The End of your Favorite Character!

Started by Forty Winks, July 09, 2005, 04:32:01 PM

In which manner did the life of your favorite character thus far end?

Death by an NPC, but a worthy end.
15 (15.6%)
Death by an NPC that made you grit your teeth in frustration or regret.
24 (25%)
A (spectacular) death by a PC that made your hands clammy and adrenaline pumping.
17 (17.7%)
A lame PK.
10 (10.4%)
Death due to a bug/glitch/mistake.
9 (9.4%)
Nice and easy retirement.
10 (10.4%)
A stupid end to your character due to a mistake on your part. (like jumping off the Shield Wall)
6 (6.3%)
An end accomplished by learning something. (like you pricked yourself with a poisonous plant unknowingly)
1 (1%)
An end following a different path not mentioned.
4 (4.2%)

Total Members Voted: 95

Voting closed: July 09, 2005, 04:32:01 PM

Six gortok, 1 halfing, and a PC magicker.

If the wonderous powers of magick had not taken hold, I would have killed them all.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


It seems a bloodthirsty carru ran up the side of a mountain to knock my PC off the other side. All the while I was in the loo. I guess that narrow, unstable pinnacle must have been the carru's territory.


Gang banged by a dwarf, some mutants, and an HG or two. He was fine until the dwarf, his former comrade, disarmed him.

It was in this huge player run plot that culminated in a bloody mess.

I was bitter about it because I missed out on his last night by the campfire because things started late, the original immortal wasn't there, and the stand in immortal had to get to bed or something. So he did a plot moving thing.

But i'm pretty over it now. All in all, it could have easily been a better experience, but there ARE a lot worse ways to lose your favorite character. At least he died with friends belting out something about glory and 'sid.  :mrgreen:

I've had some other deaths that were due to the stupidity of the people i was running with, and my failure notice even on an OOC level that I shouldn't have faith in them. Ah well. It's the journey, not the destination.

It really annoyed me. I was in the Tooth in Tuluk, playing a pickpocket, in the gambling den. Most NPCs won't hit you, just yell thief and let a guard take care of it, in which case you can run and hide. But an NPC caught me stealing and fights back, and it took my stun out and I went down with 8 health.

And then, while I'm waiting for stun to come back, I get "your character has died."

I sat there a good 3 minutes like doubleyew. Tee. Eff. And then I went and tarted to a person I met on arm who I talk to OOC and he was like "calm down, it happens. Someone probably knifed you while you were passed out." And I was just like "grr." instead of stealing an uneaten one, like a normal person, I decided I wanted the one already in her mouth."

Best movies EVAR:
1. Boondock Saints
2. Green Street Hooligans
3. Fight Club

Norman Reedus is my hero.

I've had a few favorite characters, and this was how they died:

1. 75 NPC's vs. 75 NPC's in one room on 2400 baud modem (circa '93)

Templar marches 12 HG guards straight from Allanak to the location of the fight and target me specifically with magick and "order all kill <x>"  The scroll on my screen was so bad that I didn't realize I was being attacked until it was too late.  Fun.

2. Noble thought I was spying on him, so he ordered me brought into his house where he proceeded to lock me in a room with 3 NPC guards and attacked me.

3. Lame Sorc Magick vs. my non-magickal character.

No threat or warning.  No prior contact or interaction.  No RP.  Pretty disappointing in every way, shape and form from a being as powerful as the one who executed this plan.

I am really of the opinion that the game would be better off without sorc's being a PC option.  The amount of power they can amass is staggering and I'd really like to see more energy thrown into supporting and maintaining more mundane roles and challenges.

4. Lame Sorc Magick vs. my non-magickal character.  See above.


My favorite character died in a PK that left me in a pretty sour 'WTF?!?' mood. Its the kind of PK that seems to make no sense, and the fact that I obviously never knew a ton of things that led to it making sense was almost as frustrating as the loss of the character by itself.

Never knowing stuff, and never reaching a position capable of knowing stuff (and not having enough hours to play for such a thing) has often frustrated the heck out of me. It was like Zalanthas being one big insider joke, and I had no idea why everyone else was chuckling all the time.  :P

Jeez, while I didn't think I was alone, it's surprising to see the number of people describe the death of their favorite character to rather lame causes like poorly-RPed PKs and such.  Maybe it's motivation for greater enforcement on the Imm side to prevent this sort of thing.
o longer playing and password scrambled so IMs won't reach me.  Sorry.