortals and created by immortals.

If this is possible, list the steps and whatcha gotta do, it might actually be cool to run your own clan and not have to do silly crap , cause you would set the rules...



It's definitely possible. I had the start of one of my own in the works before IC difficulties destroyed it.

Here's the basic docs: http://www.armageddon.org/ic/clans/

It does take a lot of responsibility and work, though. You can't just start one because you don't want to follow someone else's rules (OOCly, at least. That might be a fine IC reason).

As I understand it, a couple of the current clans were player created. If I'm not mistaken, Allanak's Atrium was founded by a PC and is now ran with Imm support and apped roles. Fun stuff.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Hi Jarod.  Here's a link to another discussion about player run clans.


Having created and led a few different clans over the course of the game, check out my first two posts on that first page if you want to know some details on how I went about things.  Other good comments worth reading are contained in that thread as well.


Being in a starter clan is a great experience.  I was in the AkeiTa Var back
when it was just a group of elves looking for a home.  I loved it.

If you have an idea, make sure it's not one already in play--this can be
more difficult than it sounds, but the tribal docs can show you examples
of clan docs available to the public, like the Benjari, Jul Tavan and

The best thing to do is start off as a small group of close relatives in a
single generation that strikes out on their own, but your mileage may
vary depending on what the theme is.  Regardless of all of this, it's best
to keep in contact with the imms about what you're doing and why, just
so they'll understand you're sticking with the formula.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

There are a few clans in game that were started by actual PCs.  It is not an easy process, though.  In addition to the very good documents and previous threads already mentioned here, here are a few additional pointers:

1) You need more then one very long-lived PCs actively participating in addition to the group.  The staff needs to be pretty sure someone will be around in several months if they are going to put a lot of work into something like this.

2) Patience is a must.  This is not something that will happen in days or weeks or even a few months.  To survive, your clan will need to last a very long time.

3) You and your clanmates will have to do much of the OOC work yourselves.  That means writing good, logical documentation, helping with writing any objects or areas that eventually get added to the game and working to make sure that the entire clan adheres to IC/OOC rules and does not coordinate outside the game.

4) Be prepared to be crushed by other PCs and PC groups and don't get upset OOCly if it happens.  For example, if you are trying to start a merchant clan, the existing merchant clans may see you as unwelcome competition and work to have you bumped off.  A tribal clan may be exterminated by another tribe.  Most proposed clans never make it past the first group of PCs.

5) If you want your clan to last, prepare it for what happens when you die - because you will.   Other clan PCs must have a plan and an idea what to do when the leader is gone.  Most clans that do make it pretty far end at this point.

6) Get IC backing.  Powerful sponsors go a long, long way.  Working with your enemies instead of against them can both be devious and work wonders.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.