Body descriptions

Started by bloodfromstone, October 11, 2005, 12:56:11 PM

I'm sure bodies retainining descrips has been mentioned before, but it seemed like the sort of thing that would benefit a lot of people. I recall a situation where my PC (told with vagueness as to not be too IC) had found the headless body of someone they'd never looked at or heard the name of. In trying to tell a fellow member of the deceased's clan about his death, I found myself completely unable to describe them. The headless body of the x-haired, y-eyed man didn't help much.

Just curious if there was any plan of adding this in the future, or if it is a coding nightmare better left untouched.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

If you encounter this situation, wish up.  We can give you the information relevant to that corpse that is valid.  Sometimes people put things in their descriptions that don't make sense for a headless corpse, or the head of a corpse without the rest.

-- X

Well, sometimes people put things in their main description which isn't valid for when they're wearing a hat and tunic. Furthermore, people put stuff in their sdesc which won't be anywhere near valid for a headless lump of flesh. If they retain sdescs they could as well be let have their mdescs - far from every corpse is anyhow headless.

Still, even if you could describe the looks of a deader you couldn't say a word about what made him perish or what limbs he's missing save if it happens to be a head. Or can the common immortal supply this information as well? Do the rooms have individual history logs or something?

Yeah, you're right.  We should probably provide less information in sdescs than we do.  I'll check into that.  ;)

-- X