Re: RP Mistake

Started by Shinobi, November 20, 2005, 02:32:09 AM

Because I can't repost on the Staff board, I'll just post here and hope I get noticed. I don't want to bother the folks who run Armageddon anymore than they are already bothered. I'll probably just make a new character in the morning. Too much trouble to bring back the dead.

It seems you threw a dart at something you shouldn't have, and it killed you.  Tough breaks, pal.  But it's a good lesson to learn.  You attack things, and there probably are going to be consequences.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

It's been my experience that resurrections are given out at an exceedingly low rate and only in cases where there was some sort of rationale that involved the dead PC being killed in a manner that was unfair OOC either due to a bug or player abuse.

The command 'nosave on'  is your friend when trying out new commands in the city.  'nosave on' has your character automatically submit to subdue attempts (as well as other things) and in cases when dealing with the city militia this could save your PCs life.  It's a toggle so when you no longer want to automatically submit to subdue attempts it's a good thing to type 'nosave off'.  Obviously you only want to do this if it is in character for your PC to give up when confronted by Johnny Law.

You've got to understand that you're living in a militaristic city-state here on Zalanthas.  The only people in cities who are allowed to perform acts of aggression (yes, throwing something at someone is considered an act of aggression) would be the city's militia and templars.  (Nobility is above the law, but they are also above doing things like this themselves.)  Commoners walking around wielding weapons in the city are also subject to punishment if the militia/templars deem it necessary.

There are ways to circumvent getting caught if you're going to do something like this, but doing such things in a public place is NOT one of them.  And make damn sure to have nosave on if you're going to try it.

p.s.  Don't ever throw ANYTHING at a mul.  Read the racial docs about muls if you don't know why.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

As Ashyom said, with highlights to your specific case,
"Deaths caused by link-loss, lag, typos, the callousness of other players, and rampant stupidity do NOT fall into the category of exceptional circumstances."

Not to be mean, but you did attack a mul.

Help mul
Muls are sterile crossbreeds of dwarves and men, bred almost solely by Templar slavers and nobles for combat in the Arenas of Allanak as well as those of Tuluk.
Physically, muls bear most of the bulk of their dwarven parent, being extremely strong and rugged.
This tends to make many muls into angry people, full of distrust and hatred.

You are actually lucky if all it did was kill you and not kill everything around it in a mad rage.

Onto the barfight.

It is only a barfight if both people ae unarmed.

You weren't unarmed. You used deadly force on someone else. Hence a very real crime.

You were in the Sun King's Sanctuary. Does it look like they want bar fights in there?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

If it's any consolation, lots of people have lost characters through typos or misperceptions. A classic example is turning north one room too early along the road between Allanak and Tuluk, and plunging off the Shield Wall. People have even taken wagons over the Wall. Another example is thinking 'kick' is a sort of emote command (as it often is on other games) and quickly getting cut down by every soldier around when you try it.

I wouldn't so snarky as to call this a case of rampant stupidity so much as not knowing what to expect. Is a dart a weapon object, or does it have a coded reaction to being thrown at things other than dartboards? Since it seems to be a weapon object, can you throw spears at dartboards? Arrows? Hmm, who knows? Would you be attacked for trying? Probably not, but who knows?
Lunch makes me happy.

A dart is a weapon object that you can throw at dartboards.  It is a throwable piercing weapon codedly designed for combat and speically for dartboards.  Throwing your fist at someone to try to anger them into a non-lethal barfight is one thing, but throwing a sharp-pointed dart at them with the same intent is another, especially because a dart could cause serious damage to someone if it went through a vital part, say, their head.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

I think this case was a typo, and not stupidity as some players have posted.  Since this's resolved, I'll lock the thread.  If anyone wants to start another new one with tips for new players, that'd be cool.