Tor Noble Opening

Started by Dynas, August 16, 2005, 10:15:58 PM

August 16, 2005, 10:15:58 PM Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 05:03:09 PM by Olgaris
There is an opening for a noble character in House Tor. A high standard will be set for any applicants for this position, although karma or past experience playing a noble is not required.

This is an Allanak-based position.

Someone with a firm grasp of southern politics, as well as at least the basics of Allanak-life is preferred, though if you believe you're a fast learner and suitable, feel free to apply as well.

It is also additionally required that you:
- Are a good, trustworthy roleplayer.
- Have some experience at the game.
- Have an interest in things political and military (with emphasis on the former).
- Play regularly.
- Are comfortable in leadership roles.

Its preferable that we not have to store a character for this position, but if your playing a fairly low-profile character not currently engaged in any large or detailed plots or tied into a high-ranking position of another house/clan you may also apply.

Please include in your email to your:
* Account
* Possible Character Name
* Preliminary Concept
--Including age, sex, position desired in the house (feel free to be creative with this), background, and rough description if so inclined, objectives if any at the time.

**Above information shamelessly plagerized from Bakunin and Gilvar's past recruitment posts**

Edited to make it really clear not to send the e-mails to retired immortal's addresses.

See above.

Send emails to

Applications close December 14th, 11:59 PM EST.
You give your towering mound of dung to the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh.
the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh sends:
     "dude, how'd you know I was hungry and horny?"