Pet Peeves

Started by Medena, October 26, 2005, 06:21:36 PM

Quote from: "buzz"I've got a fecking pet peeve, right fecking here:
Just fecking say "fuck", for feck's sake.  I dunno what the feck changing one fecking letter does.  Who the feck started that fecking cock shite anyway?  Oh, and while we're fecking at it:
I dunno what the feck you sons of shite-gobblers are fecking thinking.  It's "shit."  Feck you!

Wot the bleedin' feck is yer feckin' problem, then, eh? Yer got a problem wiv me goin' on like a deranged cockney, isit? Shite! I ought ter punch yer in yer North and South!

emote waves around a flag saying "Up with Fuck!"

Quote from: "Delirium"emote waves around a flag saying "Up with Fuck!"

Fuck yes.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

People who don't read the documentation, and then use VNPCs to justify what they think is right (which is of course in ignorance), in turn basically make fun of players who -have- read the documentation and are RPing accurately.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I use to think this before Xygax (and Boggis) taught me differently......that emoting is RP. Yes that is my greatest pet peeve. Especially when a player twink even newer than me uses OOC to tell me off for not emoting with my subdue action. That happened once and I was so pissed...even worse was that their was a more experianced player telling me off for doing it as well..(which put me off playing in that clan again).I feel ashamed that I use to do it. If I had started out better the staff would have taken a better liking to me... At least in my opinion I'm doing fine now. I give my players personality and everything.

When people break character and go OOC to tell someone to stop breaking character and using the OOC command.

Hypocrite much?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"When people break character and go OOC to tell someone to stop breaking character and using the OOC command.

Hypocrite much?

More like a catch-22.

Quote from: "Cuusardo"When people break character and go OOC to tell someone to stop breaking character and using the OOC command.

Hypocrite much?

When people do this a lot, I don't bother to tell them off with the OOC command.  I just leave that room and go find someone worthwhile to RP with.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

What really pissess me off is when somebody emotes for




they do.

Honestly, I'm not saying emoting is bad, but fuck... everything? Even worse when they do those crazy emotes like:-- emo brushes a strand of sandy, brown flecked hair from his darkened, angular face as he sits on his kank,which happens to be breathing like a motehrfucker because of all the running we did from Tuluk alll the way to Allanak, as his large, egg-shaped eyes scan the surrounding desert for a sign of movement, possibly a dangerous creature.
'm into the desert on a horse with no name
It feels good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain

Oh ya that last one reminds me...

I hate people who emote about how their own eyes are reflecting all kinds of crazy stuff.

No one else could possibly see this.  Why the fuck would you emote it?  It's fine for one-on-one as far as i'm concerned, but even then you never know who's watching.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Reading through this thread would be pretty fucking demoralizing for someone new who is trying their best then finds out that for no particular reason someone gets the shit annoyed out of them for...too many emotes of all things.

I don't pull out the old  :roll: very often, but this thread deserves it.

You can roll your eyes all you want, but I'd rather that new players read it here than have them learn to believe that emote-diarrhea is the definition of good roleplay.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I have to agree with CRW on this one.  At this point I find these threads mostly amusing. To quote Shakespere, "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
I always wanted to put that in there somewhere.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

I think CRW makes a good point.  The GDB is the first impression a lot of new players get about what Armageddon's playerbase is like.  I think people forget that.  I remember feeling relieved as a newbie that some of the judgemental and nit-picky attitudes I perceived on the GDB didn't seem to carry over to the gameplay.  Now at the same time I should add that this was my first roleplay-mandatory mud, so that influenced my perception of the atmosphere at the GDB to some extent.  Now I realize that a lot of that reflects how much the community values quality roleplay, which is great.  It just sometimes looked harsh and snobby to newbie eyes.

I'd have much easier time coming up with pet peeves about the GDB than pet peeves about the game or how people play it, actually.

