really annoying

Started by adrien, June 13, 2005, 12:01:35 AM

i hate long term afkers

i hate it when there gone afk in an inportaint situation or when it affects your character more then it affects his

i cant control it but if its for a long time..... i get annoyed and wana do something damn its worst when its a templar punishing you
dd my msn if you want,

Is it as annoying as trying to decipher a GDB post with a pointed lack of proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

damn msn I have been on it for to long now.

Okay promper grammer style

I dislike when people go away from key board for long periods of time.
Its annoying when its a vital period for your charaters futur to expand his horizons or to simply, stay in one place.  I find it very hard to prevent my self from going and doing something against my character best intrests to satisfy my bordom.  
I know i cannot control there  actions but wish they tell you it will be for a while sometimes.

dd my msn if you want,

Nope... Because it's 'no no' to curse about an IC event in GDB. Solve it IC, or via a mail to
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

People are GONE when they _have_ to go.

People have RL issues and need to attend to them, most players usually have a reason why they are GONE, which can be noticed by others if an appropriate msg has been set.

Its regardless whether it affects their PC or yours. (If they cared, they would quit out in the first place).

Unlike school/college players, folks with a job, a family and other RL considerations often have to juggle mudding among other tasks, and going AFK is often the result of such multi-tasking.

For my part - I go afk when I have to, and leave an explanatory GONE msg most of the times.

I try and not go afk in public places.

I try and not go afk in the middle of RP with another player.

If I know I am going to be gone more than 30 mins, I try and log out, instead of using the GONE command.

When I see other players who are afk or GONE, I RP around the situation, giving them the same consideration I would want others to give me.

Having said all that - if someone deliberately goes afk or GONE - using an OOC means to avoid IC issues - then like Cenghiz said - you should email the mud account.
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

I got the impression Adrien was referring to a situation I've seen on occasion:

You're in the middle of an "RP moment" or conversation with someone "important" in the game. Like maybe..a templar tells you to HALT.

So - you halt.

And stand there..

and wait

and wait some more.

and during all this time, you -could've- made an escape...or hell, even tried to kill the templar for that matter.

but the roleplay has to stand still because the templar's player was reading pr0n on his web-browser and forgot that he was in the middle of interrogating a potential spy to the city.

Or whatever. It takes less than a second to type 'AFK and hit the enter key.

If someone "important" is holding up a scene, the character who's being held up is put in a very awkward position. If they try to run, the player is accused of being a twink. If they stand there and remain attentive to the game, their supper gets cold an hour later while they're still standing there.

It's a real pain to deal with - fortunately it doesn't happen often. But when it does, I can empathize with Adrien.

If someone went AFK on me during PC-PC interaction, I would role-play around it as best I could, but if it got beyond being reasonable and my character was obliged not to leave ICly, I would just OOC 'sorry, this is holding me up IRL and I can't wait for you any more, let's take it up again this time tomorrow' (or something like that) and then just leave. Just a thought.


and if it's holding you up ICly - I swear this has actually happened to me a few times..

I'll have a character, who's talking to her boss, or a noble, or a templar..

and I'm getting psi'ed by someone else, who is also important or significant to my character's life...but I'm standing up and the person I'm talking to hasn't asked me to sit, and I'm not in a position where I can just plop myself down without being invited...

And the guy I'm talking to decides this is the perfect time to run out for a smoke.

And in the meantime, the guy in my mind is waiting for a response and knows I'm there because he contacted me successfully.

ooc Dood you've held this up long enough, I'll assume the conversation went well and we faded to black the rest of it. I'm outta here.

w;w;w;w;sit bench;contact otherguy

I mean really - there's not much else you can do in those situations but as I said fortunately it doesn't happen all that often.

Can you fade to black conversations?
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

I'm against fading to black anything that doesn't absolutely have to be faded.
What I'd do in the situation Bestatte described is watching the templar be distracted or just quiet for a while or whatever, sit somewhere close-by (or sit as leaning against the nearby wall) and do the psis.
Fading to black damages interaction.  Because most of the squishy/painful bits in torture or seks can be usually treated as generic and anything particularly notable can be dropped over OOC, that's all fine.

But conversations?  Sorry, but nope.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

If a templar stopped me and didn't do anything for 3 to five minutes, I'm outta there.
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

Quote from: "Incognito"People are GONE when they _have_ to go.

People have RL issues and need to attend to them, most players usually have a reason why they are GONE, which can be noticed by others if an appropriate msg has been set.

You can't expect someone not to abruptly head off, when roleplaying. These things are going to happen, because the people behind those characters have life, issues, and other problems to deal with. And there are times where you will end up finding yourself doing the same thing. You want us to make your day, with our house about to catch fire or a family member needing  medical attention?

