ANSI COLOR (again)

Started by FightClub, November 26, 2005, 04:05:07 AM

Okay I went through the forums, and I've read one or two threads on this that were immediatly dismissed by the players of admins, here are my thoughts on the ordeal.

1.  A major portion of people who come to this game dismiss it immediatly because it does not have color, a good portion of them that are great rpers that I know personally, who cannot handle the difference, and have trouble picking out things of the spam of white (or green as I put it to slightly help me)

2.  I noticed a lot of people saying that we don't have it so people could not tell a difference between NPC and PC's -- if this were such a big ordeal then why do I have "A human soldier" or "a pack of slaves"  you can look at those and immediatly say hey that's a NPC.

3. When in combat, especially combat of inceasing numbers I notice all that is highlighted is damage.  I can't even tell when my player is knocked down, bashed, tripped, or anything of the sort, because it goes right in with the spam  this is something I would know icly, I was just knocked on my bum for krath sake.

4.  I think it's a pretty inpractical restriction to say no you can't have color, especially if it's a reoccuring request, for those of you who prefer not to have colors, great, if ANSI were implemented you wouldn't have to view them, they'd most likely be toggled, or you could go set all of your default colors to the same thing.

I'm not too sure how hard it would be to implement full ansi, I mean even if you didn't break out and turn everything colored, road names, tables, objects, and combat types would be the least things you could do, and I'm sure it would greatly improve new players impression of the game, and greatly help to reduce some of what I see as "spam" and half the time that's what it appears to be to me.

"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I've actually grown used to the lack of color, and have found it to be one of those standard "things" that you notice is common with RP-based MUDs.

I wouldn't really like to see full-blown color.  However, I wouldn't mind seeing the hunger, way usage, and thirst message to be colored (along with other very important messages that your character would feel).  I can't tell you how many times I've gone from 'not hungry' to absolutely starving and half-dead before I noticed and went, "Huh.  My HP are dropping.  Wonder why?"

Most coloration, however, can be done with triggers.  For the sake of my own eyeballs, I often set up a trigger to color my prompt a noticeable color, so I can tell when I've gone between rooms with long descriptions, and I can keep my place when reading them on those long night hours.

Quote from: "FightClub"1.  A major portion of people who come to this game dismiss it immediatly because it does not have color, a good portion of them that are great rpers that I know personally, who cannot handle the difference, and have trouble picking out things of the spam of white (or green as I put it to slightly help me)

A simple solution would be for people to "donate" thier color mapping settings for the major clients.  This could all be stored easily on a web page somewhere for easy reference.  This wouldn't take much work, and limited IMM support.  

The option of adding color to the mud itself would irk the purists, although I'm sure a flag could be put out there to ignore colorization.   This may or may not be diffucult to do, I can't speak to the code obviously.  I still think the webpage is the preferred method.

Quote from: "FightClub"2.  I noticed a lot of people saying that we don't have it so people could not tell a difference between NPC and PC's -- if this were such a big ordeal then why do I have "A human soldier" or "a pack of slaves"  you can look at those and immediatly say hey that's a NPC.

Oddly enough I think not being able to tell a PC vs. an NPC apart is a plus.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

double post... tired sorry
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I never figured out how to do the triggers in any of my clients.... Also, isn' all that you can do trigger to highligh specific words?

I'd really love to see one color for pcs and npcs, another for items, a third one for damage....  Room exits and echos sticking out from the standard color through using some other color... Even the highlighting won't really work if your text olor is already white.

Really, please, give this some thought. Not having any color was a bit of a turnoff for me when I got here, and I'm sureit is even more for other people.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

I am highly against having NPCs and PCs colored differently.
This is because an experienced player, though he may ignore the NPC, would not pretend that NPC is a statue sitting somewhere.
A PC coming from a new MUD might see an NPC and immediately proceed to ignore it and treat it like a statue.  It would also mean that whenever a staffer animated an NPC, you'd immediately know it's an NPC and some people might react differently.

However, after giving this some consideration, I think that some color, if it defaulted to be Inactive, could be good for the game.

