The End of your Favorite Character!

Started by Forty Winks, July 09, 2005, 04:32:01 PM

In which manner did the life of your favorite character thus far end?

Death by an NPC, but a worthy end.
15 (15.6%)
Death by an NPC that made you grit your teeth in frustration or regret.
24 (25%)
A (spectacular) death by a PC that made your hands clammy and adrenaline pumping.
17 (17.7%)
A lame PK.
10 (10.4%)
Death due to a bug/glitch/mistake.
9 (9.4%)
Nice and easy retirement.
10 (10.4%)
A stupid end to your character due to a mistake on your part. (like jumping off the Shield Wall)
6 (6.3%)
An end accomplished by learning something. (like you pricked yourself with a poisonous plant unknowingly)
1 (1%)
An end following a different path not mentioned.
4 (4.2%)

Total Members Voted: 95

Voting closed: July 09, 2005, 04:32:01 PM

Yeah...right. Anyways I was curious as to know how people have been getting the lives of their characters ended, and due to the general nature of this question, I shortened it down to what the end of your favorite character thus far was.

Hopefully from, we can learn from the experiences of other players and apply them to future or current characters and improve the experience of when your character will inevitably end up "ending their life", or at least help prevent the frustrating experiences from occuring. It would be great if players that are voting could give some tips to your fellow "community", for lack of a better work.

Although I havn't played very many characters, I could say my favorite character so far died to an NPC...and it was a pretty lame death.

My advice is that there are times when your character shouldn't flaunt/bluff your measily skills as if you were the best. Sometimes being humble can keep you alive.  :wink:

Technically my favorite PC's death was caused by an NPC. But it was animated, and it was part of a different PC's plotline, and that PC was present and actively doing the plotline stuff that led to my PC's death.

If I hadn't been so tired and near the time to log out for the night, I would've enjoyed it more. But it was pretty awesome nonetheless and I've already thanked the player for such great entertainment.

My longer-lived PCs usually die by other PCs.  In around half of the times it's a great death, and in the other half it's the crappy, disappointing ones.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I tend to fall asleep at the keyboard, leaving my long-lived pc's to die of thirst in the middle of the city.  Think I've corrected this lately though.
Murder your darlings.

My Favorite, and last death was on my day old character, which died only hours after reaching that point. He died worthy, though, walking into the desert and being surrounded by about, 6 or 7 desert tarantula, taking a few down with him along the way. That, Has to be my favorite death so far.

You hear a woman's voice shout from the east, in an unfamiliar tongue:
    "Kumi! Kuci! HA HA HA!"

Animated gith.  Heartbreaking death, my second favorite character ever.

The rest were either to PCs or to stupid mistakes.

Delirium's tip for longlived characters:  

Don't take stupid risks and never overestimate your chances.  Think as a living breathing person would, and act accordingly.  This doesn't mean you can't take risks at all, and in fact my longest-lived character ever has taken some of the biggest risks I've ever taken in the game, but they were calculated risks - and that's the difference.  Always have a plan, and make sure it's something your character would really do before charging in.

My favorite character died to the hands of some twinking pkers. I was having a bit of trouble finding out how to hold two weapons at one time or one weapon in both hands. In the wilderness, I asked someone about the topic using the "OOC" command and they replyed "Come with me". Next thing I know they kept looking at my character for some odd reason (I found out later that twinks do it to see if you are too tired to excape). After a moving around in circles, the twink attacks me. To make it even worse.... Once I was ready to deal the ending blow, his friend shows up to finish me off.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Great topic. Spear-hailing Gith - somewhere between fitting and not. Cliché, but live each moment as if it might be your last.

Dungeon, via Templars HG bitch.
your mother is an elf.

To really make it a great topic, it would be nice there were more advice.  :roll:   :lol:

I got another one. You can never be too careful. This applies to my second favorite character's death...

Stored by staff request.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

I have a mix of Learning something/Good PK.

/me got ganked. When I probally could've won.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Moofassa"Dungeon, via Templars HG bitch.

Same, but my character took down a soldier before the end. That's why my vote was cast as a spectacular PC death.  :twisted:

Stupid death to a mantis on my part...and a crappy halfling death that I wish I knew why it happened.
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

5 words -

Halaster, the shroud of Death  :wink:
"Change is not inspired without risk.." - Eniriah

Spam-bashing carru. Bashed me about five times before I could get back to my feet. By then all my stun was gone, and, well, I think the rest tells itself.

Damn carrus and their need to eat people.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

Heh.  I had a very behind-the-scenes character that was also pretty well known, and he was from the alleys.

At the time, Zagren and I had been talking about 'smarter' muggers in the labyrinth...and when they had been put in, I died to them.  *snicker*
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

A lame PK in the xitrix by a kuraci outrider, during a crash.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I failed a climb check, and my character was thirsty. But instead of waking and drinking from his skin, his health just drained away.

I was sad.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

My favorite char died in the hands of Kuraci's in the Tavern of Luir's. I really felt sorry for him and gave up playing for about two weeks.
My second fav char died in the desert by tarantulas at some sort of RPT.
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

You think:
"No! Please leave me be whoever you are."

You sense a foreign presence withdraw from your mind.

My favorite PC died to a few Imm animated gith during mass combat.
I guess they realized that I wasn't moving, at all. Not a single part of my body was able to move.

My pc died and I got an email like 3 minutes later that there was a crash, and they wanted to know what was on my body so they could have it.

My other favorite PC was a kadian hunter/spice smuggler and he was arrested for carrying spice that he didn't know it was spice. Then as soon as I got out and left the city, then realized that It was getting dark so I returned into the city and was killed by the npc guards. I got ressurected after about a week, and then a week later I was in prison again and a templar pulled out a sword and started hacking me to death, but I landed a few blows against him while subdued and unarmed.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Well, I've had horrible luck with keeping characters alive (and I've had no such problems on two other RPIs) but my favorite character, a concept I'd wanted to try for years and finally decided to do so, died a very quick death (about 4 hours into play) by a lame PK.  Not one emote, nothing.  Just drew their weapon and attacked.  When I responded with some RP, they just ignored it.  I probably shouldn't have, but I was so disappointed, I told them OOC before dying that this was lame (I was rather pissed) and they finally responded...with a social.   :x  It was a while before I played again.  Nothing like spending dozens of hours designing a character only to lose them without so much as an emote.

Oh well, I've actually created a somewhat-highly-modified version of that character and might submit it in a few years.  *shrug*
o longer playing and password scrambled so IMs won't reach me.  Sorry.

Edited to say.. "They all die and they all are my favorite!" :twisted:
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

My favorite character died, and it taught me an appreciation for just how scary an immortal controlling a mul can be.

The immortal in question has been my favorite for years, ever since that happened.  Funny how that works.
iggin dis

A Tuluki terrorist killed while trying to flee Allanak after a successful bombing.  Everyone else got away except my PC.  You gotta hate that.
-- Person A OOCs: I totally forgot if everyone is okay with the adult-rated emotes and so forth?

-- Person B OOCs: Does this count as sex or torture? I can't tell.

-- Person A OOCs: I'm going to flip coins now to decide.

Six gortok, 1 halfing, and a PC magicker.

If the wonderous powers of magick had not taken hold, I would have killed them all.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


It seems a bloodthirsty carru ran up the side of a mountain to knock my PC off the other side. All the while I was in the loo. I guess that narrow, unstable pinnacle must have been the carru's territory.


Gang banged by a dwarf, some mutants, and an HG or two. He was fine until the dwarf, his former comrade, disarmed him.

It was in this huge player run plot that culminated in a bloody mess.

I was bitter about it because I missed out on his last night by the campfire because things started late, the original immortal wasn't there, and the stand in immortal had to get to bed or something. So he did a plot moving thing.

But i'm pretty over it now. All in all, it could have easily been a better experience, but there ARE a lot worse ways to lose your favorite character. At least he died with friends belting out something about glory and 'sid.  :mrgreen:

I've had some other deaths that were due to the stupidity of the people i was running with, and my failure notice even on an OOC level that I shouldn't have faith in them. Ah well. It's the journey, not the destination.

It really annoyed me. I was in the Tooth in Tuluk, playing a pickpocket, in the gambling den. Most NPCs won't hit you, just yell thief and let a guard take care of it, in which case you can run and hide. But an NPC caught me stealing and fights back, and it took my stun out and I went down with 8 health.

And then, while I'm waiting for stun to come back, I get "your character has died."

I sat there a good 3 minutes like doubleyew. Tee. Eff. And then I went and tarted to a person I met on arm who I talk to OOC and he was like "calm down, it happens. Someone probably knifed you while you were passed out." And I was just like "grr." instead of stealing an uneaten one, like a normal person, I decided I wanted the one already in her mouth."

Best movies EVAR:
1. Boondock Saints
2. Green Street Hooligans
3. Fight Club

Norman Reedus is my hero.

I've had a few favorite characters, and this was how they died:

1. 75 NPC's vs. 75 NPC's in one room on 2400 baud modem (circa '93)

Templar marches 12 HG guards straight from Allanak to the location of the fight and target me specifically with magick and "order all kill <x>"  The scroll on my screen was so bad that I didn't realize I was being attacked until it was too late.  Fun.

2. Noble thought I was spying on him, so he ordered me brought into his house where he proceeded to lock me in a room with 3 NPC guards and attacked me.

3. Lame Sorc Magick vs. my non-magickal character.

No threat or warning.  No prior contact or interaction.  No RP.  Pretty disappointing in every way, shape and form from a being as powerful as the one who executed this plan.

I am really of the opinion that the game would be better off without sorc's being a PC option.  The amount of power they can amass is staggering and I'd really like to see more energy thrown into supporting and maintaining more mundane roles and challenges.

4. Lame Sorc Magick vs. my non-magickal character.  See above.


My favorite character died in a PK that left me in a pretty sour 'WTF?!?' mood. Its the kind of PK that seems to make no sense, and the fact that I obviously never knew a ton of things that led to it making sense was almost as frustrating as the loss of the character by itself.

Never knowing stuff, and never reaching a position capable of knowing stuff (and not having enough hours to play for such a thing) has often frustrated the heck out of me. It was like Zalanthas being one big insider joke, and I had no idea why everyone else was chuckling all the time.  :P

Jeez, while I didn't think I was alone, it's surprising to see the number of people describe the death of their favorite character to rather lame causes like poorly-RPed PKs and such.  Maybe it's motivation for greater enforcement on the Imm side to prevent this sort of thing.
o longer playing and password scrambled so IMs won't reach me.  Sorry.