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

If you as a player, no matter how important you are, have to run off long-term, you should respect the fact that the other person may not want to/be willing to stick around. There doesn't have to be animosity on either side, just a healthy respect for the player behind the keyboard from all concerned parties.
Brevity is the soul of wit." -Shakespeare

"Omit needless words." -Strunk and White.

"Simplify, simplify." Thoreau

No Yokunama, I want them to tell me they have a problem instead of just leaving me hanging while your house is on fire or whatever happens to be the case. I don't want to wait until you can log back on, which may take more than 5 hours.
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

Quote from: "sacac"No Yokunama, I want them to tell me they have a problem instead of just leaving me hanging while your house is on fire or whatever happens to be the case. I don't want to wait until you can log back on, which may take more than 5 hours.

 True.. even I manage.. OOC Oh crap reactor alarm!!!  before I head for the airport...

((ok slightly over done... slightly))  Fecking power grid ruined the party  for me :(
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Real Life > Armageddon.

If anyone has a problem with that equation, I suggest the installation of a .45 calibre pressure vent right above your left ear.

If I'm roleplaying and about eight friends stop by with a case of beer, I'm going to try to finish out the scene.  Try being the operative word.  Sorry, mates, but my real friends beat the crap out of your text, no matter how colorful it is.  It's not that I don't respect the player across the screen from me, it's that I respect my real life friends even more.

First I try to guide the conversation/interaction towards a save point, then complain about having to lay down or some such.  Some people, thankfully, take the hint and lay off.  Others have those last one or two.. no wait three.  Oh, um, here's a fourth... oh and this fifth thing over here.  Oh and while we're talking about that, lets just toss in this seventh and eighth issue here.  Before I know it, I've been on for an extra hour and a half, and the beer is almost gone, and my RL friends are pissed.

And if I trigger a gone and I'm not able to come back because something RL comes up, well, then that's just tough.  Shite happens, and commonly.

Ahhh, the living hell of attempting to be a mudder as well as have a social life.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

I also hate it when this happens, but I'm afraid I'm also guilty of it on occasion.

But, even if your RL friends or family are there suddenly, or if you need to leave but that person is gone afk as well, I doubt it's too much to ask that you return to the keyboard and say:

say (rubbing at his stomach and looking uncomfortable) I'm sorry, M'lord. I'm about to ruin my leggings... I'm gonna run and find a shitter.; w (hurrying off, a hand to his cheeks); w; w; s; save; quit; x

That's a total of thirty seconds of typing, and most everyone will understand you had a problem and you need to log out. I understand that if your kid fell off the house, or your dog mauled a passing old lady, or something equally terrible, you probably wouldn't be ablt to do this, but with Malifaxis' example of the friends and the beer, I don't think it's too much to ask that you take ten seconds and at least give us a hint you aren't coming back from afk in two minutes and we should seek our entertainment elsewhere.

Or, at the very least:

gone afk an hour or three, terribly sorry. = Five seconds of typing.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

i agree with both of you

I would drop the game for a 24 pack but il do it in a nice why like rp a sickness or fatigue
dd my msn if you want,

Quote from: "Cuusardo"Is it as annoying as trying to decipher a GDB post with a pointed lack of proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

Can you stop being a bitch to people for one second? Anal habits stop being humorous when you constantly berate others for not being as perfect as yourself.


Email the staff about this if it occurs frequently with the same character. This is not something that should be used on a regular basis I would think. They can and will look into it.

I think that if you -know- you'll be going AFK, just drop whoever else is there a quick hint icly, or a message oocly. Although, sadly, for those of us with dial up (and possible hi-speed, but I wouldn't know), there's still the issue of the internet just cutting you off because of phone calls, or just cutting you off because it's pissed  :P .Anyways, take that into consideration before you start taking it out on the player who went deadlogged, I'm sure that they would really like to stick around, but sometimes that's just not possible because of technical difficulties.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

QuoteAnal habits stop being humorous

This quote is -almost- worth yielding the hammer and sickle sign as a signature.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

She's got a point though....if you want to be understood please punctuate and capitalize.  Additionally, complaining about AFKers is a little silly.

RL happens. <---period
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"RL happens. <---period

Quote from: "moab"S**t happens. <---period

Sorry, if you did not like me editing.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

QuoteShe's got a point though....if you want to be understood please punctuate and capitalize.

True, constructive criticism -is- always welcome. Unfortunately, her comment could hardly be considered 'constructive.'

I do believe her comment falls under the category: I'm an arrogant ass; and -if- she was -my- wife, I'd spank her.... with a hammer and sickle..... engraved paddle.
musashi: It's also been argued that jesus was a fictional storybook character.

Quote from: "forest junkie"Can you stop being a bitch to people for one second? Anal habits stop being humorous when you constantly berate others for not being as perfect as yourself.