P.S.  After posting this, I noticed the poll at TMS about "things that make you NOT play a MUD".   The top choice?  "Existing player attitudes (ie unfriendly, cliques)".   Food for thought.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Errr.. Emoting little is OK.. But emoting is... emoting. If someone never emotes and plays with me, I view his character as a robotic guy speaking monotoneously all the time, doing everything with sharp, fast movements and having no clue of the feelings.
And thinking enough time passed, I didn't want to break character and say I was annoyed, but I played with someone who used canned emotes for kick and bash. Damnit.. Those actions already have canned emotes codedly. You don't need to add a second line to that.
Also please, for the general, do not play your characters in a real weird emotional state. Once I played with someone who suddenly started crying, telling me that his girlfriend has died. About 2 mins passed (so it's about 12 mins IG) and he asked me if we would spar or not.
If a character can control his sorrow such quickly, let him not cry at the beginning, right?
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

People who are annoyed with people who Emote.

The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God? -Muad'Dib

So let's all go focus on our own roleplay before anyone picks up a stone to throw. -Sanvean

People who bitch about other people emoting too much details.  Personally, I would much rather play with someone who over emotes then someone who under emotes.  So long as the over emoter isn't slowing anyone down, I personally appreciate them emoting out obscure details of the environment.  

Coded actions are like a quick rough sketch.  If you just watched coded actions and what people would say, you get a vague idea of what is going on around you.  The emotes that people add is like filling in that rough sketch with color.  Bitching because you don't like what parts another player is coloring is juvenile to say the least.  Who cares?  What is wrong with someone picking something obscure to emote about?  Is it hurting you?

Personally, I appreciate obscure emoting.  One of my favorite players to play with tended to do this.  If nothings where happening and moving, his emoting was roughly that of a normal player.  He was quick with them and only as detailed as he had time for.  If things slowed down and we were sitting there doing something boring like gate guarding or pissing away time in a tavern silently, he would just start going crazy with emotes.  Unlike the boring bastards that just sit there silently for an hour, this guy would start to add color to the area and his character.  The net result is that when normally everyone would be alt-tabbed reading web pages until something happened, this guy would start to bring whatever dull area we were in to a life.

Complaining about over emoting when it doesn't have a negative impact on you just comes off as penis envy.

A agree with you on all accounts, Rindan.

My beef isn't with people who emote too much beef is with people who emote details that no one could -possibly- see.

The tall muscular man groans as a ripple of pain goes through his spleen.

See what I mean?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

It was my experience that over-emoters -did- impact the roleplay negatively. That's what made them "over" emoters, and not just "good solid" emoters.

Maybe my definition of "over-emoting" differs from Rindan's, I dunno.

But here's a typical (but hypothetical) scenario involving an overemoter:

A Bar
It's crowded, there are a few NPCs and a few PCs there.

An Influential Commoner Walks in.

A couple of people notice the Influential Commoner (call him Incomm). Incomm stands there a good minute or so, the rest of the crowd goes back to what they were doing.

Incomm pauses at the entrance, lifting his murky purple gaze toward the crowd, his left eye slightly skewed, and right arm touching the hilt of his uber-sword-of-deth-and-destrukshun, his posture rigid, his short hair short, his neck neckish, and his feet placed on the ground like feet tend to do when one is standing up.

The rest of the crowd continues to ignore Incomm, because they already know he's pausing there, and has been pausing there the entire time it took him to type out that emote.

Incomm takes a step into the room, murky purple gaze still focused on the bar, his left foot pressing forward in that direction, right arm still poised at his weapon, neck still neckish, posture still rigid, expression stern, as though he has come to do or say something important.

Five minutes has come and gone, and Incomm still hasn't let anyone know that he's there for anything important, other than these emotes that don't really tell you anything other than that he probably needs to get laid more often. A couple of people who notice him comment on this.

One PC's player has to go to lunch and stands up, emotes pushing his stool in, and walks up and exits from the game.

Incomm gets all annoyed because that PC who just quit was the guy he was planning on approaching - possibly within the next half hour after he made sure everyone knew that his eyes are purple, his neck is neckish, his feet step on the ground when he walks, and he has a right arm and a weapon.