This is what I would color (and what colors I use, with darkgreen on black):
Prompt (greenish-blue)
All psionic messages (copper orange)
The word "Templar" (white)
Languages (sirihish silver, cavilish gold, mirukkim firebrick, bendune beige, tatlum cyan, allundean blue)
"At your seat/table" (brown)
"You overhear" (cyan for whispers, purple for tables)
Hunger and thirst could also use a bit of color, I guess.

More than this, I don't think we really need colors; except, possibly, for when you're disarmed or bashed.

Of course, MUDs are often limited to those sixteen crappy colors, so it probably won't be very pretty.
My ideology about colors is that colors should help your eye find things your PC couldn't not notice, and not guide your eye away from 'unimportant' details like NPCs and room descs.

I'm against colors for objects (you never know, that ginka fruit you're trying to pick up could be a ginka-shaped monster in disguise!) and, for the reason I stated above, NPCs.  Coloring damage also feels unnecessary to me.  No for echoes, because people shouldn't be able to tell if that's a staffer sending echoes or just coded room echoes.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Completely agreed, not sure that such an emphasis on seperate languages should be placed -- but it should be a seperate color for speaking in particular, in my opinion.

The highlighted damage, should only be placed if it is for disarms, bashes, and other things that effect your character in combat.

See the importance of this is to put enough color, preferably darker tones in the game that are enough to capture the characters eye, about key things they should see, but would otherwise not, I don't think descriptions of rooms, descriptions of players, or items should be colored, and items only colored if it is a uniform color, that helps per say to seperate from tables or chests.

Just a few suggestions, this has probably been battered over and over by the players, but I think it is something the staff should give as an option to their players, and who knows Armageddon coming out with color might cause another dramatic player boost.

Because I for one know of atleast five people who say "I don't play Armageddon because it hurts my eyes, or I can't read the crap because it scrolls to fast and doesn't have any color."

These are things people should be given a chance to recognize, these are things that do not directly hinder the player, or create an unfair advantage, these are things that would easily be toggled or untoggled, or even made to where a user could select their own preference, based on staff selected colorable items.

Little to ask in my opinion, but aye we'll see.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I've experienced the same issue.  My problem is that sometimes--when everything is black and white and you get spam either at a tavern, in battle, or while traveling--you miss some key things.

I've highlighted things like languages, directions, certain combat functions, stuff said at my table, stuff that I overhear, contacts from other people...I'm going to add in hunger and thirst messages, too.  Might help a bit.

I'm not opposed to the colors in the game now (which is none).  I believe it allows for more personalization of the color system for each person.  It's so much easier to use sdescs and stuff when you don't have to worry about a stupid color command and make sure that you aren't BLEEDING within your emote or whatever.
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

For the record, i dismiss other games that force color on me.

I prefer very limited color, myself, and the few things i want colored, i'll color on my own.

PCs vs NPCs are easy to figure out:
NPCs have non-default long descriptions, and aren't sitting at the tables in the bar when you "look tabless." They also don't respond to you unless you wish up.

Again, the color issue. Any half decent client has colorings. I prefer wyrmnet for it's simplicity, power, and the fact that it's pure freeware.

Other people prefer other clients.

Granted, you are right. These two issues (color and npc confusion) might shock some new players since most of the other muds handle both in a very different way.

But I don't see how we could make these two other things like all the other muds without BREAKING our mud. You see:

1. I hope no immortal ever spends time trying to set some default colors for the game, even if I can turn them off. I'd rather him do ANYTHING ELSE that has to do with enriching the game world. If you want color, color it yourself.

2. You can never obviously make NPCs obviously NPCs without making them Obviously NPCs! And this is what I would consider "breaking" armageddon because it's another OOC thing that's there to slap you in the face. The "discussion boards" in game are bad enough, but a necessary evil. There's no reason to mark NPCs as NPCs when to the character they're just another person in the world.

Dealing with battle spam is a skill that partly involves using a client to color key messages, part experience, part being able to handle a higher resolution screen, and part being able to read quicky. Also, it requires the knowledge to use the prompt. I have two prompts, one for the desert that has full information including my position and who i'm fighting, and one for the city which includes just my stun for psi use.

help alias
help prompt
for more info on those.

I would be willing to donoate my color settings for wrymnet client (not that anyone else uses it) to a webpage when I feel they are mostly complete. Still working on a adding a lot of combat messages right now.

Quote from: "Agent_137"
2. You can never obviously make NPCs obviously NPCs without making them Obviously NPCs! And this is what I would consider "breaking" armageddon because it's another OOC thing that's there to slap you in the face. The "discussion boards" in game are bad enough, but a necessary evil. There's no reason to mark NPCs as NPCs when to the character they're just another person in the world.

Umm... use the same color for npcs and pcs, then? And if it stops new players from saying 'ugh, no color -  I can't play this!' then it's worth the effort more than a few new crafting items that only a fraction of the playerbase is ever going to use.

I had a hard time getting used to the no color thing. I would have left the game upos seeing that if I hadn't had a cool helper that told me it was worth it and if I hadn't put so much effort into the game before I even started playing.

And still no one is telling me how to do the color thig with a client that can do colors... please, someone? I'm, looking for a nice and new client anyway, not too happy with my current one.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

I personally think that some limited color as an option wouldn't hurt.  It would be nice if communication, some combat message, the exits, and some other important aspects of the game had a little color to them.  If soem staff member felt bored and wanted to go through different aspects of the game and add color, I think that would be awesome, so long as that color is optional.

I, like other people, just use triggers to color important messages, but making the game more newbie friendly never hurts.

I don't see why NPCs -and- PCs should have colors.
Also, sometimes you might run into an object you should think is an NPC, like those gortok dummies, so NPCs, PCs and Objects all need to be the same color.
And I'm glad that they should, otherwise we'd have a colorfest.  I don't think Arm should ever have more than every other line (not including prompts) with a single highlighted word.

Here is my list for what Arm's default colors should be, and what they should be for.  I'd like to see some others' people lists, to roll this idea a little further on.

Normal text - dark green
Background - black
When you're disarmed - dark red
When you're bashed - dark magenta
Contact, Break and Psis (both ways) - dark yellow (brown)
Hungry or thirsty - grey

Sirihish (just 'in sirihish:', not the whole speech) - green
Allundean ("" "") - blue
Cavilish - yellow
Tatlum - magenta
Bendune - dark yellow
Mirukkim - dark red
Anyar - dark grey
Heshrak - red
Nrizkt - green

Overhearing - magenta
The word 'templar' in any sdesc - white
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Color as a selectable option wouldn't hurt, as long as it was limited. A lot of muds go completely overboard and color absolutely everything. You see things like...

<worn on head>   a red and white hat
<worn on body>   a sunburst-emblazoned woodsplint vest

and so on. Yuck.

Some people think color is a tool to illustrate and add flavor to text-based games, but I disagree... you don't see books printed in multi-colored ink because it gets distracting to read descriptions like that. So I'd be against any color in any sdesc, mdesc, ldesc, or extra description on any pc, npc, room, or object anywhere. Also, don't allow anyone to put color in their emotes, please please please.

The only thing I think color is good for is highlighting certain things and making them easier to notice, and I think Arm could possibly benefit from that a bit. So if we were going to color Arm, here's what I would suggest:

Normal text: default (whatever color the player's client uses for default text. Mine is gray, my girlfriend likes hers to be green because she's weird).
Background: default (most people's terminals are set for a black background anyway)
Says and tells (any language): highlighted white
"Talks" (at your table): highlighted yellow
Whispers: highlighted green
Psionic stuff: highlighted cyan
(Overheard language of any kind would just display it with its normal color)
High-level damage hits, to you or other people: highlight the adjective bright red, and the victim bright white (as in, A spider bites somebody's neck, doing frightening damage)
Special combat moves like being kicked, bashed, disarmed, charged, backstabbed, sapped, and so on: dark red

Honestly I think that's about all I'd like to see. Comparing my list to Larrath's I noticed some pretty significant differences, and that's another thing about color... it's hard to come up with a scheme everyone will like. Maybe if the staff were interested in adding color we could start a thread on the submissions forum where everyone could suggest their own color ideas.