Name calling is immature and uncalled for.  I am not trying to be funny.   I seriously had trouble understanding the post because the spelling and grammar were atrocious.  It is common courtesy to make a post lucid and understandable so that the people you want help from can decipher what it is you're trying to say.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

It is also common courtesy to politely request that someone attempt to improve the legibility of their posts, rather than be confrontational and snide, such as saying "Is it as annoying..." like you did.

I'm with Dirr and FJ.

Some times its good to use more simple english terms, not everyone has great grammer and understanding of certain words. some people dont know what atrocious and lucid means. Also some people try to show off there great language skills i find.
dd my msn if you want,

I hate taking time of players as well, but I do gone AFK because of various reasons time to time. Making habit of long AFKs is.. well something I do not like... Also when someone stops giving responses without typing a "gone" or a simple "OOC," I find myself in difficult situations like if that wait is IC or something OOC.


Everybody can be angry while writing something on GDB or may sound more harsh then s/he actually wants.

QuoteCan you stop being a bitch to people for one second? Anal habits stop being humorous when you constantly berate others for not being as perfect as yourself.

I think this is a bit much for a reply to a simple post. Also please note in given context, this beatiful quote gives a good reply to its composer as well.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Quote from: "Bestatte"It is also common courtesy to politely request that someone attempt to improve the legibility of their posts, rather than be confrontational and snide, such as saying "Is it as annoying..." like you did.

I'm with Dirr and FJ.

I've asked politely time and time again, and people don't seem to respond to politeness.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

All of your grammar sucks, show me your doctorate in English and then I'll listen to some of you crazy people.
"A man's reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is."

Quote from: "Cuusardo"
Quote from: "Bestatte"It is also common courtesy to politely request that someone attempt to improve the legibility of their posts, rather than be confrontational and snide, such as saying "Is it as annoying..." like you did.

I'm with Dirr and FJ.

I've asked politely time and time again, and people don't seem to respond to politeness.

So .. you asked -adrien- specifically to improve his or her postings on the GDB? Or just everyone in general like a year ago or something?

I personally didn't think the initial poster did too bad in their post. Just a couple of typos. They seemed a bit annoyed and in a hurry. *shrug* Nothing to get all bent out of shape about. Honestly.. nobody is absolutely perfect at everything. Perhaps your english and typing skills exceed adrien's? And adrien excels in something that you may lack the skill or knowledge. I'm sure adrien may take a moment before berating you with little snarky remarks. Perhaps next time if you lack the skill to read a post.. pm them and ask for clarification.. tell them, in a polite manner, they might type a bit slower and try to improve their spelling and grammar. It might prove to be more successful. I personally would have felt attacked and nit picked on if that was a response I was to have to something I posted. It doesn't make anybody look pretty. That's not what we're trying to accopmlish.
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

I've asked in general, and I don't doubt that it was totally ignored by the majority of people on the GDB including those it was directed at.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "corona"It doesn't make anybody look pretty. That's not what we're trying to accopmlish.

You mispelled accomplish.  You should be beaten unconscious and then shot.

(And yes, before you *really* filthy bastards comment, I meant to mess up the end of my little comment that you can read below since its already quoted and I don't feel like commenting about my own damn comment twice)

Quote from: "wizturbo"
Quote from: "corona"It doesn't make anybody look pretty. That's not what we're trying to accopmlish.

You mispelled accomplish.  You should be beaten unconscious and then shot.

(And before you filthy bastards say it, yes, I meant to misspell 'mispelled" thats part the fucking joke)

*cackles* :twisted:  *smooches on wizturbo because she misses him sooooo much!*
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Quote from: "corona"

*cackles* :twisted:  *smooches on wizturbo because she misses him sooooo much!*

Keep nice comments like that off this thread, otherwise it'll be off topic :-p

Heh... You should all forgive me then.. I went linkdead many many times these days, all were not with very good timing. In some places I have to use dial-up and it sucks.. In some other places I had to use wireless and sometimes it sucked even more. Our DSL provider decided to wave the ADSL line a few times at home and -darn- even once when I was two rooms to a beetle.
The thing I meant to say, I know Ginka does not suddenly understand that you went linkdead and echoes "The pale, gay-looking man has lost his link." I know from experience, usually Ginka echoes this message when the other user reconnects, when that message is not needed :)
So, Adrien, perhaps that little fancypants -a.k.a templar- has lost his link. Nothing to get pissed about.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I agree with Cenghiz about losing link.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt that they would have given me a heads-up if they had a chance.  

It's pretty rare that this actually comes up as an issue in-game for me.   At least not in some critically important scene.

For the love of Ginka, this thread needs to be locked.   I think the weather is making people derail-happy this week or something.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

This has lived past its prime.  Locking the thread.

i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]