Oh, fek!

Started by Seeker, September 17, 2005, 03:19:33 PM

Discribe the scariest surprise encounter you can easily imagine for one of your PCs.

Here are some examples to get the juices flowing:

- Your Kuraci Junior Merchant has just managed to steal the trademark secrets to the manufacture of their sandcloth, as is almost out of the compound to sell it off to Salarr when a unrecognized crimson-caped Agent steps out of the shadows, stopping her at the doorway and says.... "Just a moment, there.  Perhaps it is time we had a nice long talk, hrmm?"

- Your 'rinthi elf has managed sneak into the Fountains of Allanak as has managed to pickpocket a delicious horde of rattling goodies from the fancypants there who are celebrating Lady Templar Wigglechop's birthday.  Suddenly, you get a room echo that goes something like this:  "The gangly waiter making his rounds bumps squarely into *a strange shadow*, sending his tray of drinks smashing loudly to the floor."

- You here an odd keening, the sound carried across the still sands of the deep desert.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the north.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the north.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the east.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the east.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the north.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the south.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the south.  
An obese, gigantic hooded figure arrives from the west.

An obese, gigantic hooded figure looks down at you.


Sitting in your comfort,
You don't believe I'm real,
But you cannot buy protection
from the way that I feel.

Quote from: "Seeker"

- Your 'rinthi elf has managed sneak into the Fountains of Allanak as has managed to pickpocket a delicious horde of rattling goodies from the fancypants there who are celebrating Lady Templar Wigglechop's birthday.  Suddenly, you get a room echo that goes something like this:  "The gangly waiter making his rounds bumps squarely into *a strange shadow*, sending his tray of drinks smashing loudly to the floor."


IC Information? I've never heard of this, and have never seen anything relating to the "Fountains of Allanak" in any of the Armageddon documentation.

- Demonaire -

Heart in your throat, you creep with silent, cautious steps toward the entrance of a dark, deep cave.  You've heard rumors that the long-abandoned area has been showing signs of recent activity, and your superiors have dispatched you on a super-sekrit mission to investigate it.  You've seen no sign of a living soul for leagues around, when all of a sudden..

Fiery magickal effects swirl around the huge and thick figure in a dark robe as they begin casting.

Lightening-tastic magickal effects swirl around the short figure in a dark robe as they begin casting.

Windy magickal effects swirl around the tall and thin figure in a dark robe as they begin casting.

Super-sorcery-like effects swirl around the tiny and frail figure in a dark robe as they begin casting.

You and your long-time best friend just managed to case the Defiler's Tomb, narrowly avoiding death six dozen times, and you managed to slip your lucky asses out onto the sands, your backpacks loaded with tiny metal widgets. You're both ecstatic, and suddenly, your friend grins and says "Nothing personal..." before pitch black shadow begins ebbing about his form.


Your hunter is stalking his scrab prey across the Salt Flats when he spies a cavernous opening in the ground. He drops in and sees:

The gaunt, extremely tall figure in a black sandcloth cloak rides on the back of a massive, sandy-shelled gaj.


A hulking, slope-browed giant stands here, massive club in hand.


You think, "Stupid fucking mindbenders."

A horrific roar rings out deep in your ears.

Your heart obediently stops beating.


You say in sirihish, to the templar you didn't look at yet,
"Yes Lady Templar."

The curvaceous, curly-haired templar says in sirihish,
"Lady? I'm... a fucking... man."


A slit-eyed, gaunt templar takes your obsidian-rimmed wooden longsword, turning and walking away.

You think Krath-damn Black Robe took my sword. I'll show him.

A slit-eyed, gaunt templar suddenly halts in his tracks, turning to face you.

After an epic battle with your arch nemesis, leaving you near-death and without any magickal energies, you begin walking to the nearby cave where you can tend to your wounds and recover your energies...

On the way to the cave...

An enraged tregil arrives from the north.

An enraged tregil bites you on the foot.

Welcome to Armageddon MUD.  Mantis head.

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith has arrived from the north.

>think Yeah?  Bring it, clawfoot!
You think:
    "Yeah?  Bring it, clawfoot!"

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith licks his lips sensually and approaches you.

>Think What the...?
You think:
    "What the...?"

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith subdues you, despite your attempts to struggle away.

>Sniffing at your neck, a gaunt, yellow-skinned gith starts to lower his used leather leggings.

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith says, out of character:
    "Consent?  It's gonna be a rough scene."

>ooc um, sure...
You say, out of character:
    "um, sure..."