I've seen systems that let players define their own color coding, and that's another possible option (the system allows for the capability of coloring certain things, and the players set which color they'd like those things to be.) That would be a fairly big project though.

It's surprising so many people are saying we're losing newbies over the color issue, I wouldn't have expected that.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I think, to keep it really simple:

PCs and NPCs one color.  "You" would also be colored, in whatever the PC color is (I like dark purple, personally).  The short desc would be colored (like in emotes and says) along with the long desc.

All normal text default color.

Objects a color, both long and short desc (I like dark green).

Maybe the "you are hungry" and "you are thirsty" a cyan (dark, the bright colors hurt some of us, but again, I'm open to anything).

Also, the heading of the room, perhaps also a dim cyan ("Radoon Street: [NE]").

This is very mild color, but it highlights everything you need.  Follow the same srot of thing for combat (which I know none of).  Words such as "brutally damages" or "Scrapes" (whatever) a red color, andspecial moves simply highlighted.

I think this keeps it moderate as the IMMs want (obviously because there is no color implemented) but it helps.  A lot.


I am not fond of objects or sdescs being highlighted at all.  Not only does it make for a technicolor emote, it also makes it distracting when you include a virtual character or describe an object without specifically targeting it.

I have some combat highlighting that has proven very effective, and some very minimal highlighting elsewhere, namely the room titles and a slight "greyout" on things I overhear or are said at another table, which helps me to pay less attention to them on an OOC level as well as an IC level, and makes busy tavern spam less confusing.

It seems to me, that everyone, could atleast agree with having an option to color their own world.

I've played a couple of muds that allowed this in a config menu, as far as players making triggers to do it, what of those that use telnet at work, or simply don't want to use "your" client, might call this selfish, but I know many of you who wouldn't switch over from your client for a simple alteration, especially if you paid and licensed it.

I think this is a worth addition, period, it needs to be recognized by the staff, and it needs to be considered, atleast -- for the possibility of having an even larger player base, and for the possibility of pleasing people who have dealt with the single color, but want more.
"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I'd like color very, very much.  I'm legally blind without my glasses, and even with them on I don't see very well.  It's extremely difficult to sort through line upon line of achromatic spam.

I use mushclient, pretty religiously, i've never worked with triggers specifically to highligh words as they come, if someone would be willing to help me work with this, my aim and e-mail are listed on my account.  Seems I'll have to make due, unless this problem is resolved.

"rogues do it from behind"
Quote[19:40] FightClub: tremendous sandstorm i can't move.
[19:40] Clearsighted: Good
[19:41] Clearsighted: Tremendous sandstorms are gods way of saving the mud from you.

I was just browsing this forum and pulled this up and decided to throw in my two pennies ;)

I understand that to colour code and change all items, objects, NPCs and descriptions of numerous varieties is a -huge- task in itself and I'm sure the staff have better things to be doing.

However, there is a better solution, in my opinion, than the one that is being suggested.

From the experience of another MUD, it is not confusing or techicolouring if you were to do it as such.

All objects - one colour - all objects ranging from armour to quills in one colour.

All people - one colour - all PCs and NPCs be it people or animals. This colour would be included in the speech so: the short, curly-haired man says, in Sirihish, "blah" and the person's description would be the same colour as it is when seen in a room.

The distinction is significant and things are easily focused in emotes and speech. It need not be complicated or like a rainbow but like I said above, I'm sure it takes a lot of work and secondly, the majority of the player base is happy with what they've always had and, afterall, you get used to it :)


Edit: Nevermind, I just realized that the thread is like 2 years old :D sorry.
b]YB <3[/b]

I think that we need to give this idea a considerable amount of thought.

Here is the situation as I see it. While we may not like color, the option to turn off ANSI completely fixes our problem For those who would play if we had ansi, it completely fixes their problem.

ANSI, in itself, is not hard to implement. There is no rewriting of sdescs, ldesc, or anything else. What ANSI can be told to do is: All ldesc of objects are blue, all sdesc of PCs are red, etc. Then there is the added functionality of being able to fool players by painting an object or mob as an item.

