Some words of thanks.

Started by Gaare, November 11, 2005, 01:19:08 PM

Personally I enjoy and prefer to run PCs much or less suits the cliche definition of the role I choose. On the other hand, thanks to some players who run some PCs on the boundaries and bringing some more color to the game.  

There are surely limits for such, stated in documents like no elf would ride a kank, or a half-giant can not be analiticaly smart.. those define and create the atmosphere of this great game we all enjoy and protect like it is ours.

Though it does not prevent me enjoying to see nobles sitting at the bar, bards who can hardly speak and live in poverty, tuluki citizens who hate those cutting wood, people who is not fond of slavery... Thanks to you and Yay for your courage to stand and enjoy IC concequances of your PCs' actions (Time to time, IC results must be frusturating).
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Thanks to the players that play the norms, but the norms that no one else for whatever reason desires to play.

The poor, the dirty, the beggars, the whores, the small time merchant, the bottom feeders, those with little ambition, the soldier, the slave, the drunkard, the spice addict, the bard, the awful bard, the ugly, the foolish, anyone who makes mistakes, folks with a less then perfect memory, the injured, the emotional, the liars, the cheats, the cunning, the racist, and so many more, that you rarely get credit for, and often die for.

Kudos for helping bring the world alive.

This time, even though Gaare is a Turk, I won't act nationalist and will agree with Dakurus.
There are way too many folks who are an 'exception to the society'. The people who love to play exceptions are so many that we may claim, the norm's currently an exception to the PC population.
Of course an original role may be the exception and still beautiful. And.....
Bah, who am I kidding? 99% of the time you try to play something original; you become something weird. Currently I'm playing my 40th character. 10-15 of them tried to be nice, original, exceptional concepts. How many could? 2!
The other 25-30 were trying to be 'normal' and... they were normal in the least. I didn't ruin the atmosphere and didn't have to change my character's personality not to be so weird.
I remember a D&D setting where gold was aplenty and steel was rare. Steel was worth many times more expensive than gold.
If nearly everyone plays the gold - the exception, I'll find the steel - the norm much more beautiful. Play the norm.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]