My severed head keep disappearing.

Started by Nyard, July 28, 2005, 04:07:26 PM

I know some people probably wouldn't see this is as too much of a problem, but whenever I have a head in my pack, and I log out of the game, and log back in sometime later, the head is always missing.  Disappeared.  This is bad if I want to brag or some such, and it is especially bad for people that are hunt bounties, or take out contracts, and need the head to prove that they killed the person, but the person's not around for a while, so they log out, go to sleep, and the next morning, log back in, and the proof of the murder is gone!  Is there anything that can be done about this, please?
Given the choice between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I would have the courage to betray my country." - E. M. Forster

*heads (in the topic title)
Given the choice between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I would have the courage to betray my country." - E. M. Forster

Quote from: "Nyard"This is bad if I want to brag or some such, and it is especially bad for people that are hunt bounties, or take out contracts, and need the head to prove that they killed the person
I wouldn't mind seeing this addressed either, but in the interim I've always used a virtual head after the fact or wished up for Immortal help.

I don't think this is an easily solvable solution, due to way the code handles creating severed heads from dead PCs bodies, and the true nature of what the severed heads are. I would suggest either trying to cash in on your head as soon as you can (collecting the bounty), attempting to save the head in a save-room (though the head may get stolen with this option), rather than quitting out with it, and/or wishing up for the severed head in particular if you find it missing from your bag after quitting out, or after a crash.

We can always create replacement heads, and its quite easy to do so.

Glad to hear it's not too difficult for you guys to create heads.  I always worry that I wish up too much, and I end up annoying the staff..  I was curious, also, Tlaloc, or any other staff member that can answer:  When does the head and/or the body disappear, assuming nobody has it in their inventory?  Does it just disappear after a certain amount of time?  Or does it disappear after the player of that account creates a new character?  Or what?  Thanks for your help, and thanks if you answer this question, too.   :)
Given the choice between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I would have the courage to betray my country." - E. M. Forster

Could you store the head at a Nenyuk bank with the "rent" command?  :shock:

Heads and corpses are instanced in a different way than any other item in the game, and so must be disregarded in your inventory whenever your character is saved.  This means that anytime you're saved, the contents of your savefile do NOT include heads and bodies.  And so, if the game crashes and you log back in, your head will be gone.

As long as your PC remains in the game, this is not an issue, but if your PCs form is removed from the game somehow, it will be restored from the last saved copy of you made before you left the game.

One place during which you are always saved and removed from the game is when logging out.  Whenever you log back in after this, you will be restored from a copy of yourself that doesn't include your dead-heads (forgive me, Jerry) and dead-bodies.

-- X