Your GDB Reading Habits

Started by Sanvean, November 07, 2005, 02:46:42 PM

What is your GDB philosophy?

The GDB has too much noise (off topic stuff) on it; it's not useful to me.
41 (45.6%)
The GDB works fine as it is.
38 (42.2%)
The GDB needs less moderation, not more.  Viva la Revolution!
11 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 88

Voting closed: December 07, 2005, 02:46:42 PM

QuoteDoes a small group of players dominate the boards and make other players feel like they can't post.? If you're a habitual non-poster, can I ask you to break that habit and say why?

I read the boards habitually but I don't really post that often. Usually I just wait for Rindan, jhunter, or a couple other people to post their opinions since I find myself agreeing with them 99% of the time. In fact, just the other day I was about to post on a topic, went to the bathroom, and when I came back Rindan had posted the exact thoughts that had been going through my head. Nearly verbatim. It was a little scary, but I guess us Massholes think alike. Anyhow, like Rindan said earlier there are some people who I wouldn't mind posting all day long and others who I wish I could set to ignore entirely. Am I intimidated by certain groups and made to feel that I shouldn't post? No. If I feel I have something to add to a conversation that Rindan hasn't already tackled, I'll toss it out there. :p

QuoteHow frustrating is it when topics gets derailed? Does it make the board less useful to you? What would you like to see happen?

It doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the better-than-thou crowd that constantly feel they need to belittle other posters. I'm also bothered by posters who spew large quantities of inane shit all over a thread. But I'm more than capable of scrolling past it.

QuoteWhat do you want/get from the boards? What needs would you like to see them fulfilling that they're not now?

I enjoy conversations on the board that focus on roleplay and the gameworld and cause me to analyze the way I'm playing my own characters. This is why I read the forums.

QuoteWhat forums are useful/enjoyable and what should be trimmed, if any?

I don't read OOC chatter too much, but there isn't any forum I'd say to give the axe. What I'd like to see is a sort of ranking system for posts like they have on Posts there get scored 1-5 and given classifications such as "interesting", "insightful", "humorous", etc. But in the end, that's added work and the quantity of posts that this board generates probably doesn't warrant it.
I hope life isn't just one big joke, because I don't get it.  -- Jack Handy



There are certainly some 'louder' posters -- those people who somehow manage to reply to every single topic in existence.  It doesn't really bother me, except when their only contribution to the conversation is a direct quote from someone else.  If you want to say something, have the sense to do it in your own words.  

I usually only post on things which seem interesting, or when I find that I strongly agree or disagree with a particular topic.  


As for derailment... it really depends on the starting topic itself.  The serious ones, especially those where a lot of people are trying to participate, should obviously stay on topic.  Others, however, were meant to be derailed...jokes, layed back topics, general polls, boredom questions, etc.  And yes, I am in favor of allowing such topics, because we need not be a pack of tightasses, and showing a little colorful personality isn't so bad.


I read the boards because I am a part of the community.  The MUD is for roleplaying, but here on the GDB, we can get to know our fellow players.  As a player, I can get my opinions heard, I have easier access to staff announcements, and I can get a feel for the kind of player I'm sharing a MUDspace with.  

Two parts entertainment, one part informational.


I personally never go into the 'con' board, since it has very little relevance to me.  I do not live in an area with a high concentration of players, nor do I have a means of transportation.  That said, it seems somewhat used by other players.

I rarely go into the OOC board, for similar reasons.  Most of it just doesn't pertain to me.  Shouldn't get the axe, though.

I usually skim the boards looking for a topic that interests me. Then I read the first post, and skim the replies for people I know usually have something relevant to add and skip the others.

I would really love if there was a way to filter posts by vote or poster weight or something of that nature.

Though this would probably crush lone voices....It would save me scroll time.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

I believe the board is moderated fairly well now.

My only opinion is that, as others have mentioned, people who post should try not to be so defensive or..basically downright rude to the other posters.  Why can't we let people post their opinions on matters, then, if you disagree, post an intelligent response without resorting to name-calling and insults.  I honestly believe this contributes to the lack of new posters.  Many are afraid to post their opinion in fear that it will be torn apart in 'quotes' and then harshly rediculed, making them look like a fool.  I believe this to be damaging to the reputation of Armageddon when a new player happens to visit our board.

Just my 2 sid's.

I'm not sure whether i've just become more aware of it or whether there's been a recent increase, but i'm really appreciating the staff chipping in with their opinions in threads.

It's helpful to have some clearer points of navigation within the useful yet confusing maze of everyone else's opinions and imagination.

I took a few days to read the gdb before voting.

I voted that there is too much noise and derailment, but that doesn't
really make the board useless to me--it just means I have to skim a
bit more to find the relevant bits.  It is mildly frustrating, but not to any
great degree.

