animal hunting you

Started by adrien, December 06, 2005, 01:57:45 AM

it is stupid when they follow your track into a city or outpost. why don't they just stay out? don't they fear for there lives.

I would understand if its a very agressive and large animal
dd my msn if you want,

I -love- animals hunting you.  Sure you may die, but it is so much fun to rest for a bit think you've got away and then look over your shoulder and see this deadly creature coming back after you.  

Anyway, things like raptors are aggressive and sometimes starving.  It's just their animalistic nature I think.

but to follow you to there doom to 5 gate guards?
dd my msn if you want,

well, maybe they're not THAT bright.

just think, all the animals that do find out the gate guards are dangerous die, so they can never pass on the "avoid the gate guards" gene.

FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

Which is not to say that you have to run amok outside the gates until the crazed beast kills you. Just don't be leading aggro mobs to the guards for them to slaughter for you to skin. That's a no-no. A big one.

But, it sounds to me like the OP was saying he tried to escape into a city, saw the mob killed, and was rather suprised/disgusted.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

What if you don't do it on purpose?  I have had raptor follow me forever then found their body at the gate the next day.  I am always surprised at the way those things can hunt.

Then you hope that the people who uphold the law in that particular city are understanding of your situation.  They just might not be.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

I knew that its just the ones that hunt you down from nak to tuluk

As long as a few other people walk in behind you at some point and the guards can't finger you, I think you're on the safe side of the law.

Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

I knew that its just the ones that hunt you down from nak to tuluk

What does that have to do with anything?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

I knew that its just the ones that hunt you down from nak to tuluk

What does that have to do with anything?

There is a difference between "leading" a predator to the gates, and having it show up at the gates "a day later", still tracking you.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I hate that people get pinned for having animals hunt them to the gates.

If a guy runs to the gates for his life with a beast right behind him, and guards have to run out to kill it, that's one thing.

If a guy comes in after fleeing from a beast that's more than just a couple 'rooms' behind him?  Aren't there -other- people going through these gates?  Isn't there some time passing between that guy even entering before the beast gets there?  Can they tell that the beast is tracking someone rather than attacking the gates out of starvation?  Can they tell -who- it's tracking?

I don't see why the guards would snapshot the 'hunted's' face with specific detail, so that out of nowhere they can later bust him for 'leading beasts' to the gates.  Having been pinned for this deal didn't make sense to me at the time.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "Cuusardo"FYI:  You can get into a lot of trouble for doing that.

I knew that its just the ones that hunt you down from nak to tuluk

What does that have to do with anything?

If an animal starts tracking you, there's usually not a goddamn thing you can do to stop it besides killing it. At that point you can either wait around for it to kill you, or keep going towards your intended destination. These animals can usually take a while to catch up depending on the distance between you and it, and if you enter a city an IG hour or so before the animal shows up.. I don't think NPC guards should come looking for the last PC that went through the gates. It's not taking into account VNPCs like we've all been told we should. If you get caught red-handed.. that's another story.

But.. what I think Adrien was trying to say is that it's a little silly for something like a gortok to even charge head-long into the gateguards in the first place.

You can lose them before heading for a city. Very rarely have I not been able to.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

So you get blamed for the gortok that follows you to the city gates, and you get singled out and fined.  Boo hoo.  Life isn't fair, especially on Zalanthas.  The lawmakers and law enforcers of the cities aren't necessarily going to be fair and impartial, and they can single out anybody they choose.  Zalanthas isn't a democracy.  There is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty.  You're lucky you didn't get a worse punishment.

This sounds a lot to me like the person who whined in another thread about being singled out by a templar in a city for something.  "What about the VNPCs?  Why couldn't one of them be singled out?"  You're getting roleplay and interaction, and you're complaining about it.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

It's not a complaint about role-play and interaction.  It's a complaint about unrealistic actions on the part of law enforcers.
Back from a long retirement

Not to mention unrealistic behaviour on the part of the animal.

One hypothesis in that past has been that these animals (e.g. vestrics) are trained in secret orbital bases, so that they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

The rooms surrounding gates should be flagged to prevent hunting animals from crossing them.

I'm finding it increasingly funny in these forums to see how far people will stretch an argument to defend the way things currently work (or don't), no matter how out of kilter something is.  :lol:
Lunch makes me happy.

