Borsail Noble Positions Open

Started by Naiona, November 14, 2005, 10:48:12 PM

The richest and most powerful house in the known world is taking applications for noble characters.

If conniving, sneaky, power-hungry, backstabbing roleplay in the traditions of Mario Puzo and George R.R. Martin appeal to you and you are able to log in -very- reguarly, are not involved in any current plotlines -and- have a good recent account history, please send your application to with a cc: to

Each application should include your account name and a proposal for your new character.

This character must be a full human and can be any non-magicker guild. Beyond that, we'll consider any concept - so long as it is appropriate for Allanak's foremost family.

A Borsail Noble position comes with a lot of responsibility. Borsail is a big clan with a lot of PC underlings. You -must- be willing to play regularly and must be involved in keeping other PCs occupied. Some understanding of Allanaki social structure and politics is a must.

Positions in Borsail are always filled quickly. Send in your applications or even your intent to submit one soon.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

We are going to reopen these positions for a couple of days due to some playing time issues.  If you have an interest in a Borsail noble position, please contact and within the next couple days.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

We once again have an opening in House Borsail. If you have an interest in a Borsail noble position, please contact and within the next couple days.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

We once again have an opening for a noble in House Borsail. If you have an interest in a Borsail noble position, please contact within the next couple days with your basic character concept or questions.

Just a reminder - your recent account notes should be free of negative comments and you should be available frequently in this role.  Borsail play may get exciting in the next few months, so engaged nobility is a must.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.