Half-elves and mounts

Started by Anonymous, July 15, 2005, 07:55:55 PM


They are rumoured to have a special rapport with beasts of all kinds, but whether this is true or not, or if it is due to something innate in their nature or simply because they spend a lot of time with their mounts, is a matter of light debate.

Anyone have an idea why a half-elf warrior wouldn't codedly know how to ride? Last time I checked, warriors could ride, half-elves are supposed to be great with mounts. I'm stumped.

Any member of any class can learn to ride. Half-elves can learn to ride really well. That doesn't necessarily mean that any given half-elf is going to start with a high riding skill.

I don't mean low riding skill, I mean not having it at all.

Probably a bug.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I should also mention...when I wished up the immortal who anwsered said my skillset was correct without it.

Quote from: "Anonymous"I should also mention...when I wished up the immortal who anwsered said my skillset was correct without it.
I didn't think warriors came with ride fresh out of the box I also didn't think half-elves got it to start with either.

I'd suggest to mail mud.  Also, without getting too shifty and talking about what race/class combinations get what skills, I'd just ask if you've played this specific race/class before?

Quote from: "CRW"I didn't think warriors came with ride fresh out of the box I also didn't think half-elves got it to start with either.

Somehow this seems wrong to me. Every other warrior I've ever had, had the skill. Also, half-elves are supposed to be better at ride than most...wouldn't that -atleast- give him the skill?

Maybe this is part of the imm's trying to discourage people playing half-elves for code-advantage reasons :P
Murder your darlings.

I don't think warriors come with it fresh out of the box, either. That being said, any character can develop the ride skill fairly quickly with a little practice.

I don't think half-elves should all get the ride skill if other races don't simply because they have a rapport with animals.

Get a kank, teach yourself to ride.  What's the big deal?

I sure wouldn't write the account over it.  I usually just trust the responses I get from staff by "wishing up."

I don't think some of you understand. My char does not have the skill -at all-. It's not on the skill list. I can't teach my to ride without the skill.

Alright.  It is no big secret that rinth-started chars don't have the ride skill.  Maybe that is the case?

And.. No you can get the ride skill.

It is the speciality of the ride skill that you can learn it by trying.  Actually, at first or second try you will have the skill in your skillset, and then you can start to practise.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Yes, you can. Just get on a kank and keep trying. Anyone can learn how to ride. Role play out working with the beast, and you -will- learn how to ride.
Mal: "Well they tell you: never hit a man with a closed fist. But it is, on occasion, hilarious."
Inara: "Thank you for the wine. It's very... fresh."

Mal: "To Kaylee, and her inter-engine fermentation system."

Quote from: "Ghost"Alright.  It is no big secret that rinth-started chars don't have the ride skill.  Maybe that is the case?

And.. No you can teach the ride skill.

It is the speciality of the ride skill that you can learn it by trying.  Actually, at first or second try you will have the skill in your skillset, and then you can start to practise.

I'm a moron. It makes sense rinthers wouldn't be able to ride. Sorry if I bugged anyone.