I actually think that ANSI would be a great addition, if it were implemented correctly. With three modes, off, partial (our current ANSI), and full, I know for a fact that more people would check it out. I have had a number of folks tell me over the years that Armageddon turned them off because of the lack of color.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I prefer many colors.  Therefore I have my client put them in for me.  It was a lot of work, but now there is a rainbow where my heart is.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Well, now that it's bumped anyway...

Personally, the reason I want ANSI is not because of "the pretty colors that keep me entertained". It doesn't need to be a ROM hack'n'slash mud with flashing combat messages where we can *AnNiHiLaTe you with A-C-I-D SPRAY!!!1". What I want is to be able to read emotes and speech more easily. Reading a two-line emote that includes the emoter and two other ~people can be very annoying.

On SoI, sdescs (not only when 'look'ing in the room) are colored, and it helps a lot. Room names and objects could be colored as well, but it's not necessary. Check out the difference:

    The two-legged, dressed templar's gaze passes the poor, begging beggar as he motions for the strong, armed bodyguard and points his finger at the poor, begging beggar before making his way past the common commoner.

The two-legged, dressed templar's gaze passes the poor, begging beggar as he motions for the strong, armed bodyguard and points his finger at the poor, begging beggar before making his way past the common commoner.[/list]

It's a lot easier on the eyes because you don't have to concentrate as much on seeing who was the actual emoter and who were the targeted players. PCs and NPCs should by all means be the same color.
b]YB <3[/b]

At any rate it would be nice to have the option.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

As V is for Venomz said, it wouldn't be hard to add ANSI color...

...but setting everything that should have color in it?  Depending on how ANSI was implemented, it could be quite a pain to implement.  If we want it done right and flexible, each item that needs coloration would have to be individually updated.  We could just tell the code that sdescs or this are this color, these are that color and this is that color...but that eliminates the possibility men tioned about having monsters colored as object to confuse those people that aren't paying attention, that sort of thing.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "bardess"I think, to keep it really simple:

PCs and NPCs one color.  "You" would also be colored, in whatever the PC color is (I like dark purple, personally).  The short desc would be colored (like in emotes and says) along with the long desc.

All normal text default color.

Objects a color, both long and short desc (I like dark green).

Maybe the "you are hungry" and "you are thirsty" a cyan (dark, the bright colors hurt some of us, but again, I'm open to anything).

Also, the heading of the room, perhaps also a dim cyan ("Radoon Street: [NE]").

This is very mild color, but it highlights everything you need.  Follow the same srot of thing for combat (which I know none of).  Words such as "brutally damages" or "Scrapes" (whatever) a red color, andspecial moves simply highlighted.

I think this keeps it moderate as the IMMs want (obviously because there is no color implemented) but it helps.  A lot.


This is the best that I've heard so far... Also, I think that room echos showing a direction should be highlighted. For example "The large burly halfling walks north."

This would help with not only making room activity more noticeable, but also help with following. I know when I played my first PC, I was being show around a place, following of course. After the tour, I had no better idea of where I had gone, that I did when I got there. ICly, I would have been a bit more familiar after the tour than when I started, right?

QuoteThe two-legged, dressed templar's gaze passes the poor, begging beggar as he motions for the strong, armed bodyguard and points his finger at the poor, begging beggar before making his way past the common commoner.

With some experience with SoI, I can tell I personally find this highly irritating. All I can see is that it's something about a templar, a bodyguard, a beggar and a commoner, and I have to concentrate real hard to see what's going on.
But that's me.
As long as there's a toggle, I wouldn't mind seeing something like this at all.
Quote from: VanthA well-placed grunt can be worth a thousand words.

The real solution has been mentioned; if any code is adopted, make sure that it is a toggle so players are neither forced to endure a colorful, ora colorless world per their personal tastes.

Unlike the OP, I loathe ANSI graphics and associate them with H&S MUDs.

I enjoy the similarity between plain grey text in Armageddon and a novel, because I feel the two are very much alike.  I don't seem to have any trouble reading and filtering the text unless I'm in a room with 20 PC's all performing spam actions, but I'd still feel like I playing a video game more than participating in a living, breathing world.