I find the World Information and Roleplay Discussion particularly useful,
as they often contain tidbits I was not previously aware of.  This leads to
helping shape my overall world view.  Ask the Staff is a great resource
as well, but I do have some difficulty knowing when to use that forum,
one of the other forums or a simple email.

I believe the only board I have no interest in is the Idle OOC chatter,
since I could just hope on the chatroom for that.

As for what I would like to see...I can't think of anything, aside from the
above.  Maybe more official rules calls by the staff, since some of these
posts seem to call for them.  But then, this could be acquired via a simple
email as well.

I think the above issues are inherent to the actual nature of mudders.
They're on their off time, not entirely serious and generally hunting for
fun, so you end up with a lot of line noise and foolery.  I think it's more
prevalent on an rpmud, since we have a group performers, basically; the
histrionics of the collective rp group multiplies on itself, so there may be
no solution.

Sorry, I guess none of these observations were as helpful as I'd hoped,
reading back on them now.  It's just what I've come to see over the years
on rpmuds and any established ooc communications.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

I don't post very often, but sometimes I'll read the GDB. Usually it's the same people posting over and over again in threads that get drawn out over whether the color black should belong in game or not. I don't post much because I don't feel like getting drawn into four pages worth of arguing back and forth with people on the board.

Bumping this thread because I wanted to post about this, and figured this was better than starting a brand new thread.

IMHO, it's gotten kind of ridiculous lately, and not just because of the spam bots.   Look at some the on-topic threads posted on in the last 24 hours.  Some of them just started today have already degenerated into off-topic nonsense, and are pointless to try to get back on track.

Why do people do this?  I don't understand it, but I know it inhibits good discussion.  For sure it keeps me from posting on them.

Northlander said it well on the Sergeant with a J thread:

Quote from: "Northlander"Look, like it or not, but this is/was a serious discussion to some. It isn't under OOC Chatter, and you should respect that no matter how trivial or silly you think the issue is. Stick to the topic by calling it trivial, or don't post. .

I think the discussions on the GDB could be so much better if people didn't clutter up threads with off-topic "humor", people respected each other, and especially tried to be welcoming of new players (or at least not rude and discouraging).

I doubt it will change.  I wish it would, though.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "flurry"I think the discussions on the GDB could be so much better if people didn't clutter up threads with off-topic "humor", people respected each other, and especially tried to be welcoming of new players (or at least not rude and discouraging).
If you're my girlfriend or a member of my family and want to talk about problems, the future, abortion, sex, or anything else that should be taken as a serious issue, then I'm willing to have a serious discussion.  That's the only time in real life that I ever consider jokes to be out of place.

Oddly enough, when I talk with friends (or even strangers) in real life about schoolwork, politics, pronunciation, or anything else that might also be an appropriate topic on the GDB, nobody gets offended if during this discussion I crack a joke.  Isn't that strange?

I wish people would lighten up.  As long as jokes aren't destroying a topic, or posted to intentionally derail a topic, there's really little harm done.  They're simply part of the natural course of a conversation, just like in the real world.
Back from a long retirement

I didn't get a chance to vote I don't think, because I don't remember voting, and it's not an option for me. I personally, think the GDB has too much noise. Some threads that look really interesting I'll just give up reading, because there's 40 posts under it, and over half of them are pointless. (I'm not pointing the finger at any individuals).

The topic on Serjeant with a J is a prime example. There is no -way- that post should be that long, and I'll be the first to admit I had a hand in it, posting 4 times on it myself. However, some people posted in excess of 10 times on the board. Are 10+ posts necessary to express your opinion?

I don't know, maybe. I usually just read any clan board postings, ask the staff, and announcements. If I'm really really bored, I'll read other things.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"I wish people would lighten up. As long as jokes aren't destroying a topic, or posted to intentionally derail a topic, there's really little harm done. They're simply part of the natural course of a conversation, just like in the real world.

I agree with this statement.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Oddly enough, when I talk with friends (or even strangers) in real life about schoolwork, politics, pronunciation, or anything else that might also be an appropriate topic on the GDB, nobody gets offended if during this discussion I crack a joke.  Isn't that strange?

No, I don't think that's strange.  And I'm not offended by people joking around (except for the occasional racist/sexist/homophobic comment that makes it onto the GDB).  

I just find some of the joking around, specifically the clear attention-whorish derailing "humor" post that adds nothing to the discussion, annoying.   At a minimum, it's pretty inconsiderate.

Humor itself doesn't bother me at all.  I quite like it, actually.  Perhaps it's a silly notion, but I'd prefer the humor to be included in a post that adds something to the discussion.

There's no question that it keeps some people out of discussions or off the boards.  You only need to read through this thread to see evidence of that.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I couldn't vote for some reason, but really enjoy the GBD how it is currently.

I like the less moderation approach, it lets people be a little more open with their opinions without so much fear of disciplinary action. Sure, there's 'noise' but the community at large still steps up when there's a worthwhile thread. Helps keep the little stuff less serious.

Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"I wish people would lighten up. As long as jokes aren't destroying a topic, or posted to intentionally derail a topic, there's really little harm done. They're simply part of the natural course of a conversation, just like in the real world.

Like jhunter, I also agree with this statement.  And I'm cluttering up the board by agreeing.  I'm so sorry.  But I'm not at all, really.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Quote from: "LauraMars"
Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"I wish people would lighten up. As long as jokes aren't destroying a topic, or posted to intentionally derail a topic, there's really little harm done. They're simply part of the natural course of a conversation, just like in the real world.

Like jhunter, I also agree with this statement.  And I'm cluttering up the board by agreeing.  I'm so sorry.  But I'm not at all, really.

Humor has its place, but it isn't always wanted or needed.  Some people equate the GDB to having a discussion with friends, where you are tolerated and liked.  That may not be the case with the GDB community.  I know that when I see a serious subject raised, I want to see serious answers, not witty quips or sarcasm from people who have nothing to add.

The method of communication and debate of the GDB is more like a meeting than a conversation.  Imagine being in a serious discussion where the community is expressing their views on something they feel is important when they recognize someone to speak only to have that person stand up and tell a joke.

Maybe some people will find it funny, but my guess is most people in the room just wish he would've saved his breath (or words) and kept the pertinent discussion flowing.  There are plenty of outlets on the GDB for silly behavior and humorous posts, so telling people to "lighten up" as a blanket statement isn't always going to be appropriate.

One could likewise request that people exert a bit more self control and realize that not eveyone shares their sense of humor, and if they aren't contributing to a thread or being productive, then it's of little help.  I'm all for humor and light hearted posts as long as they are in the correct forum or accompanied by on-topic thoughtful discussion.


Quote from: "LoD"I'm all for humor and light hearted posts as long as they are in the correct forum or accompanied by on-topic thoughtful discussion.

Well, I think I can agree to that much at least.
Back from a long retirement

I wasn't able to vote on the poll.  :cry:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

When you create a new poll you can set how long you want it to run for.  I usually pick a week or two, that way you get a snapshot of a specific time.  Keeping a poll running for years is silly, some people may have changed their opinioins by then.

Anyway, I try to control myself outside of OOC Chatter.  Sometimes I hit reply, think about the thing I wanted to say and decide it doesn't really fit in that topic.  (Just think how much I'd post if I didn't censor myself.  Gah.)  If I have something off-topic or silly that I really, really want to say, then I try to think of something worthwhile on-topic to say too.  A throw-away comment isn't so bad if it is just part of an otherwise on-topic post.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Missed out on the voting as well, but yes, too many posts are entirely off-topic, or halfly on-topic but needlessly inflammatory. Do like AC and LoD.

.. And it's "humour".

Quote from: "Angela Christine"When you create a new poll you can set how long you want it to run for.  I usually pick a week or two, that way you get a snapshot of a specific time.  Keeping a poll running for years is silly, some people may have changed their opinioins by then.

Angela Christine

I am very aware of that, AC - Just disappointed that I wasn't able to make it to the poll in time.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "Sanvean"The staff is trying to get a better feel for how much moderation is needed on the GDB.

A thread is dead when people start attacking the poster rather than the issue.  I have the option to stop reading and I utilize that option very often.  I'd rather not waste an Imms time in moderation when they could be doing something cool for the game, unless they're bothered by something on the board.

Just my .02.

- HK
- HK

I don't know if it can be implemented, but I'd like to see a three post limit, per person, per thread put in. That way, you have 2 chances for rebuttal. If you can't say what needs to be said in 3 posts, it probably doesn't need to be said.

There's a difference between arguing a point, and just plain arguing. I see far too much of the latter, I think.

Quote from: "Fragmented"I don't know if it can be implemented, but I'd like to see a three post limit, per person, per thread put in. That way, you have 2 chances for rebuttal. If you can't say what needs to be said in 3 posts, it probably doesn't need to be said.

There's a difference between arguing a point, and just plain arguing. I see far too much of the latter, I think.

I don't know if it can be implemented, and even if it could, I wouldn't want a hard wired limit because not every multi-post thread involves arguing.

Consider examples like the haiku thread in OOC chatter, introduction or absence threads or locker assignment threads in clan forums, or just any thread that covers multiple topics where the discussion evolves to warrant posting new material.

An unofficial limit of three posts to argue over the same point seems like a good idea to me, though.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Well, and I'm meeting my own three post limit with this one, so this'll be the last thing I put in here, I should have clarified that not every topic would have the 3 post limit. Submissions, OOC chatter, things like that would be open. But where the real discussions take place, RP, General, and World.. I'd like to see those limited.

Quote from: "flurry"I just find some of the joking around, specifically the clear attention-whorish derailing "humor" post that adds nothing to the discussion, annoying.   At a minimum, it's pretty inconsiderate.

So true, so true. I hate when serious threads go out of control.

Like this one -

What say you, fluffy? Should not we ban them attention whores?