Description Lines

Started by Malforos, October 28, 2005, 08:37:17 AM

When it refers to lines when you write your descriptions, does it mean sentences or as much as you can fit on one line? I'm a bit unclear on this subject.

It means full lines, each line being 80 characters (including spaces) long.
You don't have to have exactly 360 characters minimum - and really, most of the times you'll go over four lines just by describing skin tone, eye color, hair color/type and general body type.

If you're feeling uninspired, here are some sample descriptions:

And because backgrounds tend to be more worry-inducing, here are some sample backgrounds.  And these do not have to be perfect or complete, so don't worry too much.
(These samples are very high quality, and you don't have to be as good as them in order to be approved.  Most of my backgrounds aren't as good as those.)

So, to make a long matter short:

Good luck, and feel free to contact me or any of the other Helpers if you want more help. :)
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Larrath"It means full lines, each line being 80 characters (including spaces) long.
You don't have to have exactly 360 characters minimum - and really, most of the times you'll go over four lines just by describing skin tone, eye color, hair color/type and general body type.

If you're feeling uninspired, here are some sample descriptions:

And because backgrounds tend to be more worry-inducing, here are some sample backgrounds.  And these do not have to be perfect or complete, so don't worry too much.
(These samples are very high quality, and you don't have to be as good as them in order to be approved.  Most of my backgrounds aren't as good as those.)

So, to make a long matter short:

Good luck, and feel free to contact me or any of the other Helpers if you want more help. :)
Alright, thank you for the links and information.

It's lines. You could easily fit two sentences in a single line if they're short (like, It's lines.). You could also write a sentence that wraps three full lines. So - it's lines. I don't remember how many characters fit in a line (78? 64?) but I found this works during chargen:

For the main description, hit the enter key after each sentence. Then when you're finished with your description, type .f and it'll format it for you. Then type .s to see what it looks like, before you do the ~ thing to make your desc official. If you don't do the .f don't worry, the system will format it anyway, and bring all the sentences together into a single paragraph.

You can do the same thing with your background.

will show you the help file for the game's editor system, the syntax for doing stuff with chargen desc and background, and also for the in-game tavern boards (which are used to display rumors that people "overhear" rather than what people are reading - even though the -player- is reading it).

Quote from: "Bestatte"It's lines. You could easily fit two sentences in a single line if they're short (like, It's lines.). You could also write a sentence that wraps three full lines. So - it's lines. I don't remember how many characters fit in a line (78? 64?) but I found this works during chargen:

For the main description, hit the enter key after each sentence. Then when you're finished with your description, type .f and it'll format it for you. Then type .s to see what it looks like, before you do the ~ thing to make your desc official. If you don't do the .f don't worry, the system will format it anyway, and bring all the sentences together into a single paragraph.

You can do the same thing with your background.

will show you the help file for the game's editor system, the syntax for doing stuff with chargen desc and background, and also for the in-game tavern boards (which are used to display rumors that people "overhear" rather than what people are reading - even though the -player- is reading it).
Alright, thank you for the links and information.

And if you are ever a line short or so. Here you go. Describe away.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime