Something tiresome...

Started by Faceless, July 27, 2005, 02:59:39 AM

Its not the picky attitude of the majority about who they want to hire.
Its not the harshness and the everyday brutality.

It is the *extremly* slow endurance regeneration. Its very, very annoying to move a little, then you spend the next 50 minutes moving two room, resting for 5 minutes doing nothing (you'll start doing other things instead) and move another two rooms and start resting again. And you have to do this, also because of the restriction of quitting in saferooms.

This is very aggravating, and before you mention a mount, the starting money you recieve is not really enough to buy the neccesarly weapons/armor, and leave a little spare over for a mount.

I know already a lot of the old players complains about things being toned down a lot already etc, but can we see a change to stamnia recovery or at least introduce something that increases its regeneration rate dramatically while resting?

I've never started out with less than 800 coins. Half for a mount set aside, this leaves 400 for a blade, a full waterskin, a cloak, a belt, and...? You don't -absolutely- need a helmet or armguards or tattoo or even a fancy cloak.

That said, I've easily managed to make a good living in both Tuluk and Allanak without a mount. At the very least you can stay within walking distance of the city long enough to scrounge up enough for a kank.

Stamina regen rates are fine, in my opinion. Especially since you have the starting coins for a mount.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

I forgot to add to the list: the sandstorms. I dont mind them, but they go on for too long.

Maybe there are solutions to these problems that im not aware of, if so please do enlighten me.

If your PC is a ranger, tough it out. Rangers can deal with sandstorms. Rangers can also quit out in the wilderness.

If your PC is not a ranger, think twice about going outside and getting caught in sandstorms. Non-rangers can't just set up camp wherever, either.

Be careful what you spend your starting coin on. I generally find that with my new characters I have plenty of coin left after equipment and a mount and even tools.

If your PC absolutely has to go out into the wastes, think carefully about how you should prepare for the journey. Should you travel light? Wear desert gear? Drink and eat before you head out? Not travel at high sun? Get a good night's rest? Etc., etc., etc. There are many little factors that will all add up, and if you're careful about them you can roam the deserts with relative ease, I say.

I think the stamina regen rates are fine. If the weather isn't too hot or if there isn't a storm blowing you'll regen at a reasonably decent rate otherwise you can expect to regen very slowly unless you can find places out of the weather (there are places like this dotted around). Also, keep yourself fed and watered as naturally its hard to refresh yourself when you're really hungry.

The sandstorms can be rough but thats life on Zalanthas - they're supposed to be a hassle and dangerous. From what I've seen the storms are localised though so if you can make your way through them for a while you might come out to some place where its not storming assuming you don't get jumped by something in the meantime. If you're playing a character that really needs to move through storms a lot then there's really only one guild that specialises in that.

Your starting coin gives you choices that you have to weigh up. Buy a mount and a bit of armour or buy no mount and a decent amount of armour? You're not going to get both handed to you on a plate right from the beginning. Either way though its quite possible to scrounge enough coin to get both in a fairly short space of time.
You can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink" Dydactylos' philosophical mix of the Cynics, the Stoics and the Epicureans (Small Gods, Terry Pratchett)

If you're just starting out on Armageddon, choosing the role of an independent hunter, or just wandering the wastes is going to be pretty difficult.  It's not supposed to be easy.  You're supposed to have a very difficult time surviving and getting around out there.  Animals, gith, raiders, those aren't the only dangers of wandering the wastes.  There's also starvation, fatigue, sandstorms, and more importantly, dehydration.

As the others have suggested, don't spend all of your starting coin on weapons and armor.  Buy only the bare necessities to start out.  It's MUCH easier to gather up the money to buy yourself that full suit of armor and those awesome weapons if you start out spending most of your time in a city and get yourself a steady job.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

You might also consider the -types- of equipment you're spending your money on. Some of the stuff for sale can really suck up your starting sids. And none of those really neato-looking weapons will prevent a fairly new character from getting killed.

Advice for the future: Get the cheapest protective head, torso, and leg coverings you can find. Pick the weapon type you plan on using, and buy the least expensive of that type. If you plan on using "piercing" then don't go for the big long heavy pointy spear, if there's a small bone dagger available for less.

ALWAYS use the "view" command in shops. If you have to pay the tailor to get something to fit you, see if there's something of equal or lower cost that already fits before buying it.

