
Started by Unknown Person, September 26, 2005, 09:21:29 PM

When waiting for the confirmation on your shcaracter, are you supposed to not access you account? Because I haven't gotten my confirmation yet, and its been more than 24 hrs and I accessed my account a few times today.

I think it's ok to access you account so long as you make sure to completely disconnect afterwards.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

Okay, thanks. I'm just too anxious to get started. xD I want to be confirmed already, or at least be declined so I can re-apply.

Heh, I appreciate how you feel.  I think many players, especially those who've had long-standing characters, have forgotten how much of a bitch it is eagerly waiting for your next character.  The entire 24 hour thing is a godsend as it didn't use to be that way.  In fact, I think a week used to be the norm if I remember right (6-8 years ago?).  Or perhaps it was no more than a week to wait for character approval.  Those were the days (not in a good way).  :-P

- HK
- HK

very rarley does it ever go over 24 hours....The mud is TAY KING SHIT about being quick on normal apps. Makes me feel quite good to be able to not have agiant break in my playing.
