What if the PC population was increased?

Started by Rhyden, September 29, 2005, 08:38:43 PM

There'd obviously have to be some reworking. As for the economy, hunting and water, of course more would have to be added in order to balance the PC level at 100-150 or even more.

Myself, I'd love 150 or maybe a bit more. 1000 would be pretty extreme and there'd need to be a lot of work done in order to maintain such a increased PC base.

As for there not being anough RPers out there. In my school, there's been about 10 or so teens hooked onto the bait that is Armageddon. Some of them are excellent role-players as well. I'm sure if every player introduced the game to a few other people, we'd get some sort of chain reaction going here.

Lag could be frustrating, especially in combat and in taverns. But I think more lag in taverns would really help. The increase in spam would make noticing every single detail happening in a single tavern room more difficult...which would be kinda cool.

1000 would be OK if it took a long enough time to get there.  An increase of 100 a year (less than 10 per month) would be absorb-able without unbalancing things too seriously.

There are probably tens of thousands of people that would potentially enjoy a role playing game like this, they just don't know about it or how to get here.  Look at all the books D&D and other tabletop role playing games sell, the potential playerbase is fare larger than we could ever use up.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I really actually think 80-120 players on average would be very nice.

Armageddon is small, in comparison to other RPI games I have played.  It makes for an extremely nurturing environment for roleplay, but it also effectively puts a "cap" on just how many PCs is acceptable.  

I don't think I would be able to play comfortably in a room where the spam was unmanageable.  Usually when I am RPing, there's always few (computer-illiterate) bystanders watching me over my shoulder asking me what I'm doing and, out of curtesy, I have to explain.

I have always been leery of TMS.  Someone stated earlier in the thread (I didn't quote it, and can't go back to look for the name without a considerable amount of lag) that there's a reason the H&S and PvP MUDs stay at the top of the rankings.  That site has a large H&S/PvP audience, and is a favorite hang-out for the casual twink.  While there are still some good players there itching to discover Zalanathas, we would be better off recruiting from other sources.

Hhhhmmm, I've been seeing peak, for the last two months being from 50-70 people.

I think it would be great if peak was around 90-150, but past 150 and the world would have to get larger...quite a bit larger.

Of course, when I started playing, peak was 4-12 players, so, I still get warm fuzzy feelings when I type who and see even 30.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I don't know. The majority of the D&D are pure hack and slasher, power players. But then, that's the people I know. There are a few that actually like to roleplay, not rollplay.

But back on topic, I think 100-150 on at a time would be awesome.  I think its about 3 or 4 different taverns in the city, each with a different type of clientele. It would be great if I can go to my characters favorite tavern and not have to solo-rp. Sometimes, its either solo rp or feel out of place at the popular place.
 got caught at school with my hands down my pants and had to keep it down there for  a whole week.......What a week!
~Chris, Family Guy

Quote from: "jstorrie"I could mudsex a thousand players. I'm a fast typer.

you know I rather keep my keyboard a vergin lol
dd my msn if you want, longvaladrien@hotmail.com

If the population was increased we would have more players on than this:
There are 0 visible Immortals currently in the world.

There are 1 players currently in the world, other than yourself.

I could actually be mean to someone and the whole Pc population wouldn't hate me for being mean to that one person. Makes it hard to RP, if you can only talk to 10 people, and they all hate you.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Fun yea. Unless you enter a tavern where there is five pcs and they all look at you, get up and leave. I need to stop scaring people.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I have lain awake at night on occasion, feverishly tossing and turning, struggling to concoct some diabolical plan that would get just a few MORE people to hate me.

One day I want a massive "Its finally Dead!" party thrown in at least two citystates simultaneously.  I think its a workable goal.

Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"Fun yea. Unless you enter a tavern where there is five pcs and they all look at you, get up and leave. I need to stop scaring people.

If you stop wearing those pants on your head whenever you enter a tavern...
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

- In ARM web store there would be toys of some famous persona.. Like Halaster, Mansa, Nessalin.. or better.. Halaster clubbing Mansa.. that sort.

- There would be a templar on jail duty, everytime you get caught.

- Halfling, Mantis, Gith PCs...

- Nobles could make a PK or torture whenever they wish.

- That would be almost impossible to walk in 'rinth.

- We would have speacial city roles, like bartenders, tax collectors, water sellers, beggars..

- Gemmers would live out of main population, in their quarter.

- House merchants spend a lot of time in shops.

- Seeing a templar would really become scary.

- There would be real war in ranks in all kind of clans from nobles to Byn.

- We would see bards at verge of death because of hunger.

- The way from Tuluk to Allanak would be deathly, and that would be impossible for elves running in 5 mins from 'nak to Tuluk.

- IMMs would be more efficient.. Instead of listening whinings of players(like myself) their solemn duty would be overseeing what's going on in the crowd, making small touchs.

- Red Storm would rock even harder, also there would be agents of Sand Lord in streets much like templars.

500 players at peak.. ARM would be even more addictive.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Hell I'd quit Arm if there were that many players on consistently.

Well, since this thread is alive again...

500 consistent players? Yeah, I'd definitely play. I wouldn't want 500 people to log on tonight and play, but I think if the world expanded to support it and the staff roster did the same, Armageddon would rule the mudding world.
..and the puppet explodes.