The feral mentality of most animals will often lead them into death, especially if they are starving.  Why do you think they are hunting you in the first place?  Not like they've really got anything to lose.  Either they starve to death, or get killed in the process of trying to get a meal.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"The feral mentality of most animals will often lead them into death, especially if they are starving.
I'd agree with that statement if the word 'especially' was changed to 'only'.  Last fall my uncle, who is a little weird, chased a black bear through the woods and the bear, which could have taken him out, ran like a frightened, well, animal.  With a full stomach most wild animals will avoid even the smallest of threats unless their territory/offspring are in danger.

Granted a gortok or a tembo might be different, there might be some blood frenzy ala sharks going on or something, but in general I'd say that an animal's survival instincts are more reliable than a human's, all things being equal.

It would be pretty cool if animals figured out if they were hungry or not and had different scripted actions based on their level of hunger.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Quote from: "Cuusardo"The feral mentality of most animals will often lead them into death, especially if they are starving.  Why do you think they are hunting you in the first place?  Not like they've really got anything to lose.  Either they starve to death, or get killed in the process of trying to get a meal.

It's still ridiculous how some animals that aren't even carnivores never run from a fight even if you are about to kill them.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

it's not ridiculous. YOU code it.

but yea, more advanced beastie AI would rock.

QuoteIt would be pretty cool if animals figured out if they were hungry or not and had different scripted actions based on their level of hunger.

Some do, but unfortunatly, only a select few in a select area. Maybe someday some of the more impressive NPC scripts will be handed down to the older NPC's, and maybe someday NPC hunt will get fixed.

QuoteYou can lose them before heading for a city. Very rarely have I not been able to.

And did you -really- pay attention to how you did this?

I have before, and there are really only two ways to do it, one is to run it past another agro npc and hope the new one wins, the other, and this is also common, only works because of the way the npc hunt code works, the other you don't see, but an npc takes the shortest route to get to you and when you change zones, because of the way the game is put together that route can change drasticly. I've back hunted many hunting npc's. In one case, I found the npc dead at a city gate, but NOT the one I came in, instead it was the one closest to where my PC spent the night. I'm betting that often this is the case when you think you have "lost" the NPC hunting you.

The other unrealsitic thing is when people talk of hunger on the NPC so it hunts you to the ends of the earth and into certain death...silly. I backtracked one because I noticed that when it arrived at my char it was near death, It had killed several other animals (non-agro) To get to my char...sorta throws the hunger idea out the window.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "X-D"
QuoteIt would be pretty cool if animals figured out if they were hungry or not and had different scripted actions based on their level of hunger.

Some do, but unfortunatly, only a select few in a select area. Maybe someday some of the more impressive NPC scripts will be handed down to the older NPC's, and maybe someday NPC hunt will get fixed.

QuoteYou can lose them before heading for a city. Very rarely have I not been able to.

And did you -really- pay attention to how you did this?

I have before, and there are really only two ways to do it, one is to run it past another agro npc and hope the new one wins, the other, and this is also common, only works because of the way the npc hunt code works, the other you don't see, but an npc takes the shortest route to get to you and when you change zones, because of the way the game is put together that route can change drasticly. I've back hunted many hunting npc's. In one case, I found the npc dead at a city gate, but NOT the one I came in, instead it was the one closest to where my PC spent the night. I'm betting that often this is the case when you think you have "lost" the NPC hunting you.

The other unrealsitic thing is when people talk of hunger on the NPC so it hunts you to the ends of the earth and into certain death...silly. I backtracked one because I noticed that when it arrived at my char it was near death, It had killed several other animals (non-agro) To get to my char...sorta throws the hunger idea out the window.

Actually, I believe if they get involved in combat when the combat is over if they've survived, they don't pick up and continue trying to hunt you. (This is what I've experienced.) There's something else I do in those situations which is common sense if you are thinking about someone following your tracks and you are trying to lose them.

Also, I meant losing them as in they aren't showing up at the gates within moments of my pc arriving there. If they happen to show up there the next fucking day, there's no way that's getting pinned on me.

