Bit of Venting.

Started by Anonymous, December 26, 2005, 03:40:03 AM


You are free to disregard this post, for there is nothing constructive about it. What it is indeed about is an expression of annoyance. So here it goes ...

I begin a character, with absolute lack of knowledge of the gameworld. And I ... enjoy it. I read some posts here that stated that if a character managed to get himself into an interesting roleplay within 3 minutes (or even 3 hours) of gameplay, the person has their respect. Well ... I did that, within less of 3 hours plenty of very interesting things happened to the character, and I enjoyed every bit of it. And yet ... during a short quiet time, my character gets into a brawl with another who ... I am guessing, is emoting a punch, and .... kicks him. Whooish, 1 second .... less. One INSTANT and the character is dead. Not arrested, not beaten to a pulp, robbed, and tossed out, not grabbed and tortured or whatever. But just whoooish, and ... that's that.

Alright, I begin another character. Different guild, different sub guild, different personality. Not a very detailed background, but the way things went ... a fairly rich and complicated persona. And once again, within less then an hour I get into an interesting roleplay. Very enthralling, very humorious, lots of emotes, I think the ONLY use of a coded skill that took place was some kind of sneak/hide combo, for like ... 2 minutes. But even that, opened lots of other roleplay potentials, aswell as connections, ... my newbie character gotten noticed you know the works.

Once again, I enjoyed every minute of it. Though ofcourse, on occasion this character tried to steal from the shopkeepers, only to miserably fail and run away. And if would've gotten arrested, so be it ... life of crime and all that. But ... he managed to cross most of the city he was in from the spot his last illicit act happened, and nobody was chasing him ... he didnt even 'know' he was chased, or maybe he wasnt even. The fact is ... that suddenly ... WHOOOISH and the character is dead. Just like the previous time, the death occured 'instantly' by a policing soldier ... I guess. There was ... no chase interactivity, no jail ... no interaction. There was just this  a small moment of spam and ... the menu. It was like entering the cave filled with insta kill rooms, except it's not an area where you gotta solve a quest, or find a treasure, it's a ... city where new characters appear. From my experience the 'fabled' labyrinth that I'm yet to explore is less lethal than it's southern portion, atleast in labyrinth or predator filled desert, it takes 'time' to die.

Anyway, my last character died and ... I dont even know if i should concoct a new person and send it in. Because ... I feel annoyed.

I think you might want to read about 'nosave' (help nosave). In case you will need further information or explanation, I suggest you to contact one of helpers (

Good luck with your next char. And you know, we all were in such frustrating situation with our first, second, third or other char. Don't give up, learning takes some time, but it's worth it. ;)

I will be brief because I am at work, and prof might show up at any time.

But about the crime code, use "nosave on".  You will get used to the crimecode in time as you get used to the gameworld.  "Nosave on" will save you from death.

Sorry to hear you lost good characters for it, I hear you.
some of my posts are serious stuff

if you toggle 'nosave on', then it will keep you from getting killed instantly in the most cases. If you don't have it on, code-wise, your character starts to fight those soldiers that try to arrest him - quick death, exspecially with a non-combat char and no weapons in hand.

if you toggle nosave on, you will not try to resist when those soldiers try to arrest you. So they will kjust subdue you and drag you off to jail in most cases.

so if you see soldier spam fighting you, your best bet would be to hit 'nosave on' as quickly as possible - even though you're still likely to die during that time it takes you to type.
Another possibility would be to hit nosave on every time you know that you commited a crime.
If you're playing a sneaky character you might consider having t o all the time.. But be careful, nosave also makes you fail on all other occasions that do a saving roll... like poison and some other things I don't remember right now.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Uhm.. It's very handy to have nosave on all the time. But you need to keep that in mind that it makes you vulnerable to everything.  Like you'll likely have nosave on to let the soldier to subdue you, but if someone else decides to subdue you as well, you wont resist them too.
Having nosave toggled will make you fail climb, poison, subdue and barrier checks.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

* feel very deep urge to make another post about nosave, but resists.

A good idea might be (with clients that support this) to createa toggle button that changes color based on how you've set nosave.  That way you have a visual clue of your nosave status.  On when stealing from that templar, off when wandering around the wastes or whatever.
I conclude that since men love as they themselves determine but fear as their ruler determines, a wise prince must rely upon what he and not others can control."
The Prince

Hey, try not to let your PC deaths discourage you.  Not all of your PCs are going to meet the same end as these, and you never know which one could possibly live a long and intriguing life.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

You might also think about playing a character who isn't too keen on comitting crimes, or getting into fights.  It's amazing the amount of not-dying you will do.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Yes I would suggest that if these are your first few characters play something like a warrior or ranger that isn't really keen to the life of crime and join a nice House to help you get a better feel of the game first so you can understand better why it is you are being attacked and dying so fast.  In battle and why you are wanted.

crim code in the game is tough. Sorry. An overhaul of it would be nice, but it's apparently pretty complicated.

Yea, as everyone else is stating, try something less criminal until you've got a better grasp of code, etc.

The NPCs can be monsters sometimes. I lost a fairly buff warrior in one round to the crimcode, so I more than understand your pain. I'd suggest setting a highlighted color to the phrase 'You are wanted.', or whatever it says, on your client. It can be very easy to miss, and you don't want to walk around with nosave on all the time.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Oh and "Help brawl"
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

There is no "help brawl". :P

Use nosave.

(I am weak of will, resist I could not)

Quote from: "Vesperas"There is no "help brawl". :P

Why not?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Isn't it "help skill brawl"?

Edited to add: Ok, apparently not.  Try "help combat", "help hit" and
"help kill".
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

thanks for your replies, I'm calmer now I suppose.

To comment on the advices of nosave and brawling, I'd like to offer thanks. Though ... heh, considering how hidden they are (help brawl discussion as an example), the only real way to learn it for the first time is to DIE, which is alright ... I just got pissed that I died to criminal code twice in a row over stupid things and 'no' interaction.

As for advice about staying away from sneaky characters, well ... my previous character I described was a warrior, I felt uneasy rerolling a brand new spanking warrior the next minute I died, so I tried a different concept. I didnt like the idea of rangers, because it involves a lot of lonely exploration, which is fun ... but I'm not insane enough to solo RP for 'HOURS'. And aside warrior/ranger, all I had left is sneaky types and merchant.

I motion for the addition of 'help brawl'.

Mostly because I can't figure it out, and was once placed into a situation where..well.. I really, really needed to know how it worked.  But OOC is jarring, so, I did the next best IC thing, and died. :)

One of my first characters died with the lack of brawl knowledge too but just a lesson learned the hardway.  Tricky at first but you'll get the hang of it.

Actually, I believe that the nosave option is mentioned in the faq files,
as well as a lot of beginner tips that help you avoid quick deaths.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Yet another reason I believe nosave on should be the default.

Quote from: "JohnGalt"Yet another reason I believe nosave on should be the default.

Something to mention about this is, there had been some problems with newbie hawkers.  So if nosave on is set as default, it could be abused, and that would also be a bad mark for the newbies.

Though I hate the newbie hunters, and I hate to mention about them, it once was a problem.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Vesperas"There is no "help brawl". :P

Doesn't HIT make you have a fist fight, instead of attacking to kill?


When in doubt. Turn nosave on. Then make sure to use "hit". Problem solved. No more instant death.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "Jarod550"
Quote from: "Vesperas"There is no "help brawl". :P

Doesn't HIT make you have a fist fight, instead of attacking to kill?


Only in areas where the brawl code is turned on.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Nosave could seriously use some tweaking.