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith pulls off your pants, and mounts you.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

A defiler casts a spell on you that makes you glow from head to toes then drops you smack in the middle of the templar sector of Tuluk.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

After years of following clues and tracks, you have found the secret treasure of the mad defiler Sujaal. After quickly sizing up the room, you decide on taking the collection of metal swords and metal armor. Then you open a treasure chest and see gold coins! Weighing nothing, you pick them all up to a grand total of 6 thousand gold coins.
Your heart racing in your chest, you head to the door, fling it open and step out.

Finding yourself three leagues from Allanak's west gate, you throw on your stolen black templar's robe and start strutting back to the city.

You pass beneath the metal dragon and turn back to look at it for just a second, noticing it watching you.

Shaking it off as a hallucination, you keep on strutting.

Look south
You see the Gaj in all of it's ugly ass glory.

Enter Gaj
You walk into the Gaj, upon entering you see an extremely tall and thin figure in a black templar's robe behind the bar, cleaning cups of puke.

The extremely tall and thin figure in a black templar's robe, tell you, while looking up from the glass he is cleaning, In sirihish, "Start running."

You freak out and hit run and hit north and press enter.

After leaving the Gaj you look around and find yourself ina jailcell made of pure gold.

The extremely tall and thin figure in a black templar's robe says, in sirihish, "Welcome to Zalanthas."

The figure is absorbed into the walls as the entire room closes in on itself, smashing you into a handheld, boxed corpse.

Welcome to Armageddon!
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

The blue-robed templar has arrived from the west.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

you are the burly bynner male merc that eats gith for breakfast, EVERYDAY
blah blah blah
-your vision goes black-

someone snickers approacheing you

your eyes flutter open

hair> a ruby studded hair pin
legs> a diamond studded ankle length tight skirt
body> a silk black tight see-through cleavage shirt
feet> black high-heels
face> emerald earings
secoundary hand> a brownish bottle

say (gasping) My bynner uniform! Noo! The sarge is gonna kill meh...

You decide that it would be a good idea to eat irrig beetles.  This causes your urine to glow.  You suddenly realise how glow crystals work.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Kennath"score
you are the burly bynner male merc that eats gith for breakfast, EVERYDAY
blah blah blah
-your vision goes black-

someone snickers approacheing you

your eyes flutter open

hair> a ruby studded hair pin
legs> a diamond studded ankle length tight skirt
body> a silk black tight see-through cleavage shirt
feet> black high-heels
face> emerald earings
secoundary hand> a brownish bottle

say (gasping) My bynner uniform! Noo! The sarge is gonna kill meh...

New odd urge:

- Find skilled Byn Sergeant
- Watch Byn Sergeant
- Mug/Sap Byn Sergeant
- Redress Byn Sergeant in 'nicer' clothing. (i.e: red, white Tuluk thong and a few other nice garmets. Perhaps even some stockings off Kadius, you just know all those damn Kadians wear them.)
- Watch Byn Sergeant
- Try not to laugh infront of Byn Sergeant

- Demonaire -

Quote from: "Demonaire"
Quote from: "Kennath"score
you are the burly bynner male merc that eats gith for breakfast, EVERYDAY
blah blah blah
-your vision goes black-

someone snickers approacheing you

your eyes flutter open

hair> a ruby studded hair pin
legs> a diamond studded ankle length tight skirt
body> a silk black tight see-through cleavage shirt
feet> black high-heels
face> emerald earings
secoundary hand> a brownish bottle

say (gasping) My bynner uniform! Noo! The sarge is gonna kill meh...

New odd urge:

- Find skilled Byn Sergeant
- Watch Byn Sergeant
- Mug/Sap Byn Sergeant
- Redress Byn Sergeant in 'nicer' clothing. (i.e: red, white Tuluk thong and a few other nice garmets. Perhaps even some stockings off Kadius, you just know all those damn Kadians wear them.)
- Watch Byn Sergeant
- Try not to laugh infront of Byn Sergeant

- Demonaire -

I can't be the only one to have read Odd urges completely through, its already in Odd Urges

Waving angrily, you say, in sirihish, "Aide! Where's my wine, you idiot?"

Stammering as he rushes over, the slight, trim man says, in sirihish, "R-right here, Lord Templar."

The slight, trim man gives you a purple clay bottle.

You say in sirihish, grumbling faintly, "Honestly. Remind me to have you whipped for being so incompetent tomorrow morning, fool."

You drink from a purple clay bottle.
Wait - this doesn't taste right...
Your vision goes black.

(some time later)

Your vision clears and your eyes flutter open.
The slight, trim man says in sirihish, as he leans over your bound form, "Welcome to Tuluk, Lord Templar."

Quote from: "Hexxaex">A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith has arrived from the north.

>think Yeah?  Bring it, clawfoot!
You think:
    "Yeah?  Bring it, clawfoot!"

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith licks his lips sensually and approaches you.

>Think What the...?
You think:
    "What the...?"

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith subdues you, despite your attempts to struggle away.

>Sniffing at your neck, a gaunt, yellow-skinned gith starts to lower his used leather leggings.

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith says, out of character:
    "Consent?  It's gonna be a rough scene."

>ooc um, sure...
You say, out of character:
    "um, sure..."

>A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith pulls off your pants, and mounts you.


You got raped by a gith!

That was great!


You've just escaped from a Noble House estate with the keys to the place and a pack full of loot...

Then the Shade of Nessalin appears, freezes you, and asks you what you think you're doing.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

You just get done tanking a bahamet for 2 half-giant hunters. Then are on your way and find a carru who gets you to 10 stun in about 3 seconds. The screen freezes from some sort of lag...

"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Running out of movement in the grey forest, you're forced to stop dead in your tracks. Looking west, you see 4 wild halfling hunters.. only they don't come after you, and you're waiting.. and waiting...

**FDMW's "Actually Happened" Stamp of Approval**
You're a hard-hitting, hard-drinking badass for the Nameless Mercenary Company. You take an entire warband out on contract, but get seperated. Now it's just you, a handful of green recruits, and your two clients: a couple of very powerful templars.
Suddenly, three Ancient Evil Beings arrive. The templars speak to them in what you can only assume is Tatlum. Suddenly the Ancient Evil Beings attack, and you leap into action! Too late, you have the bright idea to assess -v the things...
The Ancient Evil Being is in excellent condition.
The Ancient Evil Being appears old for his race.
The Ancient Evil Being towers above you, many times your height.
The Ancient Evil Being is at least three times heavier than you.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Quote from: "RunningMountain"You just get done tanking a bahamet for 2 half-giant hunters. Then are on your way and find a carru who gets you to 10 stun in about 3 seconds. The screen freezes from some sort of lag...


There is some truth to that one, isn't there?  :lol:

- Demonaire -

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"After years of following clues and tracks, you have found the secret treasure of the mad defiler Sujaal. ...

Welcome to Armageddon!

No no.. Tell me this did not happen.  Tell me that!
some of my posts are serious stuff


You're a magicker and you drag a recently deceased defiler's corpse out of the sea of silt to loot all his powerful magickal items.

As you're going through his items, you nervously glance into the sea of silt.

look south
[Very Far]
a horribly mean and nasty demon stands here

A horribly mean and nasty demon has arrived from the south

A horribly mean and nasty demon says, in sirihish:
"Why have you killed my pawn?"

think Oh fek!
ack to retirement for the school year.

>In your apartment room, filled with loot.
>KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Someone knocks on your door.
> You hear a male voice from the west shout in sirihish, "This is Nenyuk, we've a warrant to search your apartment!"
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

An extremely strong gust of wind whipping her cloak around her as she enters, the messy-haired, blue-eyed girl arrives from the south.

The overzealous tuluki soldier looks up at you.
Pointing frantically at you while leaping to his feet, chair skidding across the floor, an overzealous tuluki solider shouts, in sirihish,

With a gulp, you say, in sirihish,
    "That isn't what it looked like."

The mutiliated, half-giant soldier looks up at you.
The ghastly, hulking jihean templar has arrived from the south.
The massive, muscle-bound man has arrived from the south.

Frantically, you say, in sirihish,
    "Come on, it's windy out, guys!"

The mutiliated, half-giant soldier stands up.
The massive, muscle-bound man brandishes an enormous obsidian greatsword.
The overzealous Tuluki soldier begins guarding the southern exit.

Licking his lips and rubbing his hands together with a smile of insane glee crossing his features, the ghastly, hulking jihean templar asks, in sirihish,
    "What's all this, then?"

You think,
    "Oh fuck me."
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

No, It didn't happen.

This happened a few times.

Out in the middle of the desert for an hour and you..
L west.

Very Far

Look east
Nothing but desert, still.


You are in a wide open desert area.

Look West


Then you ride around that room and every direction it says it is a dark room. But it is in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the day.

Then, without typing, you get this prompt:

You think, I should go into the darkness and see what is in there.

Then you:
Think Probably a trap anyways.

Then another prompt:
You think, Probably a chest full of obsidian coins in there.

Think Yea.

The other PCs following you around look at you and ask.

So boss, what are we doing? I don't want to go in there.

You say: Fuck. Me either. I want a fuckin' drink and some hard fuckin' sex.

You ride off with a final prompt.

You think, I should go back. Definately go back.

(Lucky for me, my pc didn't understand such big words.)
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime