Oash are a-hiring!

Started by ashyom, June 23, 2005, 12:35:28 PM

Do you have a desire to play an Oashi family noble with all the perks? Perks will include lying, deception, manipulating people and events, politics, drinking, spending money, commanding underlings, scheming, a fondness for the best wines on Zalanthas and most of all, driving roleplay for yourself and others.

Playing in the primetime hours preferred

Interested parties should respond to Nechomacus@armageddon.org & Ashyom@armageddon.org & mud@armageddon.org with the job code Oashi Noble Applicant in the subject line.

You must include:
Account name
GDB name
Concept you have in mind

Deadline: July 9th
I (Ashyom) will be out of town July 2-July 9.  We will let you know your application status as soon as possible, shortly after I arrive home.

Bumping this up.  I'm out of town for a week starting this Saturday.   Get your email in by July 9th!  

Note - If you're currently in a role, but you're interested, let me know.

Have fun, and have a fantastic Fourth of July!