Muk Utep Wants You!

Started by Tlaloc, January 02, 2006, 03:26:28 PM

The nastiest Sorcerer King in the known world is accepting applications for a single Tuluki Jihaen Templar.

Most important is playtime. You need to be able to play steadily, and during peak hours.

Applicants should also not have any recent (within the past year or so) bad comments, and ideally should not be in a sensitive role currently, where retirement would take something away from the game.

You should have a decent knowledge of Tuluki politics, and experience in a leadership position of some type. The Utep Sun Clan is a very powerful clan and we hold our PCs to high standards. You must be willing to send in regular reports as well as face IC consequences for IC actions.

Please send notice of your interest in this position to:,,, and Be certain to include your account name and at least a brief description of the character concept you would like to try.

These positions go very quickly, so submit your email as soon as possible if you wish to be considered.

This position is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied - all of the applications were really good, and it took a while to make a tough descision.

Thanks again, and I encourage everyone who applied to do so again, when and if another position opens up.


This position is open again. Please see above for all requirements.

This role is also filled. The winner of this position gets what's behind...door number 2!

Like a swinging door, this position is open again. Last time we had a ton of really great applications - this made it difficult to decide who to select from the list of great choices.

This time, I wouldn't mind having the same problems. If you're interested, please read the above post. However, please direct the email to:,, and We'll be looking over the apps, and selecting someone much faster this time around, so if you're going to apply, I suggest doing so sooner, rather than later.