So yes, I did what I set out to do in either case.  For -my- purposes, I -lost- that fucking npc. I got away and didn't lead it to the gates with it immediately on -my- ass.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

it is not a complaint about law by me, just wondering why don't the animals notice 5 super guards and a few haf-giants with obsidian gear and nasty attituded

everything has the will to live... i think them hunting you down to gates is stupid it would be cooler if they waited till you came out
dd my msn if you want,

Quote from: "ArmageddonMUD Animal Life"Gortok : A common type of canine in the northlands, the gortok are well-known as wild predatory scavengers with a strong pack mentality. They are not known for particular intelligence or cleanliness, but are quite hardy, capable of loping great distances after their slowly tiring prey before moving in with their vise-like jaws. Their hides often become an all but useless mass of scar tissue due to the constant fighting amongst themselves or the wounds recieved during a hunt.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

The gortok was used only as an example. Raptors behave in the exaxt same fashion, as does any other animal with the ability to track.

Quote from: "adrien"it is not a complaint about law by me, just wondering why don't the animals notice 5 super guards and a few haf-giants with obsidian gear and nasty attituded

It's because if they just gave up the hunt at that point, vicious animals would tend to accumulate outside city gates. Then people would get pounced on, or PCs would sit inside the gates and bring the animal down with arrows.

A possible solution to this would be to have flagged rooms semicircling the gates. If the beast tries to move into one of those, the hunt is off. At that point, it could start tracking some invisible and untouchable pseudo creature created in the place it started the hunt and go back to the wilderness. This has been suggested before, though, so likely there's some difficulty involved in coding it.
Lunch makes me happy.

Quotejust wondering why don't the animals notice 5 super guards and a few haf-giants with obsidian gear and nasty attituded

That's like saying a rabid dog wouldn't attack you because you were holding a gun. A beast is just that: A beast. It doesn't realise the odds. It doesn't realise that the guards outnumber it because it can't count. It doesn't know that they'll all kill it on sight. And it doesn't realise that any single one of them  could rape it down without breaking a sweat. In it's mind, fighting prowess is all on size. It wouldn't attack that half-giant, but it could probably take that human that isn't too much bigger than it.

It especially, ESPECIALLY doesn't realise that it's opponent is armed and armored (assuming it even realises these bipedal creatures as hostile). It has no clue why that thing is holding that long, sharp chunk of stone or why it's skin is so wierd, going from thick chitinous shelled torso, to studded legs, to spikey, thick-skinned wrists, to skinless head of bone. All it knows is "Hey, he's not too much bigger than me. I have razor sharp teeth and have been able to kill or escape everything I've fought so far. Why should this one be any different?"

Rodney King wouldn't walk up to a Klansman barbeque and grab a chicken wing, but a dog would. (granted they'd only shoo the dog, where as they'd lynch King)

Maybe an experienced beast would say "Hey! Last time I fought something that looked like that it beat the living snot out of me and I had to hide in a cave for three full days and lick the small piece of skin that held my paw to my leg." But I doubt any beast has survived a tangle with a guardsman.

Yes, it's realistic for some beasts to follow you. You're entering a heavily populated area. Lots of food for it. It could easily get it's fill here and walk out alive. However gith should know better than to follow you into the city.

Guardsmen pinning you for it? Yes, it should be illegal. You're putting the guards and everyone anywhere near the gates and/or surrounding farms in trouble.

Guardsmen finding you in the tavern a few hours later? Ah... Nah? It's sensitive, like the sneak post that pops up every two months. But not quite as. If I were a guardsman and I was polishing the statue when a man walked through, I'd nod and call it a day. If three hours later I was still spit shining that baby when a mek showed up, I could in no way, shape or form connect that man with that mek. Now, if he came through with a talon protruding from his left eye and blood from head to toe on an exhausted kank I would remember. If he came through covered in blood saying "Damned spiders." I would remember. If he came through a little dusty and riding an energetic kank, he would be one of 1000.

I work at a small town gas station and countless are the times when someone makes a comment like "I was just through here a couple hours ago." as if they expect me to remember them. I live in a town of 800 people. Even there I can only remember the faces I see regularly, or know. Joe Schmoe in his Packer jacket bought a soda? So did a thousand other paple. Pepe the exchange student from the Amazon who wears loin cloths around comes through, and trust me. I'll remember not only seeing him, but what he bought.

Unless the PC is extremely battered or is on the scene when the critter comes through, it should be ignored completely. Any investigation would be an exercise in futility.
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Quote from: "The guy claiming to be Jack's opinion"That's like saying a rabid dog wouldn't attack you because you were holding a gun. A beast is just that: A beast. It doesn't realise the odds. It doesn't realise that the guards outnumber it because it can't count. It doesn't know that they'll all kill it on sight.

Well that is just not true.  The beasts can count.   That is why a lion rapes a jackhal alone but runs the hell away if it sees a pack of them.  
(Well, don't count this as a scientific verification, it is all watching discovery channel sometimes.)
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Ghost"
Quote from: "The guy claiming to be Jack's opinion"That's like saying a rabid dog wouldn't attack you because you were holding a gun. A beast is just that: A beast. It doesn't realise the odds. It doesn't realise that the guards outnumber it because it can't count. It doesn't know that they'll all kill it on sight.

Well that is just not true.  The beasts can count.   That is why a lion rapes a jackhal alone but runs the hell away if it sees a pack of them.  
(Well, don't count this as a scientific verification, it is all watching discovery channel sometimes.)

Just to clarify, rabies is a disease of the nervous system. :P  It is neurologically not in its right mind in the first place.  Besides, being 'rabid' in the sense of in a fit of rage is different from an animal trying to a.) make a point, or b.) hunting.

QuoteWell that is just not true. The beasts can count. That is why a lion rapes a jackhal alone but runs the hell away if it sees a pack of them.
(Well, don't count this as a scientific verification, it is all watching discovery channel sometimes.)

Bah. Good point.  Still, I think there's quite a few critters that would come up to the gates not realising their impending doom. Especially ones that track your character a long way to get here.

QuoteJust to clarify, rabies is a disease of the nervous system. Razz It is neurologically not in its right mind in the first place. Besides, being 'rabid' in the sense of in a fit of rage is different from an animal trying to a.) make a point, or b.) hunting.

Well... I didn't mean the rabies thing literally.. I suppose "Wild dog" would've been better.

I guess through that big whole post the points I wanted to make were.
a) A dumber animal wouldn't notice the danger
b) They don't know what your sword is for (unless they've survived a hunting party before or something)
c) Few animals would know better, so some tracking you to the gate isn't such a big issue, in Jack's opinion
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Creatures in the wild, even wild kittens and that sort of thing have a hard time to be tamed and run off at the sight of one human.  Most animals are skiddish from danger only lashing out when approached.  While some kind of wild cat might chase a human if they see one go into suberbia or around a group odds are they are not going to pursue it.  Animals aren't mindless.  And animals on this game are smart some even have psychic powers.  I definitely see the point this person is trying to make.

they want an easy escape or meal with little chance for injury. naturally if you hit a raptor on the head with a mace they will feel the pain and run most preditors retreat when there injured rethink there attack and make a move away or towards the possible victim
dd my msn if you want,

If everything were realistic, the hunters would be f**ked.. Really..

That raptor fighting to death against my semi-experienced warrior would retreat when it's down to a certain level of health instead. It would run away like a jozhal. It would be way too hard to hunt intelligent beasts like raptors.
So sometimes they act stupid to our advantage. They don't know when to retreat so we can kill them with ease. But sometimes they act stupid to our disadvantage. They hunt us to death.
Both of these should be corrected or both should be left alone.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Thunder Lord"The argument hat an animal won't run away after seeing 5 guards. well

Apparently armies of people don't go walking through the wilderness every day. And clearly the animal is not yet evolved to consider 5 scary fuckers with weapons is a threat. I wouldent be supprised if when raptors saw the gates in the distance it wouldent charge at it hungry for flesh.

 My Take...

 a) Creatures who are 'prey animals'  ie critters low on the food chain..  tend to be skittish..  deer, Turkey, etc...  and the like

 b)  creatures who are 'prey animals' are a a threat to their hunters (Elk. Moose, Water Buffilo)...   Note the Africian Water buffilo is considered the most dangerous mammal to hunt on this planet...   also  Rinos  Elephants and the like..

c) Lazy Preditors..  Lions,  snakes.. etc...

d) Agressive hunters..  Tigers,  Cheetahs,  Most Raptors.

e) Abusive hunters.. (ie wasteful)   Humans,  Wolverenes (and that family including Polar bears, Mink, weasels, and the like),   and politicians.

f)  Evil hunters...   Templa.....[this post has be terminated by his faithful].
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."