Brawl Options

Started by Moofassa, January 03, 2006, 03:15:47 PM

Having a character that gets in alot of brawls, I came across the idea of having different tags attached to brawl like uppercut, jab, right-hook, left-hook, just to make the brawl a bit more organised and interesting.

As it is currently, you may emote throwing a quick jab at someones face, and then end up smashing a mug over their head, slightly akward. There always is the option of emoting after using "hit".

What I propose is the following:

hit sanvean jab
You throw a quick jab at Sanvean who sneers and steps to the side, quickly avoiding the hit.


hit sanvean knee
You raise your knee quickly at Sanvean's uberly toned midsection, missing entirely.
Sanvean dodges to the side, slamming an uppercut into your jaw.


hit sanvean right-hook
You swiftly swing your right hand around in the air, attempting to hit the side of Sanveans face, missing entirely because she's so uber.
Sanvean flicks you and you go flying into Drov.

What do you think?
your mother is an elf.

I'd rather just have an emote.

hit sanvean (an arcing, sloopily thrown hook)

You throw an arcing, sloppily thrown hook at Sanvean, but miss completely.

Sanvean digs a jab into your ribs.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Emotes would work too, but with the coded options you'd get the neato outcomes. If you just emoted it, it would end at the YOU HIT THEM. If it were the coded choices, it would have to outcome such as them kneeling over as your knee thrusts into their gut.

Emotes would be neat ontop of the extra code.
your mother is an elf.

I dont personally like the way the brawl code works now as far as output. It forces my character to do things my character wouldnt do. He wouldnt throw a mug. He wouldnt attempt to Bruce Lee grab a fist out of the air and chunk someone by it. So on and so forth, this needs to work on an emote system.

hit Templar (swinging a stool down from behind)

Swinging a stool down from behind, you hit the Templar.

(Then the templar can have a chance to emote his reaction to taking a stool in the back of the head)

emote falls foward as the stool cracks across his skull.

hit Fool (jerking around swiftly to send a boot out toward %foot gut)

The Templar hits The Foot jerking around quickly to send a boot out toward his/your gut.

So on and so forth. I dont see why this wouldnt work pretty well. Sure people could abuse it and start tying to cut fourteen flips and land Jackie Chan triple spin kicks, but I think it is worth the risk to allow the players to make up some pretty interesting brawls of thier own. I know you can do it now and just ignore the given output, throwing in your own emotes, but I have brawled my fair share and alot of the new players just ignore the emotes, too caught up in trying to react to the auto output so it kind of looks screwy, if there wasnt any auto output, there would be room for creation and less room for confusion.

Just noticed...its supposed to be Fool...instead of late.  :wink: