
Started by Cyrian20, August 08, 2005, 05:53:36 AM

Just an idea as I was playing one of those damn annoying rinthers you all hate ;-). Had one of those people decide to enter the rinth and practice on it's poor inhabitants and as we tend to stick together I chased em outta the rinth. here is where I realized maybe soldiers need mercy turned on, as since I was fighting him (I attacked outside the rinth so I was wanted) they couldn't subdue me so all i saw was some spam that that great ol'mantis head.Just an idea I am sure there are two sides to said coin and was interested in hearing them to help set my opinion.
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

Well, the simplest explanation is that the soldiers decided it was less work to simply kill you than arrest you or beat you to NEAR-death. To them, you're ONLY a 'rinther, after all. I can see it now....

The bald, scar-faced soldier says, in sirihish,
  'Hey Fred... do you want to take this guy back for questioning?'

Shaking his head, the short, ugly soldier says, in sirihish,
  'Nah. That's too much work and my shift is almost over. I'll just kill him.'

The short, ugly soldier hits the poor, helpless rinther REALLY BLOODY AMAZINGLY HARD on the head, doing way too much damage and sending bits flying everywhere.


Last I knew, as mentioned on this board, by IMMs, I believe, soldiers DO have mercy on.  However, mercy isn't always perfect, especially if there are multiple soldiers whacking on you.  Don't want to get slaughtered by soldiers?  Nosave on.  Or don't go chasing people out of the rinth, into the streets of Allanak proper, and starting a bloodbath.

Sorry, seems to me like what happened was completely appropriate IC.

Eh, the problem is soldiers are so fast they can enter the room, yell at you, try to subdue you, fail, draw weapons, and kill you in the space between two prompts.

Either they need to be slowed down or there needs to be a seperate nosave vs. soldiers.  The staff seems to be well aware of the desire for this, though.

Yep, I believe soldiers have mercy.  And yes, I have killed a few people when I had mercy on.  And no, I was attacking alone, so even with mercy, and with one opponent, there is a chance to die at that.

Moe is right as well.  Soldiers are just twinks.  It has been discussed many times, though I believe there is not an immediate solution anyone has for the crime code.

Toning down soldiers:  I believe it is not going to happen.

Putting a delay for soldiers:  Either no one wants to do it, or no one knows how to do it.  (former looks like that is the case)

Reducing the number of soldiers:  Not realistic.

Making another command for "surrendering":  I think staff does not want to do that as well.

Any other solution:  I don't have anything else.  I don't know if anyone else does.
some of my posts are serious stuff