However, I understand some people can't seem to live without bright flashy lights, so what do I care if I can toggle it off?  :wink:


Quote from: "Hymwen"What I want is to be able to read emotes and speech more easily. Reading a two-line emote that includes the emoter and two other ~people can be very annoying.

Yeah, when I got back into Arm somewhat recently one of the first things I did was go to zuggsoft and start researching triggers so I could color arm.  I'd forgotten how much all that spam sucked.  heh.  Zmud just rocks.  You pay once and get a lifetime of upgrades.  The guy(s) keeps updating and making more sophisticated his client and I really respect that.  I'm sure there's no fortune to be had amongst mudders.  I'm not inviting a debate on this, I just thought I'd mention it.

As far as triggers and colors, yeah.  Probably similar to other clients, you can get as simple or as complicated as you want.  For example, I've read that when you're in a bar you can have the conversation at your table pop up in its own window while the entire bar is going in the main window.  I've organized a lot of triggers into folders from general "information" to battle, etc and it's really been a lot more easy on the eyes.  I work on a puter all day so this little bit of ease is appreciated.  The "#Echo" feature is something I use particularly heavy in triggers as it can echo back anything you want it to.

- HK
- HK

I actually have a nice trigger file for Armageddon, that colors things wonderfully so that they are noticeable but not gaudy, for Zmud. If folks show interest, I could see about getting it uploaded somewhere.

I wouldn't mind color as long as it was in white, light grey, and dark grey.  Maybe a few of the more readable colors.  There are some -really- bad colors out there that make me glad Arm doesn't have color.  I definitely don't think color should be everywhere, but a little bit for damage, languages, and such could be nice.  I do also find color harder to read at times.  The light grey is a perfect color too.
, / ^ \ ,                   
|| --- || L D I E L

As far as sharing, it looks like there's an option under file > export text and you can select which triggers / folders you want exported.  You could copy and paste the text into this board and then people could copy and paste that text into a txt file and choose file > import text within zmud's trigger window.  So we wouldn't even have to host a file we could juse use text on this board.

- HK
- HK

Quote from: "Only He Stands There"I actually have a nice trigger file for Armageddon, that colors things wonderfully so that they are noticeable but not gaudy, for Zmud. If folks show interest, I could see about getting it uploaded somewhere.

yeah, that'd be great

- HK
- HK

I have to give credit where credit is due, first off: most of this is made possible by past posts by Delirium, Larrath, and especially Freman Scum.

This was designed for ZMud with standard snot-green output, yellow input colors with a black background. You may want to tinker them to your liking; if you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me.

The general scheme is as follows:

Hunger/thirst warnings in dark orange.
Dehydrated/starving warnings/sufferings in dark red.
Combat hits in dark red.
Combat misses in grey (originally they were blacked out but I decided to leave them in; if you want them blacked out change all instances of #co grey to #co darkgrey).
All languages (just the words, not the lines) in silver, to better spot them/remind you what you're speaking.
Usage of the Way (contact, break, foreign presence, withdrawal) in orange.
Suffering from the way in a dark orange, a different hue than hunger/thirst.
OOC in dark blue.
Your feels/thinks in grey.
Animal refusing to move in dark red.
<worn on/in/around/across whatever> in grey - useful for sorting out what someone is wearing, as opposed to tattooes. Only the <worn blah> section is colored; the item itself remains normal.
Sandstorm messages in dark orange.
Magick incantations being uttered (the stock "So-and-so utters an incantation" message only, nothing else) in dark red.

The words gith, templar, tarantula, mekillot, scrab, etc etc etc are labelled in white - which won't have any effect if you're using white text in the first place. This ONLY affects animals (templar included ;)) which are mentioned in the documents; if you want others you know about, add them yourself. I removed any undocumented creature from it.

