What is a good death?

Started by amoeba, August 26, 2005, 01:18:28 PM

To fork off from the PKing thread.  I would like to ask what is a good death, both from the  point of view from the killer and from the victim.  And what is a bad death?  Lets leave NPCs out of it and focus on PC to PC killing.  We all know about tembo #432 or dying to gate guards.

To start off with my perspective.

As the victim: A bad death that didn't have to be, and was done, from my perspective, simply to entertain the attacker.  Yes, they may have a different motivation than I see, but it feels hollow and cheap from this side.

A good death is one where I had a chance, but lost.  One that is the result of a plot that didn't go your way.

As the attacker:  Having someone try to kill me, and I kill them instead is nice.  I also like one that is deeply planned out, and actually goes according to plan,

A bad death  is going along with someone else and killing a PC that you knew didn't really need to be killed to accomplish the goal.  I want to have a driving reason to kill a PC, not just because, not a made up reason to justify the killing.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

A good death is one in which both parties take their surroundings and situation into account and roleplay accordingly.

I don't like dying because I'm paying heed to reality and my opponent has slipped into code mode.

QuoteI don't like dying because I'm paying heed to reality and my opponent has slipped into code mode.

Agreed. Those are shitty pvp deaths.

Also the ones I'd call bad are where the person is obviously attacking and killing me because OOC they know they can. Example: Someone solo attacking and killing your mage without any IC justification other than they know OOC that they can kill you in melee or because they know you are a brand new pc fresh into the game and you are easy prey. All OOC pks basically.

The good ones are where everything is played out realistically within the gameworld and whether or not my pc makes a mistake in trying to escape or the attacker makes a mistake in trying to kill me is what determines the outcome.

Also it helps when I know for certain that they had IC reasons for attacking my pc, I understand of course that sometimes you never know.

As the attacker...the same rules apply. I hold myself to IC reasons for it and try to act realistically. I expect the same from the victims as well.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

A good death is bloody, tortorous, one that needs consent, gives the killer utter satisfaction, something that helps plotlines, and one that's roleplayed well on both ends, showing that the victim is going to accept the inevitable and roleplay the death.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

Winning an arguement with an immortal and him killing you for no reason because he got upset I was correct.

Quote from: "amoeba"To fork off from the PKing thread.  I would like to ask what is a good death, both from the  point of view from the killer and from the victim.  And what is a bad death?  Lets leave NPCs out of it and focus on PC to PC killing.  We all know about tembo #432 or dying to gate guards.

To start off with my perspective.

As the victim: A bad death that didn't have to be, and was done, from my perspective, simply to entertain the attacker.  Yes, they may have a different motivation than I see, but it feels hollow and cheap from this side.

A good death is one where I had a chance, but lost.  One that is the result of a plot that didn't go your way.

As the attacker:  Having someone try to kill me, and I kill them instead is nice.  I also like one that is deeply planned out, and actually goes according to plan,

A bad death  is going along with someone else and killing a PC that you knew didn't really need to be killed to accomplish the goal.  I want to have a driving reason to kill a PC, not just because, not a made up reason to justify the killing.

agree completely
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Having your face eaten off.
-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

Quote from: "Hexxaex"A good death is bloody, tortorous, one that needs consent, gives the killer utter satisfaction, something that helps plotlines, and one that's roleplayed well on both ends, showing that the victim is going to accept the inevitable and roleplay the death.


Interesting plotlines are my ultimate goal, even if I have to die to experience one.  May all my deaths be so interesting.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

[inevitable joke] Four Atrium girls and a vat of kalan sauce. [/IJ]
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

in Arm, a good death is a slow death.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Quote from: "LauraMars"

Interesting plotlines are my ultimate goal, even if I have to die to experience one.  May all my deaths be so interesting.

Agreed upon. From what I view as a good PK, either it'll affect a plotline for the better or start a great plotline that involves more than you and the victim.  :wink:   And, while I think most PKs are decided upon at the moment, the better PKs are the ones that are planned out, involve a good amount of people, and continues/creates a plotline...meaning the PK will actually continue the plot or start a new one.

If ever you -want- that kind of experience though, you'll need a good reason. Ironically, I don't think there's a better reason to start such a plot than if you are spared from a PK, but had to go through Drov to survive. If your character gets killed without a second chance, that whole exciting and enjoyable option is practically out of the question.


A good death is one where I know I got outmanuevered, out-thought, or out-fought.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

I love any and all Pk.

It could be a random cut down while I am walking to get a drink, or a crazy fucker in the sands. It is all good.

And I feel like I am alone in a field of mist right now.

What is wrong with random cut downs?

Those, I feel, are the most Armageddon and RW like.
I could serve 20 years in Delta Squad, and not be shot once, then I could be ran over by a potatoe truck when I am getting out of my car to go celebrate my retirement party.

But that is just me.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Myrdryn"Having your face eaten off.

Yea!!! But I tried to eat some guys face and it didn't work to well... the staff said I couldn't and let him go on with his face... JUSTICE NEEDS TO BE SERVED!!

There are no good deaths.  If you're complaining that your death wasn't good, it's only because you understandably didn't want your character to die.
Back from a long retirement

I think a good death is being thrown into the arena after your friend snitched and killing him and then being killed by a big beasty thang.

My idea of a good death.

It is before dawn and you are a bynner out drinking because the mission the day before went perfectly and you got payed extra.
After getting thoroughly drunk, you and the other bynner head off, but you say, "Hey fucker, go on ahead, I gotta piss."
After he leaves the area you start taking care of business and a grou of elves come out of the woodwork and beat your drunken head to pulp in the middle of the street. Before the militia arrive, they hightail it, leaving your beaten, drunk, and dumb ass with your cock hanging out right by the gaj.

Sometimes it feels like people go out of their way to avoid PK. Even when in the desert, last I checked people would wave and shit.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Quote from: "Maybe42or54"My idea of a good death.

It is before dawn and you are a bynner out drinking because the mission the day before went perfectly and you got payed extra.
After getting thoroughly drunk, you and the other bynner head off, but you say, "Hey fucker, go on ahead, I gotta piss."
After he leaves the area you start taking care of business and a grou of elves come out of the woodwork and beat your drunken head to pulp in the middle of the street. Before the militia arrive, they hightail it, leaving your beaten, drunk, and dumb ass with your cock hanging out right by the gaj.

Sometimes it feels like people go out of their way to avoid PK. Even when in the desert, last I checked people would wave and shit.

Yeah, but in your example, your character didn't die... :wink:  But, tying that example into the PKing thread, that would be a perfectly good roleplay scene without having to revert to PKing.  :D

No, I don't think the problem is that there is too much PK, or too Little PK.

The problem I see is that there isn't enough attacking.

You live and you live and you live and then the first time you are attacked you die. That is the way it has seemed for my past PCs.

I think there should be a lot more attacking, and keep the PK the same amount and everything will be peachy.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

"resort" is the word you are looking for.  Not revert.  To revert is to regress to a previous state of existence.  To resort to something is to take a less-than-ideal course of action.

Quote from: "amoeba"And what is a bad death?

Trying to eat someone's face off, only to die choking on an extremely bushy eyebrow.

But yes, there needs to be more PvP but less actual PK or lethality.  Just leave mercy on and let them lie unconscious...  find an IC reason to drag them into the shade/shelter and leave them with a giths-arse-hair chance to live.

Good death: being subdued by a templar for a crime I did not commit and dragged out of the city and graphically crucified before a crowd of cheering citizens (many PCs).