Change Scent command?

Started by Only He Stands There, December 23, 2005, 03:23:32 PM

Quote from: "jhunter"Heh, this got me thinking... How about a scent command?

scent sweat and rotted meat.

You smell like sweat and rotten meat.

Then when someone sniffs you:

The fat-nosed man sniffs you.

He gets the message:

The one-armed leper smells like sweat and rotten meat.

It would stay on your pc until you changed it with the "change" command. Like an objective I suppose. This way everyone can have their own odor that fits their particular pc. If you are a fancypants noble you can smell like perfumes and flowers and shit and if you are a dirty 'rinther you can smell like garbage and ass. As it is now, unless someone uses perfumes, everyone smells the same.

I liked this idea a bunch. Perhaps instead of having someone type it themselves (preventing possible twinkage?) have a broad range of "generic" scents for people.

>emote smokes a rolled-up spice-spliff, then slaughters a kank by making its intestines explode.

You are MJRottencrotch.
Sdesc: the shadowy-featured, rotten-crotched man
Objective: Defile, defile, defile!
Long Description: The shadowy-featured, rotten-crotched man is here, defiling.
Scent: sweat and dust

>change scent
You can choose from the following:
rotten food

>change scent spice and kanks
You now smell like spice and kanks.

Perhaps you'd want to limit it a bit, to keep a poor-folk commoner f-me from smelling like beauti-riffic perfume without having to shell out the two hundred sids for it. Keep it on the lower, grittier end of the scent spectrum.


It's not only perfumes that affect this.

I'd personally prefer if coded actions (eg., lumberjacking, cooking, whatever) affected this directly (and could be timer-based), rather than open it for players to manipulate.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Agreed.  I'd much rather see more coded actions affect scent.  Maybe even rooms you visted apply a certain smell.

Edit: <shameless tdesc plug> If any editable description string needs to be added to players, it's one that would be appended to the main description to describe hairstyle, cleanliness, injuries, and I suppose even smell. </plug>