Incomm spends the next 20 minutes emoting each step he takes toward the door to leave. During this time, a templar comes by, asking if he apprehended the criminal. Obviously he didn't, because the criminal's player got tired of sitting there watching Incomm over-emote, and left for his lunch. The plotline comes to an abrupt halt, all because overemoting InComm can't manage to just type something like..

Incomm strides up to the bar and approaches Criminal with a steady, stern gaze.

Now turn that scene into an every day occurrence, every single time that particular player's character walks into a room, without fail. And see how quickly people stop bothering to even try RPing with that character.

I think it's not very imaginative when people use the same adverb in front of every...emote.

Angrily, the tall, muscular templar exclaims, in sirihish,
   "Tek damn you!"

Angrily, the tall, muscular templar exclaims, in sirihish,
   "Why did you kill that gortok?  I raised it from a pup!"

Angrily, the tall, muscular templar exclaims, in sirihish,
   "It was the bestest thing that ever happened to me!"

Angrily, the tall, muscular templar exclaims, in sirihish,
   "Tek damn you!"

And so on and so forth.  Especially when it's a long conversation.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

Ok my turn:

I hate it when people use words in this game. On and on and on they go....sometimes they use words I haven't come across yet in my life, which is –really- annoying because I can't be bothered to look them up. But sometimes they use words that I use all the time in RL, which is even –more- boring. I wish they knew what I was thinking and cared enough to do something about it. It pisses me off that they don't.

However, what's worse than people using words, is when they –don't- use any! And sometimes they just don't bother to come on at all! That's really poor roleplaying and I'm much better than them.

While we're at it, I'm really pissed off with all the reading that you have to do in this game. Read read's tiring and makes my brain and eyes hurt. I don't like it when people try and force me to read what they write – I find it's a really negative impact on the game.

In fact, I really hate it when people play differently to what I do. It  It's my top pet peeve.

My favourite thing about Arm is constructive threads like this though.

More more more!

This thread has totally disintegrated.  I petition for a swift deletion.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Tamarin"This thread has totally disintegrated.  I petition for a swift deletion.

Yeah. Wow. :(

I guess I should have known better but I sincerely had something other than simply a bitch and moan thread when I started this one. Yeah, I did intend to have a forum for airing beefs, but I envisioned it more as a place to offer rational reasons for your grievance and/or suggest alternatives.  And, most especially, I meant it as a way of bringing up those thoughts that came as tangential to other threads instead of derailing.
Quote from: J S BachIf it ain't baroque, don't fix it.

Wewt! The first board I've ever read now makes me self-concious about my snazzy emoting. :D

Of course.. once I could figure out how to emote. Aheh.

Subconscious, or self conscious?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

QuoteWewt! The first board I've ever read now makes me self-concious about my snazzy emoting. Very Happy

Of course.. once I could figure out how to emote. Aheh.

Don't even flippin worry about it.  I'm a tragic over-emoter.  I've you've played with me, you've hated my emote times.  I can't even count the number of death threats I've gotten from the likes of Seeker, Delirium, and Nessalin.  Once, someone even broke into my house and smashed my computer with a hammer, leaving a note that said 'Next time this is your fingers... Templar Hardnose.'

My fucking pet peeve is people that think that there is a right or a wrong way to emote and act while you're here.  If you want to have your uber emerald eyes... have them.  Blink them.  Flutter them.  Make sure the torches reflect, and that appropriate 'blings' happen, just like in an anime.  Sprinkle some quartz dust or purple salt crystals around them just to make sure they SHINE.  Emote doing it.  Wish up about it first.

Have them, enjoy them, because there is no right or wrong as long as you're enjoying yourself here.  Sure, there are certain bounds that can not be broken, and that will be responded very well to.  Like that time SandstormPhoenix and I threw that glass cyborg off of the shield wall.  Or Hitler.  That didn't last long.

The point of this is, I guess, that you should never feel self concious about having fun.  I'm sure you were emoting just fine before you read the last couple posts... go back to the game and keep doing that.

You nasty opinion havers, you... you should be ashamed of yourselves!



You make Baby Tektolnes cry every time you lie.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.