Once you have risen from "complete and utter failure who can barely poke a tregil" to "can actually kill the thing after 20 minutes of nicking it to death" then you are ready to add to your armor, or trade one item in for an upgrade. Add slowly to your equipment. Start out with only that ABSOLUTE necessities to get by while attempting to kill the easiest prey in the area.

Oh and if you don't have the skinning skill, do yourself a favor. Don't kill stuff outside the city by yourself. Meet up with other people first, and get someone who -can- skin things to come with you. There's no point, if you think about it, in going out to kill things outside the city, if you have no capability of even getting a piece of meat from your efforts.

Much like others have said my new PC buys:

1. Kank.
2. Waterskin.
3. Water for waterskin.
4. Weapons and possibly a shield.
5. Skinning knife if weapons are not suitable.

That is all easily doable for under 800 sid.  You'll have enough left over for a few stablings as well.

As far as endurance rate I think you'll find a lot of things contribute to it being slow including the weather and the time of day, which all makes sense.

Also, please remember your character is wandering around in the frickin' desert.

Cenghiz joins the fray!

At high sun, you can barely gain stamina, which's logical. During a storm, you're busy with the storm, no stamina regen you may await. Hungry and thirsty? No chance. Other than that, a few characters of mine (non d-elves) even did not bother taking a mount out of the stables to wander around the city and kill something to gather fresh meat for the dinner.

Regen rates are fine now.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

QuoteDon't kill stuff outside the city by yourself.

Don't go outside by yourself, period.  That is one of the quickest ways to get greased.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Certain race, guild, and stat combos give more favorable regeneration, from my observations. Without getting IC, what I've seen makes sense, so I'm fine with how it is.
Amor Fati

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
QuoteDon't kill stuff outside the city by yourself.

Don't go outside by yourself, period.  That is one of the quickest ways to get greased.

Eh.. not sure I agree with this in all cases.  Sometimes those are the most fun times.   Just understand it is a highly dangerous way to live. Depends on how much common sense and patience you have, and how quick you are at reacting.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

look, the regen is set up in such a way that being outside in the heat is really horribly difficult on purpose. if you're a human and you want outside the city - you'd be a bloody fool not to have a mount... or, you know, desperate and poor..

i know the starting funds can be challenging, but for me at least, that challenge helps to make the game enjoyable.

Quote from: "Faceless"This is very aggravating, and before you mention a mount, the starting money you recieve is not really enough to buy the neccesarly weapons/armor, and leave a little spare over for a mount.

I know already a lot of the old players complains about things being toned down a lot already etc, but can we see a change to stamnia recovery or at least introduce something that increases its regeneration rate dramatically while resting?

Stamina Regeneration outside is the way it is because we want it to be hard to walk around outside. People are not supposed to be able to go on long walks outside without getting really tired and really thirsty, really fast. That is not going to change.  It is a vast wasteland full of big nasties. that is dry, arid and hot.

As far as your starting money goes. It should be enough to get you set up with the basics if you spend it wisely, which can be a hard task your first few go arounds. You may not know where the best shops are or what the best gear is (it's not always the most expensive). Stretch those RP muscles a bit and maybe ask someone. Or better yet, see if you can purchase from a PC. A lot of times they will have a better deal than NPC's.

I always get what I consider the most important things first when I play outdoorsy/independent types. That has always been a mount, water, food and weapon. After I have that. I go gear shopping and hope to keep some coins in my bag for food/mount rental later.  Everyone does it different. But you don't need something on every single wear location to have decent protection. Ask around IC'ly what people like to use, or what they think is the most useful to them.
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

Is there a way to progressively increase lag time as stamina decreases? So that, perhaps, at 0 stamina one can still walk ... very.... very.... very....very, very slowly?

Semper Pax,


A friend once told me, years ago, a simple rule that has helped every one of my pc's survive reasonably well.  (Thanks Dave!)

I'm going to make it big so ya all can read it.

Movement is life.

Thank you. That means, every point in your prompt... think about how you use it, it could be the difference between being too exhausted to flee that scrab and making it into the city. I don't advocate point whoring as a rule, but with relation to movement? Zalanthans would be very aware of how tiring it is to get from point A to point B. It's probably not even something they actively think about anymore.

So... some things your pc might know:

Roads are easier to traverse than big rolling bumpy dunes.
Lightweight CLOTH that breathes in the SAND is wonderful stuff! </hint>
Some cities or outposts have great ideas about how to survive.
Buy that kank. The heavy obsidian breastplate or really spiffy looking sword is just going to get you laughed at and it won't carry your stuff or help you run away from the gith.
Learn to ride reasonably well before you leave the city.
Newbie gear ain't that bad guys. You don't HAVE to replace it immediately out of the Hall of Kings.
If you're outside in the hot sand with blinding winds... maybe you should oh, cover your head and try not to chatter mindlessly? (no idea if there's code to back this up, but to me it just makes sense)
If one waterskin is good, two would be better, right?
Are you walking or are you running?

Most of that is common sense that evolves into the brains of your PC's as you play. Hope it helps bump the learning curve for someone.

For those who knew him, my husband Jay, known as Becklee from time to time on Arm, died August 17th, 2008, from complications of muscular dystrophy.

Yes, common sense = goood.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I'll be brief. If there's any interest, I'll be less brief.

-ridiculously slower than walk. less restrictive movement lag means a player won't be stuck with nothing to do.
-possibility to perform other non-combat actions such as drawing a weapon, manipulating objects, drinking water, etc, while still moving.
-possibility to nullify the lag and stay put, in an emergency.
-takes away a portion of the pc's current stamina, instead of a set number. To just throw some numbers around, let's say 20% when above half, 10% when below. You get tired quickly, but you will walk all day before you get so tired you have to collapse.
-real travel on foot, through even the toughest terrain under the hottest sun, means slow going with frequent, very short standing breaks. If you so much as sit down, you cramp up. You can go a long way before needing to stop.
-long lag between rooms means more time under the sun, which means more water and food needed.
-quickly dropping to half stamina or less means it's still a big risk if you suddenly need to run away, and very few people are going to power-hike their way across the world without fear.

Quote from: "Faceless"
It is the *extremly* slow endurance regeneration. Its very, very annoying to move a little, then you spend the next 50 minutes moving two room, resting for 5 minutes doing nothing (you'll start doing other things instead) and move another two rooms and start resting again. And you have to do this, also because of the restriction of quitting in saferooms.

Here is some advice:

Quote from: "Faceless"
This is very aggravating, and before you mention a mount, the starting money you recieve is not really enough to buy the neccesarly weapons/armor, and leave a little spare over for a mount.

Really, I see no problem with this. It seems that you have a problem distributing your coin. Unlike some muds, we do not give you coin so that you can spend it all on weapons and armor and expect you to walk against the strong winds to hack up animals for coin. First, you have to think about food, water, and how you are going to replace that sid after you spend it.

Quote from: "Faceless"
I know already a lot of the old players complains about things being toned down a lot already etc, but can we see a change to stamnia recovery or at least introduce something that increases its regeneration rate dramatically while resting?

It is because they know the dos and the don'ts of the game, the ins and outs, you know what I'm talking about. After roaming about the huge desert land for a while, you will start to feel a bit more at home in its surroundings.

Heck! Give us newbies a chance to learn before turning things up.

The learning curb is steep and it will probably take you through a great deal of characters before you get the hang of it. It took us a while (some longer than others). Once you get past the curb, money, supplies, and longer life with be more accessible to you. Also, there will be more things for you to learn after you get the feel of things.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Silly non-desert elf, cities are for you!   :twisted:

Now that I've got that out of my system.  A reality of the world is that the more damage you do to yourself, the longer it takes to heal.  This is as true with your stamina as it is with your health.  If you walk yourself to the point that you cant walks no more, then it'll take longer than if you had taken your time, rested along the way, and never reached a point of no return.  Try it sometime, walk from your local town to a nearby one, don't stop... now, unless you live in a desert and have to carry all your supplies (and water is -heavy-!) you still aren't as exhausted as your character.  Now, rest... and see how long it takes to get back on your feet for the return trip.  If you -really- pushed it, moved till you can't move no more, then likely it might be days before you're rested and hydrated enough to return... at which point most people call a cab, or an EMT.  (Oh, and don't do that in real life, I don't feel like being responsible for -another- senseless injury due to player/character conflict)

Unless your character has some special means (usually involving code, though by no means always) of survival in the wastes, they really do have to take it easy, travel by night and stay rested and well-watered during the heat of the day.  If you use that logic, even the least code-supported character can get out there and survive until a scrab eats them.  Now, if you wanna be Faleish, run out there decked out in heavy armors, bringing one waterskin, and moving till you drop, well... someone has to feed all of those starving mantis.

Lord Templar Hard Nose encourages solo desert travel, and will bestow a Darwin award upon any who wish to explore the wastes.