Dan is back... sort of.

Started by Dan, June 12, 2005, 04:10:31 PM

I can regularly check the boards now, but I cannot log in at all until I get a new computer.

About six months ago I joined the Air Force and am now in a much more stable position where I wont be moving around at all for another couple of years (barring a deployment to Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Fillintheblank-istan, etc...). I am just looking to get back into the swing of things and am wondering if anything major has happened in the last half-year... or basically since January.

I've only been able to log in and play for a couple hours about three times since January and I have not found much on the boards, but again, I wasn't able to really read them much of the time either.

So any major events that went on, that most people would know of would be what I am looking for.

Is great to almost be back, I cannot wait to get back into the game again.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Well I got a new character around the time you disappeared. Whether or not she's alive, you'll have to find out IC :)

What else...we got a bunch of neato new code changes, including "draw sword es" so you can automatically draw a weapon in your secondary hand...and you can now:

rest cot (tossing her boots off and stretching out her legs)

which is really awesome, AND you can now quit out of the game while sitting or resting, which is equally awesome.

Sanvean's on temporary haitus while she explores the wonders of creative writing for fun and profit...(good luck to her on that by the way, I hope she writes a best-seller or three!)

Some stuff happened in the north, other stuff happened in the south, a bunch of characters have died, other characters have shown up. We're in the midst of another wave of newbies and I've noticed several of them with my current character in game.  They seem to be doing a pretty good job getting the hang of things.

Oh and this one time in band camp...erm..well..find out IC about that. It was pretty messy.

Welcome back, almost!

Glad to see you back!

Nothing big changed really, just look at weekly updates. I am trying to figure out what Halaster's project is. It seems, he wrote enough code for making a new mud. Or a super weapon which can destroy all players and staff alike..
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

And he's been fixing magicker spells.
So I'm betting people are going to die soon in mass numbers. Or atleast get a funny rash where they aren't supposed to have one, because they never "do" anything.
l armageddon รจ la mia aggiunta.

Quote from: "sacac"And he's been fixing magicker spells.
So I'm betting people are going to die soon in mass numbers. Or atleast get a funny rash where they aren't supposed to have one, because they never "do" anything.

If I had a Sorcerer I would devote my entire career to developing a worldwide herpes spell.

Welcome back!
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Thanks for the welcoming and to those who sent me private messages too, I look forward to playing with everyone soon... real soon. I got a promotion not too long ago giving me a couple hundred extra every couple weeks so I should be able to afford a comp and connection real soon. Sounds like some great things have been happening (barring Sanveans Hiatus, for the better good I suppose though), it will be good to make a come-back.

See you all in game within a month I would guess.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

I can't wait to play with you again.

I mean ROLEplay with you again.  *ahem*
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"I can't wait to play with you again.

I mean ROLEplay with you again.  *ahem*

Well -I- can't wait to play with him.
Veteran Newbie