I've removed all IC information and personally-pertinent triggers (char names, etc) from the file. It should be good to use, and given some tinkering to your own tastes, I'm sure it'll be at least marginally useful. :)

#CLASS {Colors} {enable}
#CLASS {Colors|Combat} {enable}
#CLASS {Colors|Combat|Hits} {enable}
#TRIGGER { and knocks you over} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {rolls with your charge} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {nimbly avoids your bash} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {sends you sprawling} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {but fumble and drop your own weapon instead} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {*heroically darts in front of you, and knocks you out of the way! } {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {*leaps in front of you, protecting you from harm! } {#co darkred}
#CLASS {Colors|Combat|Misses} {enable}
#TRIGGER {tough skin} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {swiftly dodges} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {viciously leap} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {deftly parry} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {blow is deftly deflected} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {parries} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {dodge} {#co grey}
#CLASS {Colors|Language} {enable}
#TRIGGER {You contact %1 with use of the Way.} {#co orange}
#TRIGGER {A foreign presence contacts your mind.} {#co orange}
#TRIGGER {You dissolve the psychic link} {#co orange}
#TRIGGER {You sense a presence withdraw from your mind} {#co orange}
#TRIGGER {You suffer from use of the Way} {#co darkgoldenrod}
#TRIGGER {^You think} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {^You feel} {#co grey}
#TRIGGER {out of character} {#cw darkblue}
#TRIGGER {telepathic} {#co orange}
#TRIGGER {sirihish} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {allundean} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {mirukkim} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {bendune} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {tatlum} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {cavilish} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {anyar} {#cw silver}
#TRIGGER {an unfamiliar tongue} {#cw brown}
#CLASS {Colors|Names} {enable}
#TRIGGER {gith} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {templar} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {raptor} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {anakore} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {beetle} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {tarantula} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {mekillot} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {gortok} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {bahamet} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {halfling} {#CW bold,white}
#TRIGGER {scrab} {#CW bold,white}
#CLASS {Colors|Misc}
#TRIGGER {refuses to move} {#co darkred}
#TRIGGER {You are getting hungry} {#co darkorange}
#TRIGGER {You are getting thirsty} {#co darkorange}
#TRIGGER {You are famished} {#co bold,darkred}
#TRIGGER {You are dehydrated} {#co bold,darkred}
#TRIGGER {You suffer from dehydration} {#co bold,darkred}
#TRIGGER {You are starving.} {#co bold,darkred}
#TRIGGER {^<worn %1>} {#cw grey}
#TRIGGER {^<hung from %1>} {#cw grey}
#TRIGGER {^Stinging sand swirls around you.} {#co goldenrod}
#TRIGGER {^Terrible, biting sand whips around you.} {#co goldenrod}
#TRIGGER {utters an incantation.$} {#co darkred}


(*)Copy previous post to text file.

(*)In ZMUD, click VIEW->Triggers.

(*)In the "Settings" window that opens, click FILE->Import text...

(*)Browse to and open the text file you made earlier.

(*)Review triggers to make sure they're all in working order. The <worn %1> trigger displays a warning, but still works.

(*)Adjust colors to your preference.


Thanks man, you rock!

- HK
- HK

Quit question about Zmud. Sorry, but how do you get the toolbar to stop having the same line you previously entered saved on your curser?
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

Okay, I need to ask, because some of these colors don't work for my scheme, where you get the actual color names from like goldenrod and stuff like that.

***Nevermind, found it. Under help in zmud, there's a color picker option.****

Thanks, Only!

Quote from: "Cegar"Quit question about Zmud. Sorry, but how do you get the toolbar to stop having the same line you previously entered saved on your curser?

The Zmud help system isn't very intuitive, is it?

Anyway, Prefs -> General -> Command Line -> Auto Clear Input

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Oh, and anyone taking this opportunity to try zmud, if you want to use the automapper go to  It takes a little work to get the mapper to work properly in Arm.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Where would someone input the text file if, per se, they are using zmud 4.62, hypothetically?

Perhaps I'm not naming the text file right (mud.txt?) to have it be registered as an importable file.  Does anyone know what the heck I'm doing wrong?

I click view, then triggers, then there's no settings or import option.  If I ignore the first two steps (view>triggers), then I can find an import option under the settings menu, but it refuses to recognize the file as importable (does not even show up under browse, and when c/p'd, the import window then comes up, with no option to do a dayam thing.

I'm normally not compustupid, but I need some help here.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

You could try to cut & paste the text into the input line, that's what I did.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins