Router trouble?

Started by Anonymous, June 16, 2005, 03:53:00 AM

Got kicked out of the game and couldn't access the webpage for about 10 minutes tonight.. This has been happening the last few days to me, has anyone else been experiencing this?

Yes.. I personally felt it in *insert very very dangerous area here* where *insert one of the biggest creatures here* prey without any kind of protection (no weapons drawn, no other means of protection).
It's not the failure of Ginka. So I don't know what can be done about that. Especially Turkish players play with a constant lag these days, because except Lucky Eska, we play via ADSL, which has its own problems maintaining the growing customer base.
So since nothing can be done about that, I believe temporary solution is making your favored character have a temporary disfunction like a weak illness or a hurting foot, so he'd be forced to stay inside the walls. Maintaining your link is your responsibility.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Well, of course maintaining your link is your responsibility... But if it's happening to a number of people... And It's only my connection to Arm and the Webpage being affected... That's gotta be something machine-side or internet side on that machine.

i.e. if everyone loses link at the same time... it might be something to look into Ginka-side.

*shrug* But I speak with no idea of how the internet works, I'm just a monkey at a keyboard trying to write Hamlet.

Sorry to go all staffish on you, but could we stop the chitchat about the router messing up? It's been happening quite often as you can see from prior posts, there's no reason to go about making news ones, the router is out of Plano Texas, I've called them to let them know, so please, stop posting, it takes up unnessassary space.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

Didn't see any other posts about the topic actually.. But since Cyberpatrol is monitoring the Threads, perhaps you can make a list of appropriate topics and we'll only discuss those.

Quote from: "cyberpatrol_735"Sorry to go all staffish on you, but could we stop the chitchat about the router messing up? It's been happening quite often as you can see from prior posts, there's no reason to go about making news ones, the router is out of Plano Texas, I've called them to let them know, so please, stop posting, it takes up unnessassary space.

Leave post/forum moderation to the staff.