Getting A Job

Started by Newbie, October 26, 2005, 05:16:29 PM

I'm new here and I have a few qustions about jobs.

1) Do I have to work for an NPc, or can I work for PC too?

2) If it was a PC, how do we stay in touch?

3) Is a tavern the best place to find a job.

4) Can you post on the tavern bulletin boards?

5) If so, can you post about looking for a job?

Thanks in advanced.

As another newbie, I'd like to ask something similar... Is it possible to read the message board without any problems ? I think I read somewhere on the website that it was legally forbidden to know how to read and write...?
onyour, yé m'appelle Inigo Montoya. Tou as toué monn pèrre. Prépare-toi à mourrir !

Message boards are considered to be "rumors" you overhear from the populace.  They are not actually there in IC sense.  SO you should read them just fine, but assume that you heard it from the tavern occupants.
some of my posts are serious stuff

1) You can work for pc's ONLY... unless the higher-ranked members in your organization are npcs and you technichally work for them... But really, you're still gonna be under the command of some kind of pc, unless you get to the top of the latter somehow...

2) You stick about the same place, so you automatically meet pretty often. This would either be the grounds of your organization (clan compounnd, house place etc). Also, there is telepacy, The way. It is great to find someone, commands are contact <person> and psi <message>. There's also helpfiles on those, you should read them. Also, watch your stun points when you use those, because this uses up stun points and new characters tend to run out of that very quickly, which means fainting... Not good if you'Re in a public place, people will take advantage of that.

3) Mostly, yes. ;-) Also, you should probably find out which tavern is most frequented at the moment in whatever place you are... You are unlikely to find a job (or even another pc) if you keep sitting at the trader's inn only.  :D

4) Yes. I think the command is write, but I'm not sure... You should check the helpfiles on that, too

5) You can, but it's frowned on by some people. Message boards aren't really boards, it's supposed to be rumors, anything that you overhear people at the table next to you talking about because the whole tavern is talking about it. It's not very likely that everyone will talk about that one out of a few thousand commoners that's looking for a job so I personally would avoid posting about it.

6/Rell) See above. The boards are supposed to be people talking, nothing written down, even if the description in game is totally misleading... It's nothing written so you can read and write on there all you like... Just be aware that icly, you aren't reading or writing, you're maybe overhearing what some vnpcs next to you are talking about, or notice that the whole tavern is buzzing. Sometimes the scenario is given in the written message, just read some of them when you get the time...
So there's no emoting walking up tot he board and reading that, either... :roll:

I hope that helped a bit, feel free to pm/aim/email me or whatever...
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Quote from: "Newbie"I'm new here and I have a few qustions about jobs.

1) Do I have to work for an NPc, or can I work for PC too?

You can work for anyone, so long your character is happy with the job.  But I can assure you, almost all of the time, you will be working for a PC, unless you are an independent, who kills/hunts/gathers and sells them to NPCs.
Quote from: "Newbie"
2) If it was a PC, how do we stay in touch?

Provided your playing times are close, you will have psionic skills of contact.  Read the help files on the syntax of it.  If the PC is online at the same time you are on, you can talk to his/her mind with that skill.  And you can arrange meetings.

Quote from: "Newbie"
3) Is a tavern the best place to find a job.

Yes.  In a way.  Since taverns are where often PCs in their spare time go and hang there, you can go there, talk to people, see if they need the kind of work you can provide.

Quote from: "Newbie"
4) Can you post on the tavern bulletin boards?

Yes.  But keep in mind the Board is not actually a "board", it is the rumors hanging in the tavern.  You should write your message, as if it is a rumor overheard.
Quote from: "Newbie"
5) If so, can you post about looking for a job?

I think there is a helpfile on that.  Check help read help write help board.  Maybe one of them has it.  But briefly, by typing "look board" you see the list of messages.  And at the top of it, there is the syntax for how to write the message.  You should make "write <subject>" then you begin writing your message.  And finish it with "~".  After you finish it, make sure you enter "write" alone to save the message.

Quote from: "Newbie"Thanks in advanced.

You are welcome.  Good luck :)
some of my posts are serious stuff

1) It is probably best to work for PCs. You can support yourself with NPC help (mining for obsidian in Allanak, for example, or by crafting items and selling them to NPC vendors). But the game is designed for PC-to-PC interaction. To get really rich and powerful, you'll need to work with other PCs. So don't be afraid to ask PCs about finding work. Most are all too eager to employ you in some way.
2) The Way, from an OOC standpoint, is very useful in this way. Also, if it's an established clan (House Kurac, the T'zai Byn, the Atrium, House Borsail, etc.), there will be certain OOC avenues of communication. You can e-mail clan Imms, for example, or establish play times on clan-only message boards. For the most part, however, you're expected to contact and interact with each other through IC means.
3) A tavern is the best place to meet people, yes. If you're talking about actually being employed in a tavern, or working for a tavern, well... getting a job as a bartender, server, or entertainer isn't always easy.
4+5) You can. Anyone can. But "I'm looking for work" posts are generally frowned upon. IC message boards are widely-known rumors. Why would half the city be talking about some skeezy commoner looking for a job with House Oash? Just hanging out in the taverns and talking to people generally works better, and gets you more responses.
And finally, Rell, as Ghost said, the IC boards are not actual, physical bulletin boards. No reading or writing is involved. If you "read" some of these boards, you'll see that most of them are phrased as rumors you overheard while sitting in the bar.
Clearly, this means that, when reading the board, it's better to EMOTE overhearing something, or not EMOTE at all. Don't EMOTE marching up to the board and reading it, since it doesn't physically, literally exist in the IC world.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

I would use the boards to look for jobs if there is any. But if there is no jobs join the byn or make your own  business.
dd my msn if you want,

Quote from: "adrien"I would use the boards to look for jobs if there is any. But if there is no jobs join the byn or make your own  business.

tons of jobs, I'd even say most, aren't on the boards though. You'll have to talk to people around the tavern and try to find a job that way.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Hey, welcome to armageddon. I was just going to reiterate what some others have posted...find a helper and ask tons of questions. Read through the help files, and then ask more questions. Most people would be more than happy to help a newbie out OOCly, so drop someone a line (I'm not a helper, but am also glad to answer any questions that I can).

Good luck!

Mal: "Well they tell you: never hit a man with a closed fist. But it is, on occasion, hilarious."
Inara: "Thank you for the wine. It's very... fresh."

Mal: "To Kaylee, and her inter-engine fermentation system."

Those two seem cool, can we keep them? Please?
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

When it comes to tavern boards, keep in mind that they are rumors that lots of people would be talking about.  One single person looking for work probably isn't going to have very many people talking about it, because there are tons of other people who are looking for work.

My suggestion: TALK TO OTHER PCS.  There's going to be someone who knows about what kind of work there is available, and who